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A-Zanganeh, Mariam (2009). The assessment and management of violence in forensic populations. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Abu-Akel, Ahmad Mahmoud (2016). The interactive effect of autism tendencies and psychosis proneness on saliency and theory of mind in the typical population. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Acharya, Aditya (2019). Approximate optimal control model for visual search tasks. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Achiampong, Julie (2011). A literature review of research into what family caregivers do in support of their loved one with Dementia, and research examining links between perceptions of continuity and the levels of person-centred care people give to their spouse with Dementia. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Ackland, Holly (2018). An exploration of young offenders' life trajectories through narrative. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Adams, Eike Ulrike (2015). Couples' experiences of breast cancer over time: a meta-ethnography and interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Adamson, Lucy G (2010). Investigating the assessment and treatment of violence in adolscents with developmental disabilities. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Agar, Georgia ORCID: 0000-0001-8707-8713 (2021). Sleep in rare genetic syndromes. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Agostini, Valeria (2021). Socio-cognitive advantages in early second language learners and young bilinguals. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Aherne, Keith (2014). The role of childhood trauma and shame in social anxiety and paranoia within an early intervention in psychosis population. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Ahmed, Emily May (2024). Understanding the experience of ‘brain fog’ in coeliac disease: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Akerman, Geraldine (2015). The development and validation of a psychometric measure of current sexual interest. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Akhtar, Nabeela (2015). Visual perception and curve tracing in form and integrative agnosia. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Al Taher, Reham ORCID: 0000-0002-9176-5142 (2022). Spiritual understandings of psychosis: the perspectives of spiritual care staff. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Al-Yaaribi, Ali (2018). Consequences of prosocail and antisocial teammate behaviours for the recipient. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Alatar, Aly Hassan (2019). Beliefs about chronic back pain and its management among patients and healthcare professionals in Kuwait. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Alexander, Fiona Claire (2017). The overlapping phenomenology of autism spectrum disorder and the enduring effects of early attachment experiences: an exploration of educational psychologists’ perspectives and problem analysis processes. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Alhussainan, Fahdah (2019). Shattered assumptions, attachment, social support and other risk factors for the development of symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) following childbirth: a comparison of women in Saudi Arabia and the UK. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Alidu, Lailah (2018). An exploration of health and illness beliefs of Ghanaian migrants. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Allen, Leila (2020). Young people with post-traumatic stress disorder: the role of social support and their experience of participating in trauma-focused therapy research. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Allen, Patrick (2023). The anxieties of neoliberalism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Allen, Sophie (2021). Are people's metacognitive beliefs associated with the thematic content of their visual hallucinations in first-episode psychosis: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Aller, Máté (2019). Multisensory integration and recalibration in the human brain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Almeida, Joanne Claire (2017). “Oh, you’re part of the human gang too” the experience of Schwartz Center Rounds®: an initiative to promote compassionate healthcare. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Aloi, Davide (2024). Exploring the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on thalamo-cortical connectivity; implications for therapeutic interventions on prolonged disorders of consciousness. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Altoft, Victoria Louise (2010). Negative symptons experienced by people with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder who use cannabis: a pilot study within assertive outreach services. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Alton, Katherine Jayne (2014). Disability, depression and suicide ideation in multiple sclerosis. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Amankwah-Poku, Margaret (2014). Dietary self-care in type 2 diabetes and the role of negative emotions: a Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) perspective. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Anane, Hamama Leila (2011). Phenotypic characterization of stress Leukocytosis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Anderson, Giles Mark (2010). Top-down modulation of visual attention. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Andrews, Lucy Sarah (2011). The attentional cost of feature-based inhibition: When ignoring distraction impairs selection. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Angullia, Sarah Achmed (2019). The association between Instagram, body image, and unhealthy eating behaviours. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Anyika, Janet Kelechi (2015). An exploratory study of a mindfulness-based, targeted intervention with 12 and 13 year-old students. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Apperly, Ian (2000). Children's mental representation of referential relations : representational partitioning and "theory of mind". University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Argyriou, Paraskevi (2016). Gestures and metaphor - evidence for gestures' self-oriented functions and hemispheric involvement for speech production. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Armando, Marco (2013). Psychotic like experiences and 22q11 microdeletion syndrome: two possible models for the investigation of gene-enviroment interaction in psychotic onset. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Armosti, Yianna (2017). Rape myth acceptance: exploring the influences of media and the Greek-Cypriot culture. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Arnold, Jeffrey David Cullen (2016). The impact of media on mental health. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Arnold, Larry (2016). The application of video in the education of autistic adults. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ashinoff, Brandon Kay (2017). The behavioral and neural correlates of cognitive control across the lifespan. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Assaneea, Asma (2021). Lexical access in bilingual spoken word production: effects of lexical interference. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Atkin, Charlotte Jane (2017). Consent to participate in research by adults with intellectual disabilities – a systematic review of the literature and exploring the experiences of independent advocates AND Parents with intellectual disabilities following their involvement in child protection proceedings. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Atkinson, Georgina Victoria (2020). Does HRV biofeedback practice help to regulate emotions and improve mindfulness in mentally unwell offenders? University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Attard, Angelica (2015). Art and adaptation to psychosis: art therapy as a treatment method, drawings as a research method. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Attwood, Angela Suzanne (2007). Conditioned cognitive and mood effects of caffeine in humans. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Atwell, Anthony O'Brien (2017). An exploration of how schools cope psychologically with a critical incident, considering support processes, with particular reference to decision-making regarding outside support, especially support available from a local authority C.I.R.T (Critical Incident Response Team). University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Aunger, Justin Avery ORCID: 0000-0001-6975-4570 (2020). Interventions to reduce sedentary time in older adults with and without mobility limitation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Avilés, Alberto (2024). The episodic nature of consciousness: an investigation using rapid serial visual presentation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Baah-Odoom, Dinah (2010). The link between social representations of HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviour amongst young people in Ghana and the U.K. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Back, Donna Bella (2013). Understanding the suicidal mind: an ecological investigation of the differential activation hypothesis of suicidal relapse in first episode psychosis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bailey, Margaret J. (2005). The clinical assessment and rehabilitation of hemineglect in elderly stroke patients. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bains, Deepraj (2015). Professionals' experiences of working therapeutically with sex offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Baker, Nicola (2014). Community integration and friendships following brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Baker, Rosalind Helen (2017). Callous-unemotional traits and emotion processing in typically developing youths. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Baldwin, Victoria Nola (2012). Factors influencing the uptake of memory compensations following acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Balloo, Selina (2014). Childhood brain injury: the family and impact on identity. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bamboulis, Chloe ORCID: 0000-0002-2569-3494 (2023). Ancient philosophy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bamford, Charlie (2019). Clinical utility of risk markers for aggression and destruction in children with intellectual disability. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bamford, Charlie (2018). Exploring a measure of maternal orientation in first time mothers. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Bandalli, Peter (2015). The role of fathers in the development of eating disorders: a systematic review of the evidence AND A phenomenological exploration of the influence of anorexia nervosa upon the interactional dynamics within the family system. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Banellis, Leah ORCID: 0000-0002-1911-1830 (2022). Neural-heart interactions in the healthy and injured brain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Banks, Gemma (2018). Impressions of an analyst: reassessing Sigmund Freud's literary style through a comparative study of the principles and fiction of Ford Madox Ford, Henry James, Virginia Woolf & Dorothy Richardson. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Banks-Devonish, Olufunmike (2018). Personality and alcohol use: the roles of impulsivity, negative consequences, age and gender. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Barber, Emma Victoria (2023). A socio-cultural activity theory exploration into educational psychologists’ perceptions and experiences of anti-racist practice. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Barber-Lomax, Lisa (2011). Attitudes and change in suicidality and self harm. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Barford, Sophia (2021). Staff perception of personal responsibility in forensic mental health services: a thematic analysis. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Barker-Ellis, Clare Helen (2017). The effect of acquired brain injury on theory of mind and decision making. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Barnes, Heather (2011). The effect of domestic violence on the mother-child relationship. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Barnett, Alastair Edward (2017). The role of theory of mind in the emotional, behavioural and communicative functioning of adopted adolescents. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Barrett, Emma Caroline (2009). The interpretation and exploitation of information in criminal investigations. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Barrett, Peggy Frances (2019). Developing early years teachers' Dialogic Reading (DR) skills through the use of video enhanced self-reflection. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Barrie, Claire Louise (2017). Exploration of the conceptualisation of mental wellbeing in the Somali community of Birmingham. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bartelle, Michael Joel (2022). Enacting the untranslatable: the sociolinguistic situatedness of Shakespearean emotions. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bartels, Ross Matthew (2014). Understanding the cognitive processes associated with sexual fantasies: towards a dual process model. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bartholomew, Kimberley Jane (2011). The role of interpersonal control and need thwarting in the prediction of ill-being in sport: a self-determination theory approach. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bartholomew, Susan Nicolet (2014). What is the relationship between challenging behaviour, staff burnout and job performance? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Barton, Amanda (2011). Women who sexually offend against children; the role of care and compassion in their experiences and their treatment. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Basi, Manjinder Singh (2022). Emotional wellbeing: lived experiences of children and young people 'on road'. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Bassil, Lucy (2021). Attachment, trauma and recovery – an exploration of how trauma is assessed and treated. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bastan, Elif ORCID: 0000-0002-7870-7933 (2024). Social and non-social reasoning in relation to autism and autistic traits. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Beasley, Samantha (2019). The relationship between moral distress and burnout in healthcare professionals: a meta-analysis AND Physical restraint and the therapeutic relationship: a nurse perspective. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Beaumont, Sarah Louise (2014). The psychological experience and treatment of eating disorders. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Beck, Sarah R. (2002). Children’s handling of ambiguous input. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Beckmann, April (2014). Female offending and the question of gender specificity. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Beevor, Henry J. (2022). An examination of the relationships between mastery imagery ability, appraisal states, stress and coping. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Begum, Fareha (2023). Adult mental healthcare staff experiences of psychology-led supervision groups for managing risk within assertive outreach and inpatient rehabilitation teams. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bennett, Carmel (2018). The impact of mindfulness-based approaches on eating behaviour in children and adults. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bennett, Carmel (2015). The relationships between impulsivity, weight, eating behaviour and parental feeding practices in children. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Berger, Sarah Jayne (2015). A qualitative study to explore the experience of psychiatric staff who care for frequent users of inpatient services. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Berger, Sarah Jayne (2018). Evaluation of implicit self-referential thoughts of people with depression and their association with cognitive fusion, self-esteem and psychological distress. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Berry, Rosalind (2020). Seclusion in mental health hospitals: exploring patient characteristics and reasons for seclusion. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Bettles, Sophie (2014). The role of inhibitory control in defining typologies of internet sex offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Bhardwaj, Amber May (2022). "Work hard and never give up": A narrative exploration of the school experiences of pupils who have migrated to England. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Bhatnagar, Nikita (2021). Psychological research in children and adolescents in understudied populations: cross-syndrome comparison and cross-cultural research. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bibbey, Adam (2015). Constitutional and behavioural correlates of individual differences in biological stress reactivity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bickerton, Wai-Ling (2017). The development of neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation with dementia. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Biddell, Sarah Louise (2017). Women's experiences of depression, and their experiences of relationships during recovery. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Billington, Christopher (2011). Psychosocial influences on the use and regulation of mobile phones in high schools. Perspectives from pupils, teachers and parents, an exploratory case study approach. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Birchwood, James Francis (2013). Volume 1: An investigation of the relationship between disruptive behaviour and depressive symptoms in young people who attend pupil referral units Volume 2: Professional Practice Reports. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Bissell, Stacey Louise (2019). Problem behaviours in tuberous sclerosis complex. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bissell, Stacey Louise (2015). Profiling the behavioural phenotype of genetic syndromes. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Black, Fanny (2017). The continuum of sexual aggression: discriminating between sexual murderers and rapists. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Blacker, Janine (2009). The assessment of risk in intellectually disabled sexual offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Blanchard, Hannah (2013). Experience of family members living with a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: important psychological factors for intervention. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Blatchford, Lisa (2022). Exploring the occurrence of common mental health difficulties across the autistic spectrum. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bloomfield, Sinead Eimar (2019). Aetiology and treatment of intimate partner violence perpetrators in England and Wales. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Blore, David Charles (2012). An interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) investigation of positive psychological change (PPC), including post traumatic growth (PTG). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Blundell, James Michael (2015). Cognitive assessment of paediatric neurodegenerative disease. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Boden, Thomas (2019). A realistic inquiry of welfare-orientated diversionary practice within a Youth Offending Team in supporting the wellbeing of young people within the community. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Bodley Scott, Sarah Elizabeth (2014). Consequences of traumatic brain injury for the family: family functioning and partners' experiences of personality changes. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Boehme, Christoph (2011). The Selective Attention for Action Model (SAAM). An exploration of affordances in a computational and experimental study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bongiorno Dr, Federico ORCID: 0000-0002-1961-5852 (2021). Strange beliefs: essays on delusion formation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bonivento, Carolina (2012). Action execution and recognition: a neuropsychological analysis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Booth, Catharine Charlotte (2019). An exploration of the experiences of critical incident negotiators. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Bovell-Pitt, Germaine (2017). The association between stress, psychological well-being and bullying in a Britain and Trinidad adolescent population. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bowers, Louise (2016). Offence supportive cognition in young sexual offenders: role, relevance & psychometric measurement. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Bracey, Samantha (2019). The conceptualisation and assessment of child and adolescent well- and ill-being. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bradley, Paul (2009). The family experience of frontotemporal dementia: a qualitative study. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bradley, Ryan James (2017). “Why single me out”? Peer mentoring, autism and inclusion in mainstream schools. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Brampton, Laura Louise (2011). Working with sexual offenders: the training and support needs SOTP facilities. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Brandaro, Nicola (2015). How do people with autistic spectrum disorder experience their relationships with others? AND Can adults with asperger's syndrome learn about positive attachment behavious between parents and young babies through the use of a DVD? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Braun, Verena (2018). Modulating episodic memory formation using non-invasive brain stimulation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Breadmore, Helen Louise (2008). Inflectional morphology in the literacy of deaf children. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Brennan, Andrew (2002). Coping and adjustment following acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Brewer, Rebecca (2013). Fitness to Plead: the impact of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Brierley, Lucy (2022). The use of drama based therapy with forensic populations. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Briscoe, Henry ORCID: 0000-0002-0252-7071 (2021). Social cognition and anxiety. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Brittle, Nicola Gwen (2012). Functional, cognitive and emotional outcomes after transient Ischaemic attack: a systematic review and controlled cohort study. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Bromfield, Pauline V (2010). ‘Healthy schools’ and Childhood Obesity: provision and perspectives within an extended services cluster on psychsocial outcomes for children and young people who are overweight or obese. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Brooks, Robert (2015). An appreciative inquiry into the development of teacher well-being through organisational change: theory development and impications for practice. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Brown, Kelly M. (2021). Female child sexual offenders: exploring their motivations and attitudes, as well as perceptions held by professionals and students towards this population. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Brown, Luke Jonathan (2016). A psychological understanding of the elevated incident rates of psychosis, within specific ethnic minority populations. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Brown, Steven (2010). The rejection of known and previously accepted foods in early childhood. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bryce, Renata Mello (2017). The comparison of binge drinking in young females from two populations: the role of mental health and resilience. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Brzozowski, Artur (2018). Psychological and physiologiacal correlates of emotion regulation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bull, Leah Elizabeth (2015). Self-injurious behaviour in people with Prader-Willi syndrome. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bull, Leah Elizabeth (2014). Understanding and changing behaviour in Prader-Willi syndrome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Burch, Eleanor Lindsey (2019). Staff’s experiences of individuals with autism in care and criminal justice settings. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Burchill, Nicola Jane (2018). Acceptance and positive identity reconstruction following acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Burke, Ian (2018). Circles of support and accountability: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the nature of the relationship between volunteers and the core member. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Burns, John (2009). Self awareness and executive functioning following traumatic brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Butterworth, Sarah ORCID: 0000-0001-8473-0809 (2020). Exploring the relationships between experiences of traumatic birth, couple relationships, and the transition to parenthood. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bäckmark Goodwill, Helena Anna (2009). Subjective well-being in older adults. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Bürgers, Steffen ORCID: 0000-0002-0728-358X (2019). Multisensory perceptual decision-making resolved in time. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Caddy, Caroline (2020). Understanding the process of diagnosis in perinatal mental health: detection of difficulties and service user experience. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Caines, Victoria (2019). The development of a psychological prehabilitation intervention for sarcoma patients: a feasibility study. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Calder-Hanley, Lauren (2019). The emotional impact of working on a specialist mental health inpatient ward for individuals who are deaf: the experience of a British Sign Language interpreter. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Calzolari, Sara ORCID: 0000-0003-3693-9071 (2024). Shifting across internally and externally oriented cognition: behavioural and neural explorations using task-switching and resting-state paradigms. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cameron, Alexander (2011). Personality’s interaction with the pain experience. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Campbell, Bethany (2022). The impact, role and psychometric measurement of self blame in the context of sexual trauma. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Campbell, Lisa (2017). Do scores on the HCR-20 and FAM predict frequency of self-harm in females within a secure psychiatric hospital? University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Cane, Fiona Eloïse (2015). Late(r) diagnosis of ASC: using parent narratives to understand the contextual factors associated with later diagnosis and its impact on children and families. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Capper, Zoe Louise (2020). A cultural historical activity theory analysis of educational psychologists’ contributions to the statutory assessment of children and young peoples’ special educational needs post-2014 Children and Families Act. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Caramlau, Isabela Oana (2012). Diabetes and depression. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Carey, Kate (2019). Interpersonal relationships and adolescents with autism spectrum conditions. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Carey, Melissa Louise (2017). Mindful or mind full? the effectiveness of a small scale mindfulness-based intervention in a mainstream primary school with year four children. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Carslaw, Gregory (2013). Agent based modelling in social psychology. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Carter, Lois Linda (2018). Exploring the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and its underlying processes. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Carter, Shevaun Kirsten (2017). Perpetrators of child sexual abuse. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Cassidy, Kevin Dayl (2012). The other-race effect in face perception and recognition: contributions of social categorisation and processing strategy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cassini, Lindsey de Freitas ORCID: 0000-0002-2102-7005 (2019). On the transition from reconsolidation to extinction of contextual fear memories. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Castell, Emma Louise (2014). Experiences and attitudes of health professionals who deliver services for adults with learning disabilities. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Cavina, Darius (2024). Prolonging release in high-risk, complex, violent, male offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Cerri, Erika (2010). Obesity and endothelial dysfunction: mechanisms, method development and interventions. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chan, Yin Ming (2019). Investigating the validity of the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS) as a neuropsychological assessment tool for executive functions in the traumatic brain inhury (TBI) in the UK. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Chaplin, Dawn Alison (2009). A study of bereavement in the Abrahamic faiths. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chapman, Harriet (2016). Facial affect processing in violent offenders: a comparison of intimate partner violent and generally violent men. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Chattaway, Anna (2022). A qualitative study exploring British Pakistani women’s experiences of receiving support following a perinatal loss within the United Kingdom. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Chauhan, Jaymini (2014). How can attachment theory help us to understand the relationships of adults diagnosed with a psychotic illness? A theoretical review AND What can mothers who have experienced psychosis, tell us about their experience of parenting? An interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Chechlacz, Magdalena (2012). The neuroanatomy of visuopatial awareness - lessons from lesion symptom mapping and diffusion tractography in neglect, extinction and simultanagnosia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chen, Haiyang (2022). Understanding Human Choices as Computationally Rational Processes. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chen, Haobo ORCID: 0000-0002-5378-2697 (2020). Fine motor control in using pen for writing and copying: in the impaired and healthy brain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chen, Hui-Ya (2006). Design of novel timing paradigms for investigation and rehabilitation of predictive and reactive postural response for hemiparetic stroke. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chen, Qiaoyu (2024). The role of high frequency oscillations in memory and motor performance. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chen, Vera J. (2013). Behavioural and neural correlates of the Iowa gambling task. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chen, Xiuli (2015). An optimal control approach to testing theories of human information processing constraints. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cheng, Chaoran (2023). Investigation of the boundary conditions and the function of the ventral hippocampus for well-learned instrumental memory reconsolidation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chidgey, Angharad (2023). The relationship between sleep and mind-mindedness in new mothers. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Chisholm, Katharine Elizabeth (2014). Mental health in adolescents; stigma, literacy, and intergroup contact. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chohan, Gagandeep Kaur (2016). Developing a psychological understanding of complex loss. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Choudhury, Dipak (2018). Eco-systemic factors that strengthen the educational inclusion of young carers with additional needs. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Chow, Alexander (2012). Heaven and humanity in unity: theosis, sino-christian theology and the second Chinese enlightenment. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Christopher, Rose (2016). Which wolf to feed? Exploring clinicians’ experiences of hope and recovery whilst working with individuals with first episode psychosis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Christou, Antonios I. (2016). Neurophysiological, behavioural and genetic markers of behavioural problems in early childhood. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chua, Winnie Wei Ling (2015). Interactions between force and timing control of repeated actions. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chung, Justin Cheuk Yin ORCID: 0000-0002-3779-2115 (2023). Understanding the aetiology of emotional outbursts in children and young people. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Clanton, Roberta Lee (2018). Investigating sex differences in structural and functional neuroimaging correlates of empathy in conduct disorder. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Clarke, Samantha Elizabeth (2015). Quality of life of people with rare genetic disorders. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Clarkson, Emma Louise (2014). Psychology, behaviour, and the family environment in children with diagnoses of precocious pubertal development. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Clarkson, Emma Louise (2016). The relationship between sleep and daytime behaviour in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Clinch, Amy (2011). A community psychology approach to preventing violent extremism. Gaining the views of young people to inform primary prevention in secondary schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Clouter, Andrew Jason (2019). The Role of Theta Oscillations in Human Associative Memory. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cochran, Lisa Janette (2018). Profile of autism spectrum disorder phenomenology in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cochrane, Hannah (2016). Exploring perceptions and experiences of the education, health and care process. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Colda, Livia Ioana (2015). Making inferences between counterfactual and real worlds: developmental evidence. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Coles, Rebecca-Louise (2011). Risk assessment, personality disorder, and key developmental variables. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Colin, Jessica (2011). Psychological aspects of psychiatric hospitalisation. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Collins, Nikki (2019). The utility of polygraph with mentally disordered sex offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Cook, Adam (2011). Cannabis use amongst individuals with severe mental health problems: reasons for use and motivational based interventions. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Cook, Fay (2009). An investigation of sociability: delineating a behavioural and social phenotype for Monosomy 1p36 Deletion Syndrome. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Cooke, Andrew Michael (2010). Effects of competition on performance, and the underlying psychophysiological mechanisms. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cooke, Ellena (2016). Working with offenders with personality disorder: it’s more than just the offender. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Coopey, Emily (2020). Exploring the lived experience of an eating disorder: a qualitative analysis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Correani, Alessia (2011). Normal and abnormal attentional dwell time: constrains of temporal coding in visual attention in neurological patients and normal individuals. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cosma, Pandelitsa (2020). Exploring the 'possible selves' of girls attending a pupil referral unit as an insight into their hopes and fears for the future. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Costanza, Rino Michelangelo (2000). Dopamine receptor subtype involvement in the behavioural effects of cocaine. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cotler, Joseph Howard (2018). The impact of context on social identification: examining the effects of leadership and social roles. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Coulborn, Sean Ian ORCID: 0000-0001-8636-0864 (2022). Multimodal investigations of self-referential cognition and underlying brain networks. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Covernton, Emma Elizabeth (2023). The impact of prematurity on social understanding. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Cowtan, Charles R. G. (2019). Adolescents’ attitudes towards parenting practices and understanding of attachment. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Cox, Caroline Teresa (2015). Psychological adjustment to mild cognitive impairment and dementia. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Craddock, Natalie F. L. (2015). Understanding transition from paediatric to adult services in young people with gastrointestinal disorders. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Craddock, Rebecca Marie (2014). Assessing older adults' current and expected 'social care related quality of life' in order to investigate the impact of care services. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Craissati, Jackie (2003). Risk, reconviction and their relationship to key developmental variables in a complete urban sample of child molesters and rapists. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Crawford, Hayley Rhiannon (2015). Social behaviour and social cognition in Fragile X, Cornella de Lange and Rubinstein-Taybi syndromes. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cressey, Helen Margaret (2017). The phenomenology of temper outbursts in intellectual disabilities. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Cronin, Colum James (2016). 'Being’ a youth performance coach: a hermeneutical phenomenological investigation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Crook, Bradley James (2015). Supporting families to stay together. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Crossey, Benjamin Philip (2018). Getting our act together: an exploration of the mechanisms responsible for the affiliative changes evoked by interpersonal movement. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Crowe, Rachel (2014). Living with a child with autism spectrum disorder: sibling and parental. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Crowley, Joanne Elizabeth (2013). Using a whole school restorative approach: a realistic evaluation of practice in a city-based primary school. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Crowson, Daniel (2020). Exploring male service users’ experiences of trauma and violence: a qualitative interpretive phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Cull, Stephanie Yolanda McLellan (2018). Implications of suicide writings. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Cullen, Poppy Lucy (2011). An investigation into the personality characteristics of adolescent sex offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Cumber, Daniel (2022). "If you see something that's not right, we need to challenge it… if we don't, well, who will?” A qualitative exploration of social justice and educational psychology practice in England. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

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Dagioglou, Maria (2014). The role of cerebellum in action acquisition and motor learning. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dallaway, Neil (2020). Mental fatigue and exercise performance. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Darbyshire, Laura Valerie (2010). Parents with learning disabilities: a psychological perspective. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Darker, Catherine Deirdre Dorothy (2008). Applying the theory of planned behaviour to walking : development and evaluation of measures and an intervention. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Darnell, Catherine Arianne (2016). Children's understanding of uncertainty. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

David, Beverley Mari (2014). Insomnia: predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Davidson, Craig (2017). The Saturday Night Ghost Club; The brain is a subtle organ: the depiction of traumatic memory in selected Canadian fiction. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Davidson, Sarah Katherine (2009). An action research enquiry in one Unitary local authority about how to support young carers in schools using recommended guidelines for good practice. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Davies, Jay Louise (2019). Art and cognition: does style of art making influence mood and how we perceive visual stimuli? University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Davies, Kari (2018). The practice of crime linkage. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Davies, Lisa Michelle (2009). Parenting programmes and self-efficacy: An investigation into the effectiveness of a programme in terms of change for parents and their children. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Davies, Louise (2010). Challenging behaviour in children with severe intellectual disabilities: identification and characteristics of those at high risk. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Davies, Louise (2012). The association between pain, low mood and challenging behaviour in intellectual disability. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Davies, Oonagh M (2011). Evidence-based practice in nurture groups: using a realistic evaluation framework to explore factors affecting practice and suggest future training directions. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Davies, Thomas Sebastian (2011). Acute arterial responses to physiological and psychological stress. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dawes, Sarah L. (2014). Schema theory and practice: exploration and review of its use within female forensic mental health services. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Dawson, Kayleigh ORCID: 0000-0002-9372-8054 (2023). "Lad culture" in the group chat: Does involvement in a lad group chat influence attitudes towards sexual assault and women? University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Dawson, Paul (2015). Insights and analysis into weapon-enabled sexual offending. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Day, Alice Catherine (2020). The role of interhemispheric inhibition mechanisms during partial response inhibition of prepared motor actions. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

De Claire, Karen (2012). Exploring the protective role of significant interpersonal relationships in reducing recidivism. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

De Gray Towell, Adele (2022). An exploration into how partners of those with a brain injury experience lack of emotional warmth, and its impact on the partner relationship. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

De Souza, Jennifer Charlotte (2015). The psychiatric phenotype in Huntington's disease. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Deering, Kara (2022). Suggestibility in adult witnesses: Exploring the impact of different factors that can impact eyewitness memory accuracy. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Degano, Giulio ORCID: 0000-0003-1540-780X (2021). Integrating naturalistic signals from audition and touch. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Delong, Patrycja Sylwia ORCID: 0000-0002-0325-3076 (2020). Role of awareness and metacognition in audio-visual ventriloquism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Demeyere, Nele (2010). Visual Enumeration and Estimation: Brain mechanisms, Attentional demands and Number representations. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dennick, Laura (2015). Borderline Personality Disorder: reviewing the experiences of providing therapy for BPD; and writing online blogs about living with BPD. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Dennis, Nicola Louise (2011). Health, pain and the social environment. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Denton, Charlotte Anne (2019). Making sense of the experience of visual hallucinations in psychosis: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Desautels, Marc (2008). Sibling relationships. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Dewar, Andrew James (2012). Achievement goals and emotions in competitive sport. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dewe, Hayley Louise (2018). The unreal self: A psychophysiological and psychological examination of dissociative body experiences in non-clinical samples. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dias Cajada, Lúcia Filipa (2020). Protective and enabling factors that facilitate undercover police work. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Dilkes, Jane ORCID: 0000-0003-3307-3161 (2022). The social and psychological work of metaphor: a corpus linguistic investigation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dione, Mariama (2014). Executive abilities for the planning of sequential motor actions performed under time and space constraints: a visuo-spatial tapping task. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dixon, James Eoin Luke (2013). The centrality of psychotic experiences and emotional dysfunction following psychosis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Dodgson, Daniel Barry (2019). Motivation and visual attention in adolescents and adults. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Doggett, Caroline Joy (2012). A narrative study of the resilience and coping of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people (UASC) arriving in a rural local authority (LA). University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Doherty, Donna (2022). Relational leadership styles, mental health staff and workplace outcomes: a systematic literature review; and, Servant leadership and psychological well-being among mental health staff: the mediating role of work environment. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Dolley, Olga (2019). Compassion fatigue and staff well-being in a secure psychiatric setting: causes and effects of this relationship. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Donathy, Marguerite Louise (2018). Managing sexual offenders in the community. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Donohoe, Jessica Elizabeth (2014). Eating pathology: links to childhood feeding and interaction with mealtime environment. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Doran, Jennifer Anne (2013). Sexually transmitted diseases: psychosocial impact, and the influence of stigma, shame and perceived risk upon sexual behaviour. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Dove, Emma Elizabeth (2023). Exploring the inclusion of children with special educational needs (SEND) to mainstream preschool settings: a good practice case study. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Duecker, Katharina ORCID: 0000-0001-7887-3395 (2024). Harmony in early visual cortex: uncovering the complementary roles of gamma & alpha oscillations in local & global processing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Duncan, Nikita Louise (2015). An investigation into the impact childhood abuse may have in the presentation of negative symptoms in patients with first-episode psychosis. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Duncan, Nikita Louise (2022). Black women's experiences of pregnancy and birth. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Dunleavy, Connor (2021). Inflammation in schizophrenia: the contribution of inflammatory markers to the emergence of negative symptoms, a systematic review and meta-analysis. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Dunn, Emily Louise (2019). Supporting carers who care for children and young people who are looked after. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Duran, Fazeelat (2019). Analysis of police officers' and firefighters' psychological contracts, and its influence on their occupational stressors and well-being. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dîrnu, Amalia Emanuela (2019). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the school experiences of young people who are not in education, employment or training in relation to mental health and wellbeing. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Dövencioğlu, Dicle Nahide (2013). Estimation of 3D shape from shading and binocular disparity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

de Andrade Conde, Helena Maria (2019). Figurative language processing in schizophrenia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Eaton, Jessica (2019). ‘Logically, I know I’m not to blame but I still feel to blame’: exploring and measuring victim blaming and self-blame of women who have been subjected to sexual violence. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Eddy, Clare Margaret (2009). Social Cognition in Disorders of the Basal Ganglia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Eden, Kate Elizabeth (2013). The association between pain and challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disability. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Edmondson, Suzanne Marie (2017). An interpretive phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of young people with a moderate hearing loss attending mainstream secondary school. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Edwards, Adele Louise (2017). An activity theory analysis of the transition process into further education for young people with social emotional and mental health needs. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Edwards, Claire Frances (2017). Exploring sensory modulation across rare genetic syndromes and exploring the behavioural phenotype of Pallister-Killian Syndrome. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Ee, Jonathan Yao Hong ORCID: 0000-0002-8965-8639 (2021). Exploring the experiences of mental health professionals towards people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems in Singapore. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Eggen, Josja Katelijne (2008). A literature review of the impact of a monitoring coping style on psychological adjustment in people with real or potentially life threatening illness AND An investigation of psychological adjustment and coping style in patients undergoing bone marrow/stem cell transplantation. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

El Marj, Nicole (2018). The important role of sleep in relation to alcohol use and memory consolidation. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Elder, Keith Sinclair (2012). Exploring the implications for the voluntary sector in rural communities of a changing commissioning environment in mental health. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Elliott, Amy Margaret (2013). Attachment and caregiving. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Elliott, Ian Alexander (2012). Psychological characteristics of users of child pornography on the internet. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Elliott, Natasha Anne (2016). Effective interventions for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and other special educational needs. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ellis, Andrea (2017). Relationships: parental mind-mindedness and infant outcomes, and how parents experience building a relationship with their baby on neonatal intensive care. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Ellis, Katherine Rebecca (2018). Social cognition in genetic syndromes. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ellis-Gray, Stephanie Linda (2013). Observational coding systems applied to study interactions between couples where one spouse has a chronic condition. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Elsherif, Mahmoud Medhat ORCID: 0000-0002-0540-3998 (2020). The comparative mechanisms of silent reading and reading aloud in people with dyslexia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Emmerson, Philip (2019). Approaching laughter with care: ethical refrains for worlds of multiplicity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Endo, Satoshi (2011). Sensory-motor control and adaptation in cooperative action. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Esquivel Santoveña, Esteban Eugenio (2013). Investigating the rates, aetiology and consequences of physical and psychological intimate partner violence in international university students. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Etchells, Charlotte Emma (2014). Psychological interventions in forensic services. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Evans, David Lewis (2016). Understanding and addressing stress and wellbeing in school teachers. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Evans, Isobel Elizabeth Mary (2023). Experiences of posttraumatic growth in women following birth trauma. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Evans, Jyoti Kainth (2009). The development and pyschmetric properties of a decision making task for use in people with acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Evans, Kirsty Marie (2016). Primary school teachers' experiences of well-being. How can well-being be supported by schools and educational psychologists? University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Evans, Laura (2014). Experience of caregiving for people with dementia. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Exton-McGuinness, Marc Thomas James (2014). Neural mechanisms of memory reconsolidation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Faherty, Thomas B. S. ORCID: 0000-0003-4064-9034 (2022). The impact of air pollution on cognitive function. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Farmbrough, Joanna (2014). Factors that contribute to the emotional wellbeing, educational success and social connectedness of those arriving in one local authority as unaccompanied asylum seeking children. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Farr, Jack ORCID: 0000-0001-7807-3371 (2020). Suicide prevention: exploring the processes of youth help-seeking and evaluating peer support interventions. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Farrington, Paul (2015). Circles of support and accountability: the role of social support in preventing sexual offender recidivism. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Farrow, Elizabeth ORCID: 0000-0003-0509-1637 (2022). Genetic, epigenetic and neuroimaging markers associated with conduct disorder and callous-unemotional traits in females. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Fatania, Rakhee (2010). Treatment, assessment and typologies of intimate partner violence. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Fawad, Fajar (2020). Staff’s experience of factors supporting sex offenders with a learning disability in community settings. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Fearn, Gina (2014). Youth crime: an investigation into the effectiveness of general re-offending risk assessment tools. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Fenton, Kelly (2011). The experiential impact of hospitalisation in early psychosis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Fenwick, Angela Mary (2015). Which arts therapy for which client and why? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Fernandes, Ramira Carmen (2019). The experience of living with someone with dementia who finds it difficult to make a positive contribution to social situations. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Ferrari, Ambra ORCID: 0000-0003-1946-3884 (2020). The interplay between attention and multisensory integration. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Field, Megan ORCID: 0000-0002-6490-1225 (2020). The facilitation of trust in automation: a qualitative study of behaviour and attitudes towards emerging technology in military culture. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Field, Oliver Hugh (2016). Risk factors for arson recidivism in adult offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Fisher Dr, Emily ORCID: 0000-0002-7015-7738 (2021). Investigating the neuroprotective effect of exercise; the role of redox homeostasis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Fisher, Gemma (2010). Spousal relationships in dementia care. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Fisher, Lucy Emma (2016). Effectiveness of integrated group treatment for co-existing substance misuse and serious mental health problems in offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Fishwick, Vanessa Ruth (2009). A literature review into Parents' experiences of raising a child with a disability, and research exploring mothers' experiences of receiving a diagnosis of Monosomy 1P36 deletion syndrome for their child. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Fitzer, Marie Elizabeth (2010). An evaluation of an attachment based Early Year's Training Package: a multiple case study. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Fitzmaurice, Elizabeth (2015). The role of empathy in family violence. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Flak, Vanja Elisabeth (2011). Assessment of sexual interest in child sex offenders by the use of a computerized measure. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Flornes, Kari (2007). An action research approach to initial teacher education in Norway. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Fogel, Anna Magdalena (2015). Internal and external predictors of fruit and vegetable consumption in children. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Fong, Chun Yuen (2019). Association between cortical hyperexcitability and visual disturbances – evidence from behaviour and electroencephalogram. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ford, Samantha Annabelle ORCID: 0000-0002-6605-6045 (2024). Investigating the creative use and effectiveness of figurative communication in advertising: a collaboration with marketing practitioners. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ford, Sarah Theresa (2009). Forever gluten-free: exploring the psychosocial impact of living with coeliac disease. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Forde, Robert Anthony (2014). Risk assessment in parole decisions: a study of life sentence prisoners in England and Wales. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Formby, Caroline (2003). Executive and attentional function in adults with Tourette syndrome with and without co-morbid obsessive compulsive disorder. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Foster, Angela (2012). The experience of carers of people with Down Syndrome who develop dementia. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Frazer, Soraya Michele (2009). Older women’s experiences of living alone with Dementia. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Freeman, Adele (2011). Hard-to reach parents’ understanding of support services for their children and of how they made contact with a voluntary sector organisation: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Freeman, Helen (2023). Separation in the Hebrew bible and early Jewish literature: a post-Jungian perspective. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Gaffney, Rowan Annie (2020). “I have no clue how I survived school let alone done well”: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of young people in care who have achieved educational success. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Gajewska, Urszula (2023). Using narrative therapy to improve self-continuity and relationship continuity in couples after a brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gajwani, Ruchika (2013). Relationship between social anxiety and social phobia with paranoia in clinical and non-clinical samples AND The understanding of suicide in young men with first episode psychosis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Galilee, Alena (2015). The development of social processing in young children: insights from somatosensory activations during observation and experience of touch in typically developing children and speech processing in children with autism spectrum disorders. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Gallagher, Caroline Beatrice (2010). An investigation into how educational psychologists’ conceptualise domestic violence. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Gallicchio, Germano (2019). Motor skill control and learning in aiming sports: a psychophysiological account of the neural efficiency and quiet eye phenomena. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Gallimore, Charlotte (2017). An investigation of secondary school pupils’ perspectives on the work of teaching assistants. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Gallivan, Abigail (2011). Brief training for care staff who work with people with an intellectual disability and challenging behaviour. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gander-Zaucker, Shoshana (2022). You deserve better: improving services for domestic abuse survivors and their providers by using experience-based co-design. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Garcia, Adrian Dante (2017). Neural correlates of visual perceptual learning and inhibitory neurotransmitter in humans using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Garcia Quiroga, Manuela (2017). Attachment styles in alternative care: a study with caregivers and children living in residential and foster care in Chile. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Garg, Poonam (2021). An exploration into domestic abuse and so-called 'honour'-based violence and abuse experienced by South Asian women. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Garrood, Amy Elizabeth (2019). Virtual reality route learning in people with traumatic brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gately, Rachel (2014). An evaluation of a paired reading intervention implemented by foster carers with looked after children. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Geraghty, Kate Anya (2015). Assessing risk in female offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Gercs, Catherine Jayne (2023). The relationship between sleep, anxiety, and emotion recognition in the perinatal period. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gerhand, Simon (2003). Error detection in the performance of everyday tasks by patients with frontal lobe lesions: research and literature review. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gerhold, Constanze Katharina Eugenie (2010). Adolescent sexual abusers: the prediction of sexual recidivism. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Gibbons, Holly Lisa (2017). Aggression in dementia: associated factors and impact on spousal relationships. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gibbs, Brittany Durnan (2023). Alcohol intoxication and memory: the reliability of victims and witnesses of sexual assault. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Gibson, Matthew (2016). The role of self-conscious emotions in child protection social work practice: a case study of a local authority safeguarding service. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Gilbert, Nicola (2009). Disclosure of eating disorders and subsequent help seeking. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gill, Jasmin (2023). Making the threat real: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis exploring the emotional well-being of people with psychosis during the COVID-19 pandemic. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gill, Lorna Margaret (2011). The lived experience of family caregivers caring for those with stroke. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gillespie, Steven Mark (2014). Cognitive, affective and social psychological correlates of psychopathic personality traits in offenders and non-offenders. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Gillet, Caroline Dias Trafford (2012). Behavioural investigations of the interpersonal action. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Gillies, Liam Andrew (2012). The cognitive model of voices in psychosis: ecological validation of the social ranking perspective. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ginty, Annie T. (2012). The behavioural, cognitive, and neural correlates of blunted physiological reactions to acute psychological stress. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Goddard, Hannah Louise (2010). Exploring factors associated with aggressive behaviour in adolescents. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Goh, Ci'an (2017). The psychology of gaming and gambling. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Goldstone, Aimée (2017). Functional connectivity of the ageing brain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Good, Lauren (2016). Parental illness representations in pathological demand avoidance syndrome: parental coping, parenting stress, parental wellbeing and the child-parent relationship. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Goodall, Thomas Edward (2016). Exploring severe mental health problems and involuntary admission to psychiatric hospital. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Goranova, Zheni (2019). Cognitive control in dyslexia: investigating the competition resolution in verbal and non-verbal tasks. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Gorasia, Chirag D. (2014). Diabetes: the benefits of mindfulness interventions and the role of cognitive flexibility. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gordon, Rebecca (2020). Exploring clinicians' experiences of shared decision-making in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Gourdon, Amélie Nadine Aline (2013). Children’s and adults’ interpretation of communicated probabilities: studies on directionality and preciseness. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Graham, Katharine Anne (2014). Social processing, frontal asymmetries and the effect of emotion based disorders upon brain functioning and behaviour in infancy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Grandfield, Tracey Anne (2013). Toward a behavioural phenotype for 8p23 and 9q34 deletion syndromes. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Grandison, Karen Joy (2011). School Refusal: from short stay school to mainstream. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Gray, Emma Louise (2018). The assessment and treatment of sexual offenders with intellectual disability: New directions. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Gray, Gemma Ruth (2010). The interaction between auditory imagery vividness and auditory perception, and its application to hallucination proneness. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Green, Hannah Louise (2018). Vulnerabilities to engagement in violent extremism. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Green, Robin Jonathan (2016). The role of the parietal cortex in salience-based selection using a cognitive neuropsychological approach. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Gressani, Rosita (2017). Rehabilitation of problem-solving planning and reasoning after traumatic brain injury and assessment of capacity to take part in research in people with acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Grewal, Sarjan Singh (2023). Understanding the experiences of non-White ethnic minority care leavers who have experienced a placement with a White foster family. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Griffin, Helen (2012). Youth offending: resilience and protective factors. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Griffin, Julie (2013). Is an errorless learning based strategy efficacious in aiding learning in people with Alzheimer’s disease? and Living with a diagnosis of behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia: the person’s experience. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Griffiths, Anna (2013). An investigation into same-sex intimate partner violence. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Griffiths, Benjamin James ORCID: 0000-0001-8600-4480 (2020). Divide and conquer: an oscillatory division of labour in service of episodic memory. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Griffiths, Siân Lowri (2018). The role of social cognition and neurocognition in functional outcomes in individuals with first episode psychosis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Grigoriou, Markella (2021). Blunted affect, social withdrawal and suicide in schizophrenia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Grima, Emanuela Maria (2016). Illness perceptions and psychological well-being in cancer survivors. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Grisley, Liam (2019). The effect of gender on the relationship between alcohol use and psychotic-like experiences in young people between 18-25 years of age. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Groves, Laura Jane (2019). The behavioural phenotype of Cornelia de Lange syndrome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Guest, Rebecca (2020). Improving the psychological understanding of young people's risk of suicide and associated treatments. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Guhman, Kiran Kaur (2014). Violence within the family: risk factors associated with child maltreatment. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Gul, Amara (2012). Practice, stimulus-specific effects and individual differences in task switching. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Haddock, Eleanor (2011). Perceptions and risk factors of gang association in a UK sample. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Haecker, Christine Berta Maria (2010). The processing of stereotype-relevant information during reading. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hagger, Barbara Florence (2011). An exploration of self-disclosure after traumatic brain injury. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hammerton, James Alistair (1999). Exploiting holistic computation: an evaluation of the sequential RAAM. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hampson, Claire L. (2013). Integrating family-focused practice into routine addiction services. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hampton, Elspeth (2012). Coping with imprisonment: exploring bullying, safety and social support within prison settings. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Handley, Louise Rosemary (2014). Aggressive and self-injurious behaviour: towards a community early intervention strategy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hanif, Ayshah (2018). Therapists' experiences of therapy endings with mental health patients. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Harasemiuc, Ovidiu Adrian (2020). Relatedness: how do care leavers reflect on their relationships as a supporting factor in the process of leaving care? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Harding, Vincent Jonathon (2021). Relationships with people with Huntington’s disease and their relatives: the personal experiences of nursing staff at a specialist locked inpatient UK hospital. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Hardwick, Robert Michael (2010). Neurobehavioural representations of observed action viewpoint. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hardy, Sophie M. ORCID: 0000-0002-0961-8873 (2020). Syntactic and lexical processing in healthy ageing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Harleston, Dionne M (2014). Brief psychological interventions for in-patients with co-existing mental health and substance use disorders. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Harris, Charlotte Ruth (2021). Maternal perinatal mental health: effects on children. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Harris, Lara (2011). Generalised treatment effects after rehabilitation in patients with neuropsychological deficits: the role of cognitive models. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Harrison, Rebekka (2024). “You’ve gotta be a man and be strong”: fathers’ experiences of perinatal loss in the Pakistani community. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Harrop, Christopher Edward (2000). Psychosis: adolescent development and self-construction. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hartwright, Charlotte Emily (2014). Towards a neurocognitive theory of mind: how control and reasoning processes contribute to adult mentalizing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Harvey, Aimee Marie (2013). Adolescent egocentrism and psychosis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Haskayne, Donna Brook (2012). The therapeutic relationship in psychodynamic therapy. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Haslam, Michelle Lisa (2014). Emotional expression and psychological wellbeing in cancer survivors. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Havanur, Setu Gururaj (2012). The interaction between perceptual grouping and attention. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hawkins, Daniel (2020). Immersive video modelling: a mixed methods evaluation of a life skills intervention in a specialist secondary setting. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Hawkins, Elizabeth (2022). Family functioning and mental health in families with an autistic child or a child with intellectual disability. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Haye, Lorraine (2017). Management of inappropriate sexual behaviour in acquired brain injury: a systematic literature review And exploring the behavioural phenotype of Pitt-Hopkins syndrome. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Heald, Mary Elizabeth (2014). Refining the behavioural phenotype of Angelman syndrome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Heald, Mary Elizabeth (2018). Sleep in children and adults with intellectual disabilities: association with daytime behaviour and parental wellbeing. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Heaney, Jennifer (2012). Age, behavioural and psychosocial factors: associations with cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Heath, Emily Rachel (2015). Educational psychologists’ work with domestic violence and abuse: investigating the utility of a resource within casework practice. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Hedges, Lucy Ella (2015). The impact of informal social support on symptoms of PTSD in female survivors of sexual assault AND How do the police and women with learning disabilities co-construct sexual assault during police investigative interviews? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Heelis, Rebecca (2014). Moderating factors that influence the transition between suicidal ideation and behaviour amongst young people amongst young people with a first episode of psychosis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Heer, Kuljit (2012). The cultural context of care-giving: a phenomenological exploration of the experiences of South Asian carers caring for children with intellectual/developmental disabilities. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Heinze, Kareen (2016). Clinical symptoms, social and role functioning, longer-term cortisol levels, and brain activation during working memory and rest in the early stages of mental health problems. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Helliwell, Alison (2020). Mothers’ and fathers’ intrusive thoughts of infant harm in the perinatal period. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Hemming, Gemma Louise (2017). Understanding the experiences of students and teachers of students diagnosed with ADHD: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the ADHD label in schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Hemmings, Laura Toni (2011). Adolescents in foster care: exploring their involvement in foster placement success. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Henderson, Andrea (2013). An exploration of the impact of consultation on educational psychology service users, namely teachers, parents and pupils in a large rural local authority. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Henderson, Ashley Jayne (2019). Exploring women's experiences of a Trauma Recovery Empowerment Model (TREM) group intervention. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Henderson, Emerald Imogen ORCID: 0000-0003-4900-0944 (2025). A neo-Aristotelian theory of emulation: Implications for cultivating teacher character through role modelling. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Henderson, Emma (2012). An investigation into the relationship between memory problems and our public and private selves. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Henderson, Jennifer Louise (2022). The psychophysiological effects of a dual task, task difficulty, and pressure on skilled motor performance. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hensel, Elizabeth (2000). A comparison of quality of and satisfaction with life between people with an intellectual disability and those without. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Heppell, Stacey (2020). Men with intellectual disabilities and sexual offending histories: an exploration of their experiences of living within a secure hospital setting. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Herrick-Bourke, Chloe (2022). Can measures of dissociation, depression, anxiety and a measure of effort and engagement increase the predictive validity of diagnosis between functional memory disorders, dementia and mild cognitive impairment. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Herriotts-Smith, Stephanie Sue (2013). A socio-cultural activity theory analysis of inter-agency working between educational psychologists and education welfare officers in relation to complex extended school non-attendance (CESN-A) with implications for improved service delivery. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Hett, Danielle ORCID: 0000-0003-1575-5409 (2020). Investigating the role of metacognitive beliefs in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hewett, Ruth Elizabeth (2013). Muslim girl’s aspirations: an exploration of teacher and pupil discourses. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Heyes, Andrew Robert ORCID: 0000-0002-4045-3499 (2022). Psychosocial factors facilitating use of performance and cognitive enhancing drugs in sport and education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Heyes, Tamara Rose (2022). Contextual correlates of challenging behaviour shown by children and young people. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Hickman, Gareth Jonathan (2011). The experiential impact of hospitalisation on families of young people with early psychosis: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Hickman, Lydia Jane (2020). Distinguishing between interoceptive abilities and the role of non-interoceptive influencing factors. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Hickman, Lydia Jane ORCID: 0000-0002-5658-9446 (2024). Movement and cognition in Autism and Parkinson’s Disease: similarities, points of distinction, and underlying biological mechanisms. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hill, Emily Sarah (2011). Advances in investigative and legal procedures. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Hillberg, Tanja (2010). Investigating the role of childhood maltreatment and witnessing intimate partner violence on childhood behaviour and mental health. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hinkly, David James (2013). Post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use in military veterans. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Hinksman, Barrie L. J. (2002). Is gestalt therapy compatible with feminist theology?: a study of "practical-values". University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ho, Sin Huen Mimi (2017). The impact of perfectionism on psychological well-being and ill-being in athletes with and without hearing disability. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hoare, R.W.N. (1973). A comparison of the work of Bultmann and Binswanger. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hobday, Victoria Louise (2014). Body image in young people with inflammatory bowel disease AND Healthcare professionals working with children with a dual diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Hodges, Mandi (2013). Substance use and abuse in older adulthood: experiences of older-adult substance users and adult family members. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Holden, Emily Ruth (2010). Mindfulness and Cancer : a literature review and empirical study. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Holden, Stephanie Leanne (2023). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the educational experiences of mixed white and black Caribbean secondary school pupils with social, emotional, mental health needs. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Holland, Mark Joseph Greer (2012). The role and development of life skills in young sports participants. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Honisch, Juliane Jacqueline (2012). Dance ensemble synchronisation: movement timing between two or more people. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Horr, Ninja Katja (2016). Mechanisms of short interval timing: how temporal structure modulates the perception of duration. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hough, Andrea (2010). An investigation of carers expectations of recovery and progress in their relatives with an acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Houthuys, Sarah (2010). The functional and neural basis of belief and desire reasoning. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Howard, Edward Adlington (2021). What are the lived experiences of homosexual Muslim men? An interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Howard, Philip (2014). Developing the actuarial prediction of violent and sexual reoffending. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Howe, Julia (2009). An investigation into the discourses of secondary aged girls’ emotions and emotional difficulties. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Hudson, Katie Elizabeth (2013). Ethnic minority sex offenders and treatment. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Huggins, Michelle (2011). An exploration of the implicit food attitudes of people with Type-1 Diabetes using reaction-time and electrophysiological measures. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Hughes, Rebecca Eleanor (2022). The Influence of Perceived Threat on Motive Asymmetry and Intergroup Relations Between Groups in Conflict. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hughes, Sian E. (2012). Adults who deliberately set fires: the utility of fire-setting intervention programmes for mentally disordered offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Huke, Vanessa (2021). Psychological characteristics of two neurodevelopmental disorders: an exploration of anxiety in Sotos syndrome and the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Humphries, Amy (2020). A multiperspectival case study exploring the ecosystemic context in the life of a young person who has experienced child sexual exploitation. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Hunt, Rachel (2020). “We didn’t want her to drown, throw her in the deep end and fight her way out”: an exploration of parental experience of choosing a special school placement for children with special educational needs and disability. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Hussain, Amina (2019). Post-traumatic stress and substance use disorders: prevalence and experiences of therapy. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Hussain, Shazia (2018). Men's experiences of engaging in psychological therapy in a forensic mental health setting. University of Birmingham. Other

Hutchison, Andrew John (2014). What does existing evidence reveal about the causes of abuse and neglect in adult residential care services? A systematic review AND Making sense of varying standards of care: front-line staff experiences of working in residential care environments for adults with learning disabilites. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Hyland, Sarah Louise (2011). Toward a behavioural phenotype for Sotos syndrome. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.


Ibanga, Akanidomo Joseph (2011). Investigating the development, delivery and outcomes of internet based help for family members affected by addiction problems. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ilchovska, Zlatomira Georgieva ORCID: 0000-0001-6682-9952 (2024). Individual differences affecting the bilingual language switching abilities. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Illman, Dorothy Ruth (2011). An exploration of the links between intrapersonal skills and progress made in social and emotional devleopment by pupils in a SEBD school using a multiple case study design. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Ingham, Anthea Margaret (2011). Algernon Charles Swinburne: the causes and effects of his Sapphic possession. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ingham, Madeleine (2022). Metacognitive measures as predictors of accuracy in children. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Ingram, Brandon Thomas ORCID: 0000-0002-8377-9245 (2024). A multimodal investigation into the relationship between ongoing brain state dynamics and visual response variability. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Intelisano, Sabrina (2016). Happiness in prison. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Intili, Rita (2012). Borderline personality disorder and emotion information processing. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Irabor, Jennifer (2014). Mental health needs in vulnerable youth populations. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ireson, Lucinda (2014). Cracked mirrors and petrifying vision: negotiating femininity as spectacle within the Victorian cultural sphere. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Islam, Snah N. (2013). An investigation into educational psychologists’ perceptions of traded service delivery, using soft systems methodology. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Izawa, Erika (2021). The experiences of stigma and discrimination amongst individuals with forensic histories and mental health difficulties living in the community. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.


Jackson-Terblanche, Emma (2020). Mental health and emotional literacy in children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities: self-report and performance measures versus teachers' ratings. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

James, Emma Louise (2016). Pupil voice in school non attendance: exploring the perceptions of pupils, whose attendance is below 85%. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

James, Rachel (2021). How is resilience associated with depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and wellbeing for individuals who have experienced childhood trauma? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Janda, Tara Kaur (2022). An exploration into the educational experiences of high achieving young people entitled to free school meals. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Jansen, Tracey (2013). Predictors of anxiety during the perinatal period in women with gestational diabetes. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Jarvis, Adrian Paul (2011). School effectiveness and the subject leader's influence space: an exploration of the influence of secondary school subject leaders on the professional practice of the members of their departments. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Jefferies, Natalie (2012). Young people moving on from child and adolescent mental health services to adult mental health services. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Jezler, Juliana Marques de Souza Pinto (2020). Spatial and non-spatial binding in Alzheimer’s disease. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Johnson, Judith (2013). Resilience: stress, shame and paranoia. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Johnson, Larissa Gabrielle (2018). Rape myth acceptance: its role, importance, and psychometric measurement. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Johnson, Matthew (2014). Personality and executive functioning as explanatory variables in media technology use and responsiveness to media technology. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Johnson, Rebecca (2010). Intergenerational aspects of psychological control and irrational beliefs between parents and adolescents. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Johnson, Victoria Ruth (2015). Executive function and decision making in Cornelia De Lange syndrome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Joiner, Rachel Elizabeth (2017). Identity and social networking sites: the roles of alcohol use, mental health, and personality. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Jones, Gemma (2013). Training school staff about student mental health. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Jones, Hannah (2014). An exploration of the role of personality in parents who maltreat their children. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Jones, Julia Elizabeth (2015). The role of attachment, emotion regulation and recovery style in psychosis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Jones, Kezia (2019). Understanding psychosocial factors in severe and enduring psychosis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Jones, Natalie ORCID: 0000-0002-6450-4721 (2020). The experiences of individuals and their carers accessing and transitioning from early intervention in psychosis services. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Jones, Samuel A. ORCID: 0000-0002-1767-9414 (2019). Mechanisms of audiovisual integration in the young and healthy ageing brain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Jones, Vanessa (2012). Eating disorders: attitudes towards emotional expression and prevalence in weight-category sports. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Jones, Victoria (2022). Exploring the attitudes and experiences of prison officers working with prisoners who engage in self-harming behaviour. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Joshee, Paras (2018). Cognition in prostate cancer patients before undergoing androgen deprivation therapy and elderly males. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Joung, Eun Sim (2007). An attachment theoretical approach to women’s faith development: a qualitative study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Judd, Rebecca (2015). Meaning in palliative care: A literature review of psychological interventions and study of men's experience of caring. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.


Kaisari, Panagiota (2018). Neurocognitive processes in disordered eating. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kanavaki, Maria-Archontissa ORCID: 0000-0003-2630-1437 (2020). Determinants and implications of physical activity in hip and knee osteoarthritis: an integrated approach. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kantartzis, Katerina Fransesca (2011). Children and adults' understanding and use of sound-symbolism in novel words. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Karakatsani, Efthalia (2018). Challenging behavior, parental emotional distress, child quality of life and service provision in children with intellectual disabilities. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kaspar, Phoebe (2016). Mammograms and smear tests. How do women with learning disabilities experience these procedures and how can their acceptability and accessibility be improved? AND What makes a good mother? an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the views of women with a learning disability. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Kaur, Kahmini (2024). An exploration of prevention programmes aimed at educating young people about dating and sexual violence. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Keating, Connor Tom ORCID: 0000-0001-5906-1789 (2024). Demystifying emotion-processing: autism, alexithymia, and the underlying psychological mechanisms. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Keeble, Hayley Susan (2017). Relationship continuity and understanding challenging behaviours in spouses/partners of those with an acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Keeling, Angela (2017). ‘Amazing Carefree-Awesomeness’ a realistic evaluation exploring the perceived effect of outdoor residential education on the psychological wellbeing of primary-aged pupils. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Kelland, Charlotte (2023). Living with aggression: exploring the experiences of spouses caring for a partner with dementia. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Kells, Mark (2011). The psychometric assessment of offenders with an intellectual disability. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kelly, Natalie (2015). Age-related changes in attentional modulation during dynamic attributes of visual attention. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kendall, Simone Ellen Jade (2023). Factors associated with autistic traits and age of diagnosis for autistic people. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Kendall-Jones, Rowan (2014). An investigation into the differential diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and attachment difficulties. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Kennedy, Jacquelyn (2011). Personality disorder in an offending population: developmental precursors and outcome from a therapeutic community prison. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Kerlin, Jess Robert (2016). Not a slave to the rhythm: the perceptual consequences of rhythmic visual stimulation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kerr, Deborah Mary (2019). Gods, ghosts and newlyweds: exploring the uses of the threshold in Greek and Roman superstition and folklore. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kerr, Kevin John (2015). The psychological characteristics of sexual murderers. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kerrén, Casper (2020). Rhythmic fluctuations in mnemonic signatures during associative recall. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kesterton, Barbara (1948). The social and emotional effects of the recreational film on adolescents of 13 and 14 years of age in the West Bromwich area. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kewley, Stephanie (2015). How might religion and spirituality help to reintegrate those convicted of sexual offending and how do practitioners respond? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Khalsa, Sakhvinder S. (2017). Neuroimaging investigations of the functional and structural changes of intrinsically connected brain networks in relation to habitual sleep status. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Khan, Aneela (2024). Exploring epistemic injustice amongst non-clinical and clinical groups with unusual experiences. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kim, Jeong-Im (2011). Working memory, selective visual attention and hierarchical perception. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kim, Jin Min ORCID: 0000-0002-8571-8825 (2024). Bimanual coordination and mirror visual feedback: implications for mirror therapy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kimberley, Laura Frances (2014). Influence of internal versus external egalitarian goals on stereotype accessibility following goal-behaviour discrepancies. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kime, Alison Claire (2022). A study of proactive and systemic approaches to addressing death, bereavement and loss in schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

King, Alicia (2019). Trauma in the criminal justice system. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Kisbey, Jane (2023). On the nature of psychopathy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kitchen, Nick M. (2018). The contribution of proprioceptive acuity to upper limb motor performance in older and younger adults. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Klaus, Thomas (2023). Examining internet facilitated sexual offending in adult populations. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Kloess, Juliane (2015). An investigation into online sexual grooming and abuse of children via internet technologies. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Knight, Natalie (2023). The measurement of sleep in children with neurogenetic syndromes. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Komarzynska, Kinga (2013). An exploration of the population of mentally disordered sex offenders and their behaviour. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Kourtis, Dimitrios (2008). Neurophysiological correlates of preparation for action measured by electroencephalography. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Krause, Katarzyna (2018). What do educational psychologists recognise is their unique contribution within their profession when working with ethnic minority clients using language/s other than English: a socio-cultural Activity Theory analysis. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Krawczyk, Kirsten Marie (2017). A whole school single case study of Emotion Coaching (EC) training and the impact on school staff. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Krugliak, Alexandra ORCID: 0000-0002-5031-3801 (2019). The neural basis of audiovisual integration. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Krynicki, Carl Ryszard ORCID: 0000-0003-0943-5142 (2022). A meta-analytic review examining the validity of tests of executive functioning to predict functional, driving and employment outcomes in individuals with a traumatic brain injury; and, An evaluation of the convergent validity of a face-to-face and virtual neuropsychological assessment. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Kumar, Shivani (2023). Factors associated with dietary adherence and quality of life in people with Coeliac Disease. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Kumar, Suchika Ramesh (2023). Joint narratives of couples living with anorexia through a Foucauldian lens. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Kumcu, Alper (2019). Looking for language in space: spatial simulations in memory for language. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Lafone-Ward, Kate Alison (2014). An examination of the characteristics of disguised and traced handwriting. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Laguna-Camacho, Antonio (2013). Patterns of eating and exercise that reduce weight. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lal, Mira (2012). Pelvic/perineal dysfunction & biopsychosocial morbidity: biological predictors and psychosocial associations in postcaesarean and vaginally delivered primiparae. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lalousis, Paris Alexandros ORCID: 0000-0001-9642-3080 (2022). Using machine learning to disentangle heterogeneity within and between psychosis and depression: Improving pathways for precision medicine in psychiatry. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lamche, Tag (2012). Priming motor-visual skills for football: an assessment of the 4-ball method. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Lancellotta, Eugenia (2022). Are delusions adaptive? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lander, Catherine Mary (2010). Adolescents girls’ understandings and experiences of social support within their friendship group. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Lane, Claire Alice (2012). A discourse analysis of client and practitioner talk during motivational interviewing sessions. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Langthorne, Paul David (2012). Antecedent influences on negatively reinforced behaviour: an examination of person-environment interplay. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Larson, Felicity Violet (2017). The Birmingham autism, schizotypy, and emotions study (bases). University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Lau, Johnny King Lam (2016). The neural basis of object perception: dissociating action and semantic processing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Laverick, Rosanna (2020). Neurocognitive predictors of post-stroke cognitive trajectory. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Laverty, Catherine (2022). The impact of moderate or late preterm birth on social understanding. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lavis, Tracy (2012). Exploring how crime analysts experience working with other people’s traumatic material. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Lawrence, Amanda (2010). Quakerism and approaches to mental affliction: a comparative study of George Fox and William Tuke. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Lawton, Susan Patricia (2013). An action research enquiry in one unitary local authority about the experiences of support available to parents and mainstream secondary schools for children with a diagnosis of autism. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Leather, Amanda (2014). Borderline personality disorder in adolescence: exploring gender differences and effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Lees-Warley, Gemma T. (2014). Deliberate firesetting by adults with developmental disabilities. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Lei, Mingjie (2022). Memory reconsolidation in trauma-like memory. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Leigh, Jennifer (2012). Somatic movement and education: a phenomenological study of young children's perceptions, expressions and reflections of embodiment through movement. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lemkey, Leiya (2019). Radicalisation of young people: the use of the internet and addressing radicalisation through education. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Leoni, Julie (2005). Gender, deviance and exclusion. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lerigo, Fiona. A. (2020). An investigation into the structure of jealousy, and its relationship to interpersonal suspicion. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lesage, Elise (2014). On the cerebellum and language: neurostimulation and imaging studies. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Levinson-Obank, Chelsea (2021). “It's been 10 years and I still feel like that, even if I’m stressed and frustrated and tired, I still feel this is what I want to do.” An exploration of primary-school teachers’ professional life narratives. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Lewington, Philippa von Rabenau (2018). A developmental scale of early social cognition in autism spectrum disorder. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Lewis, Claire (2013). Child and family social workers’ experiences of working with parents who have intellectual disabilities. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Lewis, Meryl Ann (2018). Effects of symptoms of dementia on spousal perceptions of relationship continuity or discontinuity. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Lewis, Thomas Frederick (2017). Special Educational Need Coordinator (SENCO) wellbeing: a mixed methods exploration of workplace demands and effective coping actions. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Li, Min (2016). Temporal expectations in isochronous sequences. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Li, Min (2019). Time and space perception in audition and vision. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lifanov, Julia ORCID: 0000-0002-8769-1865 (2022). Spatio-temporal feature representations of reactivated memories. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lilley, Alexandra (2024). Thesis examining the accuracy of witness statements for real world criminal events. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Lilova, Iliana (2020). Psychological impacts for family members caring for people with mental health and alcohol problems. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Lin, Yi-shin (2015). Decision making in visual search: a dual-modelling approach to examine the influences of attentional templates in response time distributions. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lindh, Pär Johan Daniel (2022). Conscious access and complexity of visual features. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Liu, Jinyu (2018). Norm effects on eating behaviour: the role of social identity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lloyd, Joanne (2007). An investigation into route learning strategies for people with acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Loaring, Jessica M. (2012). How do women with breast cancer and their male partners experience and understand sexual intimacy and body image following surgery and reconstruction? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Lomas, Jacquie Charlotte Jayne (2013). Safety/bullying in the community: an exploration of the perceptions of students with learning and/or communication difficulties, of their parents/carers and of their teachers. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Long, Clive Garry (1995). The clinical psychologist as science-practitioner. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lord, Natasha Dawn (2010). The continued impact of young onset dementia on dependent children as they make the transition into adulthood – a follow up study to Allen, Oyebode and Allen (2009). University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Love, Maria Elizabeth (2014). Living with coeliac disease and type 1 diabetes: the experiences of young people and their parents. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Luces, Kaysha (2020). Autism assessment of children. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Lugtigheid, Arthur Jacobus Pieter (2012). Psychophysics and modeling of depth perception. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Mansell, Paul ORCID: 0000-0002-3577-4474 (2023). Exploring how stress mindset, irrational beliefs, and stress appraisals relate to psychological wellbeing and performance under pressure. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Marandure, Ngonidzashe Blessing (2016). Cannabis use, resilience and mental health in adolescents. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Markham, Anna Catherine Claire (2016). Multisystemic therapy: therapist experience of programme delivery, processes and outcomes. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

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Marks, Chloe (2010). An exploration of Educational Psychologists' constructions of sexuality and the implications for practice. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

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Marriner, Leah Jane (2021). Mental health stigma in young people: the effectiveness of anti-stigma interventions and experiences of living with borderline personality disorder. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Marriott, Charlotte Elizabeth (2016). Exploring family relationships and psychosis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Martin, Elizabeth (2023). Neurocognitive and psychopharmacological mechanisms underlying disordered eating. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Mason, Emily (2015). An investigation exploring the biological and affective pathway to psychosis. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

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Mathews, Joanna (2020). The lived experience of shared medical decision making in people with MS. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Matošić, Doris (2017). The role of narcissism in sport coaching: a self-determination theory perspective. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mattan, Bradley Dale (2016). An investigation of self-biases in perception and visual perspective taking. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mazzilli, Giacomo (2015). Shape-from-shading and light source estimation in humans. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

McCabe, Faye ORCID: 0000-0002-3614-9646 (2024). Future human-system interaction techniques to influence perceived trust. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

McDonald, Cherelle Dione Almena (2014). Language and teaching in multilingual schools: a Foucauldian discourse analysis of primary school teachers' talk about their teaching practice in multilingual schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

McGarry, Alison Joanne (2012). How do women with a learning disability experience the support of a Doula during their pregnancy, childbirth and after the birth of thier child? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

McKee, Heather C (2013). The self-regulatory factors related to weight loss and weight maintenance success and failure. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

McNab, Eleanor (2010). Models of parent-professional collaboration: what do the parents of children with special educational needs value from their interactions with professionals? University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

McNeil, Sheryllin Leiselle (2010). 'The only black in the village': a qualitative exploration of the experience of black psychologists in Britain. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

McNeillie, Natalie (2019). The experience of working with trauma: a phenomenological perspective of mental health nurses working in secure care. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Meader, Laura Maria (2014). Spousal relationships after acquired brain injury, and carers’ expectations, wellbeing and involvement in the rehabilitation process. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Meadows, Angela (2018). Fear and self-loathing: Internalised weight stigma and maladaptive coping in higher-weight individuals. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Meech, John Foster (2000). Contextualising user interfaces for complex systems. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Meehan, Louise Melissa (2011). The mental health of young people with autism and Asperger syndrome in mainstream secondary schools: a multiple case study approach. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Meeson, Alan Charles (2016). Development and application of a toolbox for multivariate pattern analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Meneses, Rita Wengorovius Ferro (2011). Experiences of ‘empathy’. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Messeter, Tamzin (2019). What are the lived experiences of siblings of children and young people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? An interpretive phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Metzgner, Sheryl Ann Marie ORCID: 0000-0003-4186-5476 (2025). Queer spirituality: a grounded theopoiesis on human 'Becoming' as a journey of 'freedom-for-love'. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Michelmann, Sebastian (2018). Temporal dynamics and mechanisms of oscillatory pattern reinstatement in human episodic memory. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mihalik, Agoston (2017). The neural basis of audio-visual integration and adaptation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Miles, Cerys L (2012). Exploring the function that denial serves for sexual offenders: considering the role of shame and guilt. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Millar, Emma Louise (2012). Developmental and service transitions: do parents matter? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Miller, Iraida Neira (2015). The emotional and cognitive processes in obesity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Miller, Jozelle Marcene (2014). When love becomes dangerous: an in-depth look into heterosexual relationships in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and their link to HIV transmission amongst Vincentian women. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Miller Tate, Alexander James Ibbs ORCID: 0000-0002-3133-1115 (2019). Radical cognitive science in philosophical psychopathology: the case of depression. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mills, John P. (2015). Transformational leader integrity: an investigation of coach social cognition. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mills, Sophie (2010). The relationship between challenging behaviour, burnout and cognitive variables in staff working with people who have intellectual disabilities. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Milner, Walter William (2011). Concept development in novice programmers learning Java. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Milton, Daniel (2023). Empowering and disempowering climates in physical education: measurement, associated outcomes and intervention effects. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Milward, Sophie Jane (2015). Learning to act as a team: developmental onset, underlying processes and pre-requisites of co-representation in early childhood. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Minks, Adrian Robert (2017). What approaches do fathers use to promote emotion socialisation in their children? University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Minnett, Katie-Louise (2021). Understanding the personality traits of street-gang involved individuals. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

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Mitzman, Susan Fiona (2013). Clinically depressed adults’ idiographic goals and causal explanations. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Mohamed-Kaleel, Saheeda Bebe (2018). Screening of cognitive functions: analysis and development of neuropsychological test instruments. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Montasevee, Kamonchanok (2017). Examining the nature of aggressive behaviour in Thai male prisoners and factors that contribute to its aetiology. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Moore, Helen (2020). Relationships after stroke: couples’ shared and individual perspectives. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Morgan, Blaire Elizabeth (2013). The coordination of speaking and listening in dialogue. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Morgan, Louise (2017). Exploring homework in second and third wave cognitive behavioural therapy. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Morris, David (2018). Moral and political cognition: implications for improving intergroup relations, civic engagement and reducing prejudice. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Morris, Saffron (2014). Tactile perception in adolescents with ASD: a psychophysics investigation into tactile thresholds and their related sensory experiences. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Morrison, Melissa (2023). The perceptions of adolescent girls of the relationship between sports based extra curricular activities and their wellbeing. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Mortimer, Hannah Grace (2020). The influence of personal and sporting values on the likelihood of athletes doping and competing clean. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Mortimer, Rhian (2010). Risk factors for offending: A developmental approach. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Muggleton, Joshua Thomas Bailey (2014). A qualitative study to explore healthcare professionals’ experiences of disgust working within a palliative care setting. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Mulcare, Rachael Shalene (2020). Challenging the dominant discourse of young people from low socioeconomic backgrounds: social mobility, aspirations and the role of intersectionality. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Muller Spaniol, Mayra (2017). Attention control in adults with high autistic traits and attention training in children with autism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mumford, Katherine Hannah (2014). The relationship between vocabulary and gesture development in early childhood and infancy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Munday, Ann Marie (2010). Clinical Psychologists’ experiences of working with refugees. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Murach, Katarzyna (2013). How can control in anorexia nervosa be understood in the framework of perceptual control theory? A theoretical systematic review AND What is the meaning of perfectionism for clients with eating disorders? A qualitative study. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Murcott, Paula (2016). Longitudinal psychosocial functioning following mastectomy with or without breast reconstruction. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Murdoch, Emma Louise Annabel (2017). Madness, psychiatry and anti-psychiatry in English and French women’s writing and film. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Murgatroyd-Giffen, Alyshia (2020). The influence of pornography on young people's sexual health and behaviour. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Murphy, Aidan Peter (2015). Neural mechanisms for reducing uncertainty in 3D depth perception. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Murphy, Jenny (2012). An investigation into the intraorganisional climate that contributes to the development and sustainability of dance companies involving people with learning difficulties. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Murray, Kathryn Emma Fleming (2012). Self-ordering creativity and an independent work space: Edna Clarke Hall’s poem pictures in the early 1920s. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Murray, Sarah (2016). Using Video Enhanced Reflective Practice (VERP) to support the development of consultation and peer supervision skills. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

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Naylor, Amy Rose (2016). Exploring the utility and phenomenological experience of group and individual clinical supervision. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Nayyar, Daniella (2023). Group identity in politics: perceptions of intergroup identification in the European Union referendum held in the UK and the US Presidential Election of 2016. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Neadle, Damien L. ORCID: 0000-0001-8559-436X (2020). On the factors influencing great ape cultural behaviours. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Nelson, Lisa Kim (2010). Mood and sociability in Cornelia de Lange syndrome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Nelson, Wilf (2022). Differential expressions of task responsive neural inhibition and regulation across competing sensory and cognitive systems. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Newbery, Helen Victoria (2015). Video interaction guidance: exploration of the experiences of two parent-child dyads. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Nice, Laura (2016). An investigation into community travel patterns, navigational strategies and virtual reality route learning after an acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Niraj, Shruti (2018). A qualitative study exploring the experiences of mindfulness training in people with acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Norman, Verity (2021). Harmful sexual behaviour: professional perspectives and risk factors. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Norweg, Susanne (2012). Metacognitions, emotion and disordered eating in women. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Nyamayaro, Primrose Chikomborero (2013). Social service provision to people with learning disabilities from black and minority ethnic communities: the view and experiences of service providers. University of Birmingham. M.Res.


O'Brien, Ciara ORCID: 0000-0002-2215-6001 (2020). Applying the behavioural epidemiology framework to investigate sedentary behaviour and physical activity in rheumatoid arthritis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

O'Brien, Claire Elizabeth (2010). An investigation into the effects of acute alcohol on the inhibitory mechanisms of control involved in visual perception. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

O'Connor, Christopher (2023). Perspectives of educational psychologists and specialist teachers towards the assessment and support of students with dyslexia. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

O'Donnell, Michael (2023). Understanding the lived experience of people who detransition in the United Kingdom: an Interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

O'Grady, Clare (2017). Improving outcomes for adolescents and adults with traits of borderline personality disorder (BPD). University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

O'Shea, Kathryn Marie (2019). An exploration of educational psychologists' use of consultation using socio-cultural activity theory. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

O'Sullivan, Noreen (2010). A dual-route model of proactive interference in working memory and its application in schizotypy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Oakley, Rachel (2021). Long stay service users: the role of index offence type and professional staff member's experience of working with and discharging long stay service users to the community. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

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Oldale, Kate (2009). Young people and positive activities: the need for a local perspective. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Oliver, Caroline (2012). Non-offending guardian support and protection in cases of child sexual abuse: the role of risk perception. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

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Palmer, Michelle (2011). Exploring the meaning of caring: how informal caring for somebody experiencing mental health difficulties, and the language used to talk about it, are understood by carers, family members, mental health service-users, and professionals. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Parker, Olivia (2023). Making sense of adoption disruption: an interpretative phenomenological study of the lived experiences of adoptive parents. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Patten, Matthew Lindsay (2013). The neural basis of binocular depth perception. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Pearce, Arthur (2019). A comparison of the effect of relaxation and focused attention on implicit memory in people with acquired brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Pearce, Gemma (2013). Changing bodies: symptoms, body image, health and wellbeing over the menopausal transition. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Pelter, Gabrielle Beatrice (2016). In hospital but not forgotten: an exploration into children and young people’s narratives about their experiences of hospitalisation and hospital school. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

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Pintilei, Aruna (2009). An in-depth examination of extant literature pertinent to nurture groups and an exploratory study, using grounded theory methods, of young people’s views and experiences of a secondary school nurture group. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Pitt, Sophie Louise (2018). The implications of an adaptation of the ‘Working On What Works’ (WOWW) intervention: a case study of a group of children in year 2 and their class teacher. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

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Platt, Martha (2023). An exploration of pathways to emotional outbursts and violence in autistic adults. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Pollak, Isabella ORCID: 0000-0001-9842-0385 (2023). Which methods, contents and implementation factors are appropriate and effective for school-based peer relationship programmes for 9 to 12-year-olds? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Pomoni, Maria (2016). Factors affecting the eating behaviour of individuals with and without autism spectrum conditions. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Pomroy, Lucy Victoria (2014). The relationship between multiple traumatisation, emotion regulation and violent behaviour. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Poote, Aimee Elizabeth (2013). Beck’s cognitive theory and the role of schemata in depression. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Pornari, Chrysoula (2013). Implicit theories in perpetrators of intimate partner violence and assessment of partner violence offence supportive cognition with implicit measures of social cognition. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Poulisse, Charlotte Fleur Marjolein (2020). Language comprehension in healthy ageing and mild cognitive impairment. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Powell, Nina Laurel (2013). Reasoning and processing of behavioural and contextual information: influences on pre-judgement reasoning, post-judgement information selection and engagement, and moral behaviour. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Powis, Catharine Rebecca (2022). Risk assessment of extremist offenders and those considered vulnerable to engagement. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

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Ratcliffe, Joanne Marie (2019). Female service user experiences of secure care and the qualities they value in nursing staff. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Ratcliffe, Oliver (2022). Investigating the spatio-temporal dynamics of human episodic and working memory. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Rawal, Rachna (2015). Working together through the statutory assessment process under the Children and Families Act (2014): using activity theory in a two phase multiple perspective analysis of the expectations and experiences of Educational Psychologists, health, social care and education professionals, parents and children working together in the context of the statutory assessment process under the Children and Families Act. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Rawlings, Patricia Ann (2015). Examining the effects of early abuse and the links to sexual offending. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Rayfield, Louise Elizabeth (2022). Volume 1: “Crime is a symptom of something else”: An exploration of educational and child psychologists’ contributions to youth justice services in England Volume 2: A collection of four professional practice reports. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Reay, Andrew Sanderson (2013). An examination of the psychological influences on changes in cardio-respiratory fitness. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rees-Jones, Angharad (2011). Examining the utility of assessment tools and group intervention programmes for mentally disordered offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Regan, Helen (2015). Evaluation of a multi-modal, evidence-based intervention for sixth form students with test anxiety. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Reid, Adrianne (2016). Implementing Special Educational Needs and Disability policy reform in further education settings: an exploratory case study of named person perceptions. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Reid, Donna (2010). Executive functioning in Cornelia de Lange Syndrome. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Reid Milligan, Simon David (2014). Users of online indecent images of children (IIOC): an investigation into aetiological and perpetuating risk factors, the offending process, the risk of perpetrating a contact sexual offence, and protective factors. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Reindl, Eva Maria (2017). On the developmental origins of human material culture. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Reis, Mariana (2015). Exploring the attachment style of sex offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Rhodes, Darren (2016). Bayesian time perception. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Richards, Caroline Ruth (2015). Autism spectrum disorder phenomenology in Phelan-Mcdermid syndrome. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Richards, Caroline Ruth (2012). Self-injurious behaviour in autism spectrum disorder. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Richards, John David Gordon (2012). Investigating drop out in ex-junior rugby union players. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Richards, Vanessa (2009). The links between risk and protective factors and subsequent levels of resilience in looked after children aged 9-11. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Richardson, Hollie ORCID: 0000-0002-6497-4950 (2020). The impact of (parental) intimate partner abuse on male survivors and young people. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Riddell, Natalie E. (2010). CD8+ lymphocyte and progenitor cell mobilization during acute psychological stress and betaadrenergic stimulation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Roberts, Gregory John (2011). Entrepreneurship: an African Caribbean perspective. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Roberts, Madeleine (2023). Perspectives on addressing racial inequality in the NHS. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Roberts, Michael David (2019). Meditation, enactivism and introspective training. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Robertson, Caroline June (2010). Current issues in the treatment of sexual offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Robinson, Eric (2011). Episodic memory and food choice. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Robinson, Joanne Emma Caroline (2018). Perceptions of social climate and their influence on aggression in forensic Intellectual Developmental Disability (IDD) services. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Robinson, Laura (2014). Exploring the link between intimate partner violence and child maltreatment. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Roche, Ayesha A. (2014). Clinical research in adult and youth mental health services. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Rockowitz, Sarah R. ORCID: 0000-0002-2759-8052 (2024). 'She didn't get justice': Analysing barriers to post-rape medico-legal service provision in Kenya. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rodrigues de Almeida, Lílian (2019). Task load modulation of tDCS effects on behavioural and neural correlates of phonological processing: a brain-state-dependent stimulation approach. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rogers, Olivia (2022). An appreciative inquiry: capturing peak experiences of educational psychology practice in one Local Authority under COVID-19 restrictions. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Rogers, Samantha Louise (2014). A longitudinal study investigating the role of breastfeeding, positive maternal interactions and cortisol metabolism in eating behaviours and weight gain in infancy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rollings, David T. (2017). EEG-fMRI in epilepsy and sleep. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Roome, Timothy (2018). Exam stress experienced by GCSE students in a mainstream secondary school: Perceptions of the effects on wellbeing and performance. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Rose, Catharine L. ORCID: 0000-0002-9786-1389 (2022). The development and proof-of-concept study of a psychoeducational intervention for adults living with coeliac disease. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rosemeyer, Meike (2021). Staircases as contextual cues that help minimize energetic costs. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ross, James Alistair (2010). “Sacred psychoanalysis”: an interpretation of the emergence and engagement of religion and spirituality in contemporary psychoanalysis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rouse, Peter C. (2011). An examination of motivational and social psychological processes related to mental well-being during physical activity behaviour change. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rousseau, Noel (2015). Conscious processing of a complex motor skill: an investigation into the automaticity paradigm of full golf swing execution. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rowlands, Lucie Anne (2017). 'Through all them four letters, changes everything': an exploration of the lived experience of children, with a diagnosis of ADHD, and their parents. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Royston, Rachel Emma (2019). Anxiety in adolescents and adults with Williams syndrome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rupawala, Mohammed Jujar (2021). Towards simultaneous electroencephalography and functional near-infrared spectroscopy for improving diagnostic accuracy in prolonged disorders of consciousness: a healthy cohort study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ruprai, Denise ORCID: 0000-0003-0502-2869 (2022). Cortical thickness and neuropsychological applications: morphometric differences in cortical thickness associated with cognitive variances in ageing and circadian chronotypes. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rush, Michelle Anne (2012). What are the experiences of young-people who following their discharge from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) do not transfer into adult mental health services (AMHS)? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Russell, Lynda (2011). Maternal mental health in the perinatal period. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Ryan, Rebecca (2011). Domestic violence – children, families and professionals. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Sa'ari, Nurul Salikin (2020). Comorbidities of visual spatial attention deficits in acquired brain lesion: the case of reading and working memory. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Sabin, Natasha (2014). Intimate partner violence: a gender inclusive exploration. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Sage, Luke Dominic (2007). Predictors of moral behaviour in football. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Salman, Amna (2021). For whose honour? An investigation into honour based violence. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Sampanis, Dimitrios S. (2014). The rehabilitation of motor and cognitive disorders after stroke. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Samra, H. Sam (2016). A narrative exploration of sense-making, self, and identity in young people diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Sanders, Sarah Elizabeth (2022). “It’s made me realise the power of pressing pause”: a qualitative exploration of educational psychologists’ and trainee educational psychologists’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of limiality and the impact of this on their professional identity and their plans for future practice. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Sandhu, Daljit Kaur (2009). Working with learning disabled sex offenders: a qualitative study of the experiences of staff working on a treatment programme. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Sandhu, Sasha (1996). Investigating the process of social comparison in people with a learning disability. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Sandiford, Michelle Ann (2008). Implicit and explicit attitudes of young people with type 1 diabetes towards high-fat and high-sugar foods. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Sangar, Maninder Kaur (2018). Mental health and Shame : A Foucauldian analysis of the discourses of South Asian girls and their teachers. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Santis, Constantinos (2017). Memory consolidation effects in altered states of consciousness. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Santos-Murphy , Sarah Maria (2014). Ice cream: an approach considering formulation microstructure and eating behaviour. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Saraw, Sanjit (2010). Child Protection: an ecological perspective to assessment and treatment. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Satherley, Rose-Marie (2017). Disordered eating attitudes and behaviours in coeliac disease. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Savage, Justin (2011). The role of parenting and overindulgence in the development of narcissism and parental illness perceptions of ADHD. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Schaum, Nicola Christine (2020). The relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and general violence as well as domestic violence and abuse (DVA). University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Schneider, Elizabeth ORCID: 0000-0002-1711-0877 (2021). Neuropsychopharmacological and behavioural mechanisms underlying eating behaviour and disordered eating behaviour. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Schroeder, Victoria (2019). The neural correlates of automatic imitation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Schuster, Bianca A. ORCID: 0000-0001-5584-2078 (2022). The relationship between social cognition, bodily movement and dopamine. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Seddon, Jennifer Louise (2012). Cannabis use in first-episode psychosis: motivation for use, change in use, and the impact of cannabis use on symptomatic outcome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Seddon, Jessica Rose (2021). Social experiences of adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Sewell, Alexandra (2016). Young social beings: an investigation into the social interactions and relationships of a Year Five class. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Sham Ku, Deniece Kimberly (2015). Rape myth acceptance: a non-western perspective. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Shanahan Somerville, Clare Fiona (2015). Development and evaluation of a sustainable intervention programme. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Sharpe, Rebecca Jane (2014). Together or apart? An analysis of social workers' decision-making when considering the placement of siblings for adoption or foster care. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Shayle, Amy (2009). Assessing the cognitive, behavioural and psychosocial profile of children with Russell Silver Syndrome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Sheldrake, Elizabeth Sarah (2010). The experiences of being a teenage father: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Shen, Xuechun ORCID: 0000-0003-4934-3998 (2021). The role of working memory content in oculomotor capture. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Shepherd, Deborah Pamela (2011). The promotion of mental health and emotional wellbeing of children (5–13) through participatory partnership work with school communities in one local authority: a realistic evaluation of the ‘treasure project’, a three-year children’s fund project. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Sheppard, Louise (2010). How can inquiry groups promote learning within an educational psychology service? An evaluation of an initiative whereby educational psychologists work together to share and improve areas of practice. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Sher, Marilyn Adele (2021). Understanding self-report response bias in high-functioning autism. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Shergill, Narinder Kaur (2010). Cancer treatment-related distress: evaluating the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Shillam, Ann Margaret (2010). The utility of qualitative approaches in the investigation of the relationship between substance misuse and crime. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Shilvock, Gemma Grace (2010). Investigating the factors associated with emotionally-based non-attendance at school from young people’s perspective. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Shoaib, Sohbia Binit (2010). Intimate partner violence and the black and minority ethnic community. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Shrom, Saul Jared (2022). An ecological understanding of the junior-to-senior transition in professional tennis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Sidaway, Adam James (2011). Madness, badness, sadness: Aldous Huxley and the shifting shadow of psychoanalysis. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Silvester, Nicola Jane (2013). Mental health and wellbeing: the views of people who are deaf. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Simms, Stacie Aimee (2020). The use of dialectical behavioural therapy in the treatment of female patients in secure settings. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Simon, Sasha-Louise (2019). A voice for the unheard achievers: an exploration of the educational narratives of achieving Black Caribbean adolescent males in secondary mainstream education. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Sinason, Marek Bron David (2013). The cognitive context of sensorimotor synchronisation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Skinner, Pamela (2013). An exploratory and feasibility study: does a psycho-educational workshop give added value to couples waiting for IVF treatment within NHS organisational systems? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Slater, Chelsea Lynne (2016). Crime linkage and its application to serial, stranger, sexual assaults. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Smith, Alexander James (2021). Psychological treatment for fibromyalgia: a meta-analysis & qualitative exploration. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Smith, Beverly Jayne (2012). An exploration of the significance of mental health day centres in the lives of their members. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Smith, Catherine Mary (2010). An analysis of the assessment and treatment of problematic and offending behaviours in the deaf population. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Smith, Hayley-Jane (2009). The personal experience of carers of individuals with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and their experiences of services. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Smith, Lorna (2021). Mindfulness and meditation in forensic clinical psychology. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Smith, Natalie Catherine (2015). How do adults with a learning disability experience and value the residential and inpatient services they receive? - a systematic qualitative review AND How do psychologists experience working with staff in residential care settings for people with a learning disability? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Smith, Rebecca (2013). An evaluation of parenting groups for children with behavioural difficulties. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Smith-Lewis, Julie (2023). An exploration of children's understanding of mental health. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Smythe, Analisa (2011). Development of a competency framework and training recommendations for staff working within specialist mental health services for people living with dementia. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Snape, Simon Oliver (2016). Moving beyond perceptually focused word learning strategies. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Soan, Colette Andrea (2012). The work of educational psychologists: a cultural-historical analysis using parents’ and educational psychologists’ views. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Sohal, Gurpavnjit Kaur (2017). Developing an understanding of factors that may play a role in the aetiology of higher order repetitive behaviours in individuals with intellectual disabilities. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Soni, Anita (2010). Educational psychology work in children's centres: a realistic evaluation of group supervision with family support workers. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Sparks, Katherine Victoria (2022). Impact of reinvestment and mindfulness on rowing performance. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Spicer, Carly Louise (2014). The effectiveness of interventions and social support for families affected by addiction. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Stacey, Gabrielle (2017). "A professional decision you have to make": a sociocultural exploration of practice and impact within educational psychologists' use of dynamic assessment. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Stainton, Alexandra Grace ORCID: 0000-0002-4969-3122 (2020). Resilience in mental health: investigating neurocognition as a protective factor. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Stanbury, Alexandra (2015). Predictors and outcomes of eating disorders. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Standell, Emily (2020). Virtual reality route learning and hippocampal volume following mild traumatic brain injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Stanger, Nicholas D. (2012). The regulatory role of emotion in antisocial behaviour in sport. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Steen, Scott ORCID: 0000-0002-6712-2761 (2022). Moral injury: assessing forensic secure care and a psychometric tool. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Steenfeldt-Kristensen, Catherine (2019). Risk markers for self-injurious behaviour in children with intellectual disability. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Stefanidou, Chrysi (2014). The neurodevelopmental basis of human action sound processing in typically developing children, children with autism spectrum disorders, and toddlers at risk for autism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Stefanska, Ewa Barbara (2017). Deconstructing sexual killing. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Stewart, Georgia (2022). Clinical psychologists’ experiences of delivering trauma-focused therapy with individuals with intellectual disabilities. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Stileman, Harry (2022). 'Revisiting the debriefing debate: does psychological debriefing reduce PTSD symptomology following work-related trauma? A meta-analysis' and 'Assessing alexithymia in forensic practice: psychometric properties of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale and the Perth Alexithymia Scale in a sample of adult male prisoners'. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Stockford, Clare Louise (2014). Recovery from anorexia nervosa: a systematic qualitative review AND Chronic anorexia nervosa: the personal meaning of symptoms and treatment. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Stone, Hannah (2014). Understanding the cycle of maternal intergenerational child maltreatment. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Strauss, Soeren (2014). A cognitive robotics approach to the human reaching process: simulating goal-directed reaching and choice-reaching tasks with a closed-loop model. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Strickland, Clare Ruth (2022). Understanding the impact of digital forensic analysts’ experiences of working with online child sexual exploitation and abuse. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Strong, Emily Victoria (2019). We do have a voice: using a Personal Construct Psychology technique to explore how children and young people with Selective Mutism construct their current and 'ideal' selves. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Sturgess, Danielle (2016). Engagement in treatment amongst a forensic population. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Suliman Khanfer, Riyad (2011). Psychological stress and neutrophil function. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Sultana, Anjam (2014). An IPA study exploring how educational settings influence the experiences, identity and academic attainment of Pakistani students as they progress to Higher Education. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Sultana, Najma (2016). The sexual and marital relationships of people with a learning disability. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Sun, Hua-Chun (2015). The neural basis of visual material properties in the human brain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Surridge, Karen Suzanne (2013). Do individuals in mental health neurological outpatient and non-clinical populations have distinct profiles on the common cognitive complaints checklist (CCCC)? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Surtees, Andrew D. R. (2011). Controlled and efficient processing of psychological and spatial perspectives in children and adults. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Sutton, Nicola Jayne (2015). An exploration of burnout in mental health settings: contributions of clinical supervision. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

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Talbot, Josephine (2018). Neurological and cognitive symptoms and wellbeing outcomes in adults with coeliac disease. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Tatsumoto, Mika (2011). Perceived effects of peer cooperation on motivation in the Japanese university EFL classroom. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Tay, Kai Rong (2020). Episodic memory reconsolidation and strengthening. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Taylor, Chénelle Anika (2018). Static risk factors among Jamaican sex offenders: a cross-cultural analysis. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Taylor, Helen (2017). Online sexual grooming: the role of offender motivation and grooming strategies. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Taylor, Jon (2014). The criminogenic needs of offenders with intellectual disability and personality disorder. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

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Taylor-Covill, Guy Alexander Howard (2013). The role of energetic resources on perception and physical activity choices. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Thakordas, Vicky (2015). A systemic approach to resilience following child maltreatment: the role of attachment and coping styles. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

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Thexton, Wayne (2022). Clinical psychology training and preparation for multidisciplinary team working: a grounded theory model and the reframing of reflective practice. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Thilo, Kai Volker (2015). The neural correlates of psychotherapy: functional magnetic resonance imaging investigations of the effects of cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety on human neural function. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Thody, Philippa (2012). The effects of integrating the populations: the experiences of young adult male offenders incarcerated in an adult prison. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Thomas, Jason Michael (2015). Neuropsychopharmacology of appetite in healthy volunteers. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Thomas, Shemeica Deborah (2010). Predicting homeless people's use of outreach service programmes: additional avenues and methodological issues explored. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Thompson, Claire (2010). The assessment and treatment of violence in personality disordered offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

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Thompson, Lauren (2010). The relationship between social climate, fear of assault, challenging behaviour and burnout in staff who work with people with intellectual disabilities. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Thompson, Severine (2012). Using realistic evaluation as a tool to understand what enables and constrains parental engagement in a Midland Local Authority TAMHS project. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Thomson, Laura (2013). The perceptions of teaching staff about their work with Gypsy, Roma, Traveller children and young people. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Thornbery, Emma (2010). Using realistic evaluation principles to evaluate an intervention utilising a collaborative problem solving framework aimed at supporting the reflective practice of multi-professional groups of practitioners in two children’s centres. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Thurston, Victoria (2014). Memories of school transition in young people with Asperger syndrome and cognitive similarities and differences with schizophrenia; understanding diagnostic uncertainty. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Tidmarsh, Grace Louise ORCID: 0000-0001-8833-1960 (2022). Exploring the implementation of a psychologically informed mental skills training programme for young people experiencing homelessness. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Tilsley, Penelope (2018). Investigating changes in motor activation after tDCS. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

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Tolgyesi, Charlotte Sarah (2011). Psychosocial factors associated with self-management and well-being in childhood chronic illness. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Tomkins, Leanne (2015). Consistent inconsistency: the experience of interpersonal relationships from the perspective of residential staff and young people in the looked after system. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Tookey, Sara Angela (2016). Help-seeking for potential symptoms of gynaecological cancer amongst obese women: a mixed methods study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Tooze, Alana (2010). The neurocognitive consequences of non-functioning pituitary adenoma and its treatment. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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Towers, Katherine Laura (2019). 'Opening Hearts and Homes': An interpretivist study of the social support received by unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in a multicultural urban Local Authority. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

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Trotter, Emily (2023). First-hand experiences of belonging among child refugees & asylum seekers, post-migration: a meta-synthesis and “it’s good to have a place where you can just be yourself”: exploring how informal learning programmes designed to reduce loneliness can influence identity construction in young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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Tsirimokou, Alexandra Maria (2023). Vicarious trauma, coping and post-traumatic growth in professionals exposed to traumatogenic material. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

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Turner, Ellie (2023). "I may start a new life" An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of young people with SEND from a special school in England on preparing for adulthood. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

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Waite, Jane (2012). The behavioural and cognitive phenotype of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Waite, Jane Elizabeth (2013). The correlates of challenging behaviour in intellectual disabilities: child characteristics, parental cognitions and wellbeing. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Wakeland, Elizabeth Sarah (2017). Professionals’ experiences of deaf people; a grounded theory approach within the mental health and criminal justice system. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Wakeling, Helen Catherine (2015). Examination of the use of self-report psychometrics within sexual offender treatment and in prediction of reoffending. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Walker, Amanda L. (2011). Working with sex offenders and those individuals with a learning disability: the importance of psychological factors in the delivery of care. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Walsh, Kathryn Amy (2017). Shame, mental health and substance use: an exploration of psychological processes and interventions. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Walters, Jane Louise (2020). “I am what I am”: narratives of effective change leadership in UK sport coaching systems. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wang, Fang (2013). A social constructionist analysis of the discourse of mental depression in British and Chinese news: a corpus-based study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wango, Geoffrey Mbugua (2006). Policy and practice in guidance and counselling in secondary schools in Kenya. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ward, Jamie (1998). Lexical retrieval in spelling. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ward-Brown, Joanna (2012). Adult children who care for a parent with dementia. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Warom, Ren (2023). Reprogramming the signifiers: an analysis of post-truth as a narrative atmosphere deriving from a shift in the sociocultural narratives. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wassall, Sarah (2011). Evaluation of an attachment theory based parenting programme for adoptive parents and foster carers. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Waters, Gillian Margaret (2010). The limits of young children's understanding of sources of knowledge. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Waters, Paul (2016). Challenging behaviour assessment in individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Watson, Sian (2013). PTSD and violence. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Watson, Thomas (2021). The impact of social network contact on recovery from alcohol problems. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Weaver, Sarah (2011). The impact on parents of caring for people with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Webber, Charlotte (2019). Exposure to air pollution affects performance on hippocampus-dependent cognitive tasks. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Webster, Paula (2010). Emotion regulation and eating psychopathology in women. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Weibull, Fredrik Waloddi (2019). Exercisers' imagery use and ability. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Weisberg, Daniel Philip (2011). Children’s thinking about regret and relief. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Welham, Alice (2013). Facial emotion processing in genetic neurodevelopmental syndromes (a literature review) and acquired brain injury (an empirical study). University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Werrell, Fiona (2020). Does explicit memory interfere with the implicit memory of people with acquired memory impairments? University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

West, Melanie (2017). Factors influencing singleton search and cognitive intervention with older adults. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Westwood, Ellen Anne (2017). The use and outcomes of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for forensic populations and non-forensic adolescent populations. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Whaley, Lucy Hannah (2023). What impact does nonverbal behaviour have on male perceptions of sexual consent? University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Whalley, Clare Louise ORCID: 0000-0002-6054-0194 (2020). Supporting children's tool innovation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Whatson, Chloe Louise (2016). An examination of current practice and new developments in the forensic assessment of offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Whitby, Christopher Lionel (1982). John Dee's actions with spirits: 22 December 1581 to 23 May 1583. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

White, Catherine Ann (2022). Trauma risk management: what are the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of TRiM in a mental health service. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Whitehouse, Matthew (2012). The effect of attentional focus on the performance and learning of a motor skill on adolescent soccer players. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Whitley, Rebekah Lea (2012). As close to their bodies as their own perplexed and curious minds can endure: understanding how trauma works in African women’s fiction. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Whittall, Suzanne Tamara (2015). Outcomes in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders over the age of 15. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Whittle, Helen Christina (2014). An exploration of young people’s vulnerabilities to online grooming and sexual abuse. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wilde, Lucy Victoria (2012). The behavioural and cognitive phenotype of Smith-Magenis syndrome. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wilkes, Victoria Louise (2012). Predicting length of stay in a male medium secure psychiatric hospital. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Wilkins, Luke (2015). Vision testing and visual training in sport. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Williams, Catrin (2021). An exploration into the reliability of child witness memory evidence: The role of standardised assessment, misinformation, and the perception of professionals. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Williams, Elouise Lauren (2015). Validation of the neuropsychological assessment battery screening tool (s-nab) in participants with traumatic brain injury in the UK. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Williams, Emma Marie (2017). The subjective experiences of women with intellectual disabilities and offending behavour: exploration of their housing histories and their ideal home. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Williams, Huw (2015). Using a sociocultural framework to explore the experiences of visually impaired young people who leave school; their transition experiences, feelings of independence and sense of identity during the transition process: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Williams, Rebecca (2015). An examination of female sexual offending: toward a gender-specific approach. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Williams, Sarah (2011). Athlete imagery ability and effective imagery use. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Williams, Sarah Louise (2013). Promoting children's mental health at a whole-school level using action research. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Williamson, Emily Nicole (2022). It’s not home. But it is as close to home as school can get” exploring the lived experiences of ‘school belonging’ with autistic adolescents attending a social communication hub: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Williamson, Jonathan Paul Allan (2011). Assessing the suitability of cognitive-behavioural therapy for specialised client populations. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Willis, Hannah (2014). Exploring pathways to sex offending: childhood abusive histories, interpersonal relating and victim choice in sex offenders. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Wilson, Christina Ann (2018). Implementation and evaluation of dialectical behaviour therapy for adolescents and for eating disorders. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Wilson, Christine Mary (2014). The impact of contact with persons with a disability on attitudes towards disability amongst the general population and those with a newly acquired spinal cord injury. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Wilson, Rebecca S. (2016). Investigating dynamic functional connectivity during NREM sleep using combined EEG-fMRI. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wilson, Ross (2018). Down is the new up: multimodal neuroimaging investigations of the negative bold response. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Winsor, Alice ORCID: 0000-0001-6689-2425 (2022). The impact of sleep and neurodevelopmental characteristics on quality of life in children with epilepsy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Woliter, Dean (2014). A realistic evaluation of a Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) intervention to support an adolescent diagnosed with Asperger syndrome in a mainstream secondary school. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Wolska, Julia Katharina (2021). The influence of task-irrelevant Navon stimuli on the time-course of visual attention and reaching movements. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wolstencroft, Hayley A. (2024). Intervention for cognitive difficulties in Functional Cognitive Disorder. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Wong, Kei Ki ORCID: 0000-0002-4372-9817 (2021). Examining the relationships among parental mind-mindedness, parental connected talk, mental-state talk, and children’s social understanding: a longitudinal study. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Wood, Christopher James (2014). ‘Consultation groups’ in residential care settings: a ‘realistic evaluation’ of the contextual influences and mechanisms that obstruct or support positive outcomes for looked-after children. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Wood, Leah (2015). Resilience in parents of adults with intellectual disability. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Woodgate, Philip James (2015). Hand movements reveal the temporal characteristics of visual attention. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Woodin, Greg ORCID: 0000-0001-7992-4991 (2023). Interfaces between language and cognition: metaphor, iconicity, and multimodal numerical communication. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wright, Beth Bowden (2023). Perceptions of wellbeing support services in prison officers and the role of hypermasculinity as a barrier to help-seeking. University of Birmingham. Foren.Psy.D.

Wright, Claire Louise ORCID: 0000-0002-1570-0515 (2022). Executive function and self-injurious behaviour in autistic children with a co-occurring intellectual disability. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Wright, Hayley (2011). Attentional reorienting in response to socially relevant gestures: a neuropsychological investigation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wright, Jason Barry (2018). How do children and young people who have been adopted experience peer relationships. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Wright, Megan Alice (2021). Managing closeness and conflict: Strengthening the relationships between maltreated and 'looked after' children and their caregivers. University of Birmingham. Foren.Clin.Psy.D.

Wu, Yikun (2010). Stress, satisfaction and resilience: the psychological aspects of life for elders in a Chinese setting. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wulff, Melanie (2016). Investigating the relations between object affordance and perception using behavioural and neuroimaging experiments. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Xie, Yibo ORCID: 0000-0002-9496-5975 (2020). Functions of speculative thinking. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Xu, Shan (2015). Implied between-object action affects affordance selection. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Yahya, Keyvan (2013). A computational study of visual template identification in the SAIM: a free energy approach. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Yankouskaya, Ala (2013). Interaction between processing of identity and emotional expression in faces. Cognitive and neural mechanism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Yasmin, Natasha (2019). Spousal relationships following a brain injury. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Yeats, Rowena Margaret (2013). An ethnographic study of the impact of service transition on the well-being of nurses in two National Health Service acute trusts. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Yemane, Faiben (2023). Black men speak: making sense of trust in the context of forensic mental health services among Black men in London, UK. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Yousefi, Zahrieh (2017). Belief Representation Systematic Approach (BRSA): an agent-based model to understand a simple theory of mind. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Yukovsky, Julia (2012). Spatial biases in visual selection: effects of competition and inhibition. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.


Zhao, Lin (2017). The contribution of memory to common ground effects during language comprehension. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Zhou, Beinan (2016). Behavioural and electrophysiological evidences for the effect of bilingualism on speakers’ cognitive control ability. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Zoob Carter, Barnaby ORCID: 0000-0003-0387-4849 (2023). Psychosocial factors facilitating anabolic-androgenic steroid dependence. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Zuanazzi, Arianna (2019). Spatial attention and expectation across audition and vision. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Zuniga Montanez, Claudia Cecilia (2021). Word learning biases and vocabulary acquisition in typical and atypical development. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Zygouris, Nikolaos (2012). Understanding and treating depressive rumination. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

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