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Barnes, Eliza Mary Ann (1913). The reflection of contemporary religious thought in the essays of the 18th century. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Hartland, Reginald William (1913). Influences Anglaises sur le roman historique Français: (V. Hugo, Roger de Beauvoir, Frédéric Soulié, dans leurs rapports avec W. Scott et ses prédécesseurs). University of Birmingham. M.A.
Adenekan, Olorunshola (2012). African literature in the digital age: class and sexual politics in new writing from Nigeria and Kenya. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Aguirre, Antony (2023). Reimagining the performance of song in light of pedagogical developments at the Nordic school of visa: a songpoetics. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Alexander, Ian Page (1939). Arthur Hugh Clough and his poetry. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Almuthaybiri, Adel (2020). Gender in contemporary Saudi novels. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Amsden, Lucy Catherine Emery (2011). Philippe Gaulier’s contribution to clown theatre; traces and manifestations. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Arnold, Jennifer Louise (2017). Translating national identity: the translation and reception of Catalan literature into English. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ashworth, Angela (2021). The Newfoundland outport novel; perceptions of place and identity. 1858-2014. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Baggs , Thomas A. (1912). The rise and progress of euphism in English literature. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Barker, Helen Margaret (2015). Writing about rape: law, criticism, and drama, from Shakespeare’s Titus to The Lawes Resolutions. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Birch, Catherine Elizabeth (2011). Evolutionary feminism in late-victorian women’s poetry: Mathilde Blind, Constance Naden and May Kendall. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Bitsiani, Eleni (2022). Family plots: bio-medical discourse, gender, and familial/marital relationships in the modern Greek fiction of the 1920s and 1930s. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Box, Carolyn (2011). Exchanges and innovation: creative collaborations with Shakespeare by British and Irish dramatists, 1970-2010. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Bridgewater, Thomas Angus (2021). Withdrawal: a reading of antisocial affect in contemporary fiction. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Buckingham, Daniel Adrian (2019). “Deadlier than the male”: antifeminist satire in the works of P.G. Wodehouse and Evelyn Waugh. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Bulawka, Hanna Maria (2012). Gender representations in the Polish press: a feminist critical discourse study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Burrows, Mabel Mary (1912). The position of woman in the seventeenth century and her influence on the literature. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Carson, Jessie G. (1920). Some aspects of Robert Browning's philosophy of love: with special regard to his theory of the relation between love and knowledge as revealed in Men and women (1885). University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Clarke, Hugh (1947). Charles Dickens' contribution to the social novel: 1836-1850. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Clewes, Simon (2023). Radical Relations: Queer(ing) Desire, Love, and Kinship in the Writing of William Godwin and his Circle. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Colletti, Sean (2020). 'Inferno' and 'Influence Hunger: A Manifesto'. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Corless, Edward (2021). Immolation and critical document. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Covarino, Giulia (2019). Literature in the foreign language classroom: students' and teachers' views on learner motivation, reading habits and skills, and the role of the teacher. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Cowley, Robert L.S (1977). A review of William Hogarth's Marriage à la Mode with particular reference to character and setting. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Cowley, Robert L.S (1972). An examination and interpretation of narrative features in 'A Rake's Progress'. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Davidson, Craig (2017). The Saturday Night Ghost Club; The brain is a subtle organ: the depiction of traumatic memory in selected Canadian fiction. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Dealtry, Rachel (2014). Old stories, New plays: developing a new work for the stage, inspired by the formative tale ‘Little Red Cap’. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Dengtash, Ayshe (2019). The Grieving Mothers of the Departed Children and How Does Trauma Manifest Non-Fictional and Fictional Cults?: Exploring The Girls, Foxlowe, After Me Comes The Flood, and The Grieving Mothers of the Departed Children. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Détraz, Marie-Pierre (1992). The attrition of dogma in the legal press under Brezhnev : Literaturnaya gazeta (Second Section), 1967-1971. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Dhalla, Mahmood G. (2013). Alone with the beloved: the words of ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn in The Ṣaḥīfa Sajjādiyya. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Dobrzynski, Dion (2023). Forest ecology and fantasy fiction: forests and the fantastic imagination in a time of ecological crises. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Doh, In-Hwan (2013). Dramatic representation of the poor in the age of Shakespeare. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Domouxi, Paschalina (2016). Narrative experimentation in difficult times: the development of post-war Greek women's fiction. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Douglas, Malcolm Bryce (1913). The rise of metaphysical poetry in England. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Doyle, Daniel (2019). An investigation into the language attitudes, beliefs and values of socio-economically disadvantaged boys in Sandwell and how they relate to the National Curriculum and its ideological underpinnings. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Drakou, Georgia (2014). Antiquity, primitivism and national stereotypes in Greek travel writing (1850-1870). University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Duangfai, Chanapa (2018). Psychological disorder and narrative order in Kazuo Ishiguro's novels. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Finney, Kathleen E (1913). Eichendorff's ideas on romanticism. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Fursland, Rosalind Jane (2018). Theatrics of modernity: Incidental, impromptu, and everyday performance in early twentieth-century Manhattan. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Gilbert, Kerry (2015). Letter-writing theory in the literary scene: Angel Day, The English Secretary, and authorship in early modern England. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Graham, Dorothy L. (1934). Henry Vaughan, Silurist: a study of his life and writings: his relations to his age and subsequent influence. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Grantham, Brianna Jene (2017). The collection: integrating attachment theory and theories of intergenerational development to write a woman's life. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Griggio, Amanda (2019). John Sloan and literature: an analysis of literary influences in the works of writing of the American artist. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Grosvenor, Rachel (2017). The second space and a contribution to the narrative of women's literature: themes from the second space - the assumption of autobiographical writing and the label of women's fiction. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Guttesen, Kristian ORCID: 0000-0002-4031-689X
Character education through poetry.
University of Birmingham.
Hale, Florence (1920). The influence of Latin drama on Elizabethan drama. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Harriott, Robin Christopher (2021). The Birmingham group: reading the second city in the 1930s. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Harrison, Arthur Cyril (1920). Robert Southey and his poetry: a critical study. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Hartless, Harry (2022). Try to learn to let what is unfair teach you: an investigation into metafiction, self- consciousness and morality AND ‘A diamond geeza is a girl’s best friend’ a collection of short stories, vignettes and snapshots. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Hatfield, Henry Arnold (1913). Etude sur les procedes litteraires de Bernardin de St Pierre. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Hayward, Lucy (2014). 'Bordering on chaos' with critical analysis. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Hill, Neville V.L. (1949). Some aspects of the style of John Webster : a study of The duchess of Malfi and The white devil. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Huang, Xiaomei (2023). Disciplinary and intra-disciplinary developmental variation in shell noun use in undergraduate student writing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Humphrey, Paul Richard (2013). Gods, gender and sexuality: representations of Vodou and Santería in Haitian and Cuban cultural production. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Jackson, Alicia R. (2018). Ezekiel's two stick and eschatological violence in the pentecostal tradition: an intertextual literary analysis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Jackson, Edward William (2018). David Foster Wallace's hideous neoliberal spermatics. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Jackson, Russell Bennett (1971). "Cymbeline" in the nineteenth century. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Jackson, Russell Bennett (1975). Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890: a study of major London productions. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Jeffery, Elizabeth Mary ORCID: 0000-0001-8378-9892
Minority Shakespeare: a cultural study of translation and performance in Welsh, Euskara, and Te Reo Māori.
University of Birmingham.
Jenner, Stephanie (2011). Identity and the Victorian woman poet: working in and against the poetess tradition. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Jones, Miranda Alice (2020). Engagements with the pastoral mode in the poetry and plays of Derek Walcott. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Kalfa, Vagia (2015). The poetics of Tasos Leivaditis: from extroversion to introversion. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Katz, Stephanie E. (2023). Here we go 'Round In circles’: The definition of Circular Narrative as a new narrative typology. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Kaur, Kiranpreet ORCID: 0000-0003-3629-4242
African - Not African: Negotiating Textual Identities in Colonial- Era Travel Writing about Congo (1870-1950).
University of Birmingham.
Kerrigan, Stephanie Louise (2019). Postmodern dramaturgies: adapting classical Greek tragedies for the contemporary stage. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
King, Gemma (2014). 'A hapless race’: supernatural social satire in May Kendall’s poetry. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Kovalenko, Viacheslav (2020). Apollo Breaks His Silence; In defence of theia mania: a preliminary study in the sacred libido of poetry. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Lara, Ashley (2014). Good writers borrow, great writers kill: the evolution of the thriller genre in thesis play Author. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Lefaki, Maria (2010). Papadiamantis’ Athenian short stories: social representation and characterization. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Lennon, Andrew G. ORCID: 0000-0002-8585-5707
Beyond documentary theatres: shifting iterations of documentary practices.
University of Birmingham.
Liddell, M.F. (1925). German sea poetry. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Mackenzie, Rowan Mia (2021). Creating Space for Shakespeare with Marginalised Communities. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Manford, Alan (1981). A critical edition of Thomas Hardy's "A pair of blue eyes". University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Marshall, Rosalie Dempsy (2012). On being West Indian in post-war metropolitan France: perspectives from French West Indian literature. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
McGhee, John (2019). How much shall we bet? Defining surreal futures. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
McKague, Cathleen Meghan (2015). ‘[A]n hermaphrodite—two parts in one’: the androgynous as grotesque and divine in Jonson, Marston, and Shakespeare. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Mechkarini, Sara (2022). Neither from here nor from there: the alienation of the evolué(e) in Anglophone and Francophone African literature. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Miller, Bethany Sarah (2023). Constructing and consuming the French Caribbean: an ecocritical approach. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Momtaz, Eva Maliha (2023). Milton and the modern Muslimah: paradise lost and British-Asian Muslim women readers. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Moore, Daniel Thomas (2008). "There are yet other kinds of work which may be done?" : aesthetic history and the representation of the Italian past, 1850-1935. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Moore, Michael (2014). Style and experience as a dichotomy in criticism of the novels of Jean Rhys, Doris Lessing and J G Ballard. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Moran, Alexander James Paul (2017). Cultural reproduction in contemporary American fiction. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Morrall, Heather (2011). Dorothy Richardson’s Pilgrimage: the superficial or the profound? University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Morton, Charles Douglas Andrew (2017). The influence of William Shakespeare on the works of Harold Pinter. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Moster, Brittany (2020). John Middleton Murry's Editorial Practices 1911-1927. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Mycroft, Jonathan Ian (2020). The short answer: a collection of short stories and an analysis of the use of short fiction in the teaching of creative writing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
New, Rachel (2017). Half: a novel and the corresponding thesis: between memoir and fiction. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
O'Connor, Marie (2011). Gissing and unhealth: an analysis of medicine, death, and eugenics in the work of George Gissing. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Orfanou, Niki (2010). Odds and Clocks. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Pateridou, Georgia (2004). Yannis Psycharis's Greek novels (1888-1929) : didactic narratives, cultural views and self-referentiality. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Pearce, Kate (2020). Animal characters and characterisation in science fiction: A scientific contextualist stylistic approach. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Platt, Peter (1957). English and French theories of tragedy and comedy: based on the appreciation of Shakespeare in France: with special reference to Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, The taming of the shrew, A midsummer nights dream, The falstaff plays, As you like it, Measure for measure. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Portelli, Terence (2011). A reader-response approach to the initial training of Maltese literature teachers. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Quinn, Anne P (2019). Out of time and into history: representations of changing identity in twenty-first-century Irish literature. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ranger, Holly Anne ORCID: 0000-0002-8802-4589
The feminine Ovidian tradition.
University of Birmingham.
Robinson, Moira C. (2002). Popular fiction and publishing 1960s-1990s. University of Birmingham. M.Litt.
Ross, Lizzie Louise (1912). The effect of the advance in scientific knowledge upon seventeenth century literature. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Salhi, Sourour (2023). Towards an appraisal of the African past: a postcolonial comparative study of Franco-Algerian and Anglo-Nigerian literatures from subalternity to ‘hybrid affirmation’. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Simmonds, Sarah (2014). Writing the storm in the teacup: the process of writing the character driven play, Unidentified Item in the Bagging Area, focusing upon the seemingly unremarkable life of Victoria Burnham. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Sperandio, Renata (2010). Dantean reverberations: four readers of Dante in the Twentieth century: a study on the Dantes of Primo Levi, Edoardo Sanguineti, Samuel Beckett, and Seamus Heaney. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Stamos, Ioannis (2019). From literary criticism to propaganda: intellectuals, culture, and politics during the Metaxas dictatorship (1936-1940). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Stratton, Sarah Louise (2018). More than throw-away fiction: investigating lesbian pulp fiction through the lens of a lesbian textual community. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Teleioni, Eleftheria (2010). Spain and Kazantzakis’ travel writing. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Tomaselli, Francesca (2023). Power and agency in portrayals of gendered relationships in Regina Di Luanto's Un Martirio (1894) and Memini's L'ultima Primavera (1894). University of Birmingham. M.A.
Waddell, Nathan Joseph (2010). Modernism and utopia, 1900-1920: politics and social betterment in early modernist writing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Wakasa, Tomoko (2011). Swords in early modern English plays. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Waldemarson, Ivar (2008). ‘The glassworks’ with critical analysis. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Walls, M. (1986). The Renaissance hermetic tradition in Shakespeare’s plays. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Wang, Tsai-Yeh (2010). British women’s travel writings in the era of the French Revolution. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Watts, Janet (2018). Holding Baby: a creative exploration to raise awareness about kinship care through the writing of a play, Holding Baby, and a poetry collection, Holding. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Wells 1930-, Stanley W. (1961). Perymedes the Blacksmith and Pandosto by Robert Greene. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Westmaas, Juanita Anne (2013). Edgar Mittelholzer (1909-1965) and the shaping of his novels. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
White, Jessica Helen Jennifer (2018). Black corporeality: exploring women's embodiment in Caribbean, Brazilian and diasporic histories. University of Birmingham. M.A.
White, Thomas (2023). Wallpaper: cognitive linguistic approaches to metaphor and creative writing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Whitley, Rebekah Lea (2012). As close to their bodies as their own perplexed and curious minds can endure: understanding how trauma works in African women’s fiction. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Wicks, Sanna Pauliina (2015). The value of mobile phone applications in heritage interpretation. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Woodend, Kyle Matthew (2018). Irony, narcissism and affect: a study of David Foster Wallace's Infinte Jest. University of Birmingham. M.A.