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Abdulmajeed, Haveen Muhamad (2017). An integrated approach to achievement: measuring the development of writing skills in Kurdish learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Al Asmri, Mansour ORCID: 0000-0001-5745-8870 (2022). The experience of UK medical/physician associate students in the acquisition of intimate physical examination skills, and the role of technology-enhanced simulators in facilitating learning. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Al Fozan, Ibrahim Mohammed A (2018). An investigation of the strategies that Saudi university students use when writing in English and the linguistic challenges they encounter: a comparative and correlational study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Al-Busaidi, Bushra Abdullah Mohamed (2016). A study of quality of college education in Oman. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Al-Obaidli, Kholode (2010). Women ESL teachers' perception about their roles and professional development needs in Qatar’s education for a new era. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

AlAjaji, Eman Abdullah (2016). Self-representation in academic writing: a copus-based exploratory study of the College of Nursing students' academic writing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Alomaim, Thamir Issa M (2019). Language education policy and language practices in teaching English as a foreign language in a Saudi newly established university: an interpretive case study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Alzeer, Sarah N M ORCID: 0000-0003-3710-2388 (2022). Toward a tool for evaluating corpus-based word list for use in English language teaching contexts. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Anderson, Andrew Edward (2011). Leadership or management: an examination of the expectations on a Head Teacher in a serious weaknesses school. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Asiri, Maram (2023). An investigation of teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards communicative language teaching in a Saudi university. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Billington, Christopher (2011). Psychosocial influences on the use and regulation of mobile phones in high schools. Perspectives from pupils, teachers and parents, an exploratory case study approach. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Blair, Erik Alexander (2011). How do those completing initial teacher training in the post-compulsory education and training sector consider ‘theory’ in relation to their practice? University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Burke, Sarah Elizabeth (2008). The doctor-patient relationship: an exploration of trainee doctors’ views. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Carlton, Joel (2022). An enquiry into cultural influences on leadership in higher education: comparing the experiences of business school academic leaders in Malaysia and the United Kingdom. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Casha, Sonja (2016). Speaking of angels: intellectual disability, identity and further education in Malta. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chambers, Nigel Noel (2009). Changing times : the role of the Curriculum middle managers within Colleges of Further Education. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Cholewinski, Michael Gerard (2011). Authentic activity, perceived values and student engagement in an EFL composition course. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cleary, Angela Mary (2018). Smiles and challenges: an ethnographically-oriented study into the experiences of a particular group of Thai post-graduate students in UK higher education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Coates, Alison (2012). An exploration of nurse education leadership as identified and experienced by nurse teachers working in the field of nurse education. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Cooke, Sandra (2012). Perspectives on the learning journeys of students in English higher education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cooley, Sam Joseph (2015). Developing groupwork through outdoor adventure education: a systematic evaluation of learning and transfer in higher education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Elgadal, Huda Amer (2017). The effect of self-assessment on inexperienced EFL students’ writing during revision. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Farruggia-Bochnak, Antonio Giuseppe (2017). Beyond four dyslexia paradigms: an alternative perspective on dyslexia and emancipatory intervention on self-concept. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ford, Elizabeth Kathryn Rose (2018). 'To perform, or not to perform: that is the questions' A survey of how secondary school headteachers perceive their enactment status in leadership. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Frank, Helen Louise (2017). An exploration of the learning experiences of visually impaired physiotherapy students in higher education in the UK. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Franklin, Emma (2015). Fresher perspectives: the transition to student life examined using LIWC and a keywords analysis. University of Birmingham. M.Res.


Gruzdeva, Kristina (2022). Financial literacy and higher education choices: the gender expectations gap. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Guest , Sarah Alicia (2011). Narrating the self – women in the professions in Germany 1900-1945. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Harty, Linda Jane (2016). Student voice on higher education in further education and implications for leaders in dual sector institutions in England. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Haughton, Christoper John (2012). From ships to leaderships - the leadership of maritime education and training (MET) institutions in the United Kingdom. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Henderson, Holly (2019). Local students in higher education cold spots: placed possible selves and college-based higher education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Henry, James (2022). Writing at the crossroads: a linguistic analysis of academic business report writing at a modern UK university. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hewett, Rachel Graca (2020). The experiences of young people with vision impairment making the transition into Higher Education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hirata, Yoko (2017). Facilitating communication-oriented activities through data-driven learning. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hordosy, Rita (2014). What do we know about what school leavers and graduates are doing?: a European perspective on data production and utilisation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Horton, Matthew Stewart (2023). A quasi-experiment study investigating the impact of Aimhigher summer school and mentoring programmes on disadvantaged pupils’ HE knowledge, attitudes, expectations, academic confidence, motivations, and HE entry rates. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Huang, Xiaomei (2023). Disciplinary and intra-disciplinary developmental variation in shell noun use in undergraduate student writing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Inman, Margaret (2007). The journey to leadership: a study of how leader-academics in higher education learn to lead. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Irvine, Brian ORCID: 0000-0002-9515-8032 (2023). A Framework for Specialist (Autism) Mentoring in UK Higher Education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Issa Nauffal, Diane (2005). Higher education in Lebanon : management cultures and their impact on performance outcomes. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Issitt, Stephen (2017). Evaluating the impact of a Presessional English for Academic Purposes Programme: a corpus based study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Jackson, Dawn V ORCID: 0000-0002-3198-5987 (2020). Expectations and experiences: the contribution of supervision to the professional development of postgraduate General Practice trainees. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Jego, Eric Hajime (2022). Assessing oral communication skills of EFL novice medical students: interactional competence and the Roter Interaction Analysis System. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Kurdali, Bader (2012). Across-disciplinary variations in the writing of EFL students at university level: a systemic functional perspective. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Laiou, Elpiniki (2010). The effects of practical training methods of different forms and intensities on the acquisition of clinical skills. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lameu, Paula Cristina (2017). Education ICT assemblage: encounters of discourses, emotions, affects, subjects, and their productive forces. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Largan, Claire Elizabeth (2016). From Foundation degree to Bachelor degree: exploring the identity construction of part-time women students within one vocationally focused higher education institution. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lee, Byeong Hyun (2011). Conditions affecting Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education in the UK and South Korea. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lewin-Jones, Jenny ORCID: 0000-0002-1910-3398 (2023). The presentation of internationalisation on university websites in England: impoverished discourses. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Lucas, Timothy (2009). The experiences of first year chemistry students learning spectroscopy by an enquiry-based approach. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Lyon, Heath (2016). Perceptions of literacy difficulties and their assessment in a college of further education. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Lyons, David J. (2016). Context and complexity: a longitudinal study of motivational dynamics among South Korean university students. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Macleod, Andrea Georgia (2016). “Determined to succeed”: perceptions of success from autistic adults. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Madi, Mohammad Abdelfattah Atallah (2018). Investigating the impact of postgraduate musculoskeletal physiotherapy education on practitioners’ clinical reasoning skills. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Masunga, Robert (2014). Further education governance: the role of governors in further education (FE) college improvement. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Matthews, Adam ORCID: 0000-0003-4013-0232 (2021). Humans, higher education and technology - a corpus-assisted discourse and genealogical analysis of the idea of a university. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

McLoughlin, Claire Louise (2017). When does service provision support or undermine state legitimacy? Higher education and processes of state (de-) legitimation in Sri Lanka. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Michail, Konstantina (2010). Dyslexia: the experiences of university students with dyslexia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Morley, David J. (2020). An investigation into the matrix of support for medical students on hospital placement: a case study. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Murray, Sarah (2016). Using Video Enhanced Reflective Practice (VERP) to support the development of consultation and peer supervision skills. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.


Naismith, Laura Michelle (2007). Using learning designs to represent and assess reflective learning for undergraduate medical students. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Nieto, Michael Lewis (2015). What does leadership and followership mean in a post-1992 university business school? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Normand, Miranda Jane (2014). A linguistic ethnography of an adult vocational class: constructing identities and mediating educational discourses. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Novakovic, Emily (2014). Transferable skills in higher education: the contribution of extracurricular activity participation. University of Birmingham. M.Res.


Okazaki, Makiko (2012). An investigation into the relationship between learner autonomy support and student motivation in the Japanese university setting. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Omar, Bassam (2015). Developing continuing professional development (CPD) leadership in further education (FE). University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Owens, Martin (2010). An action research investigation into the effectiveness of number testing of a group of young adults with learning difficulties in a further education setting. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.


Palfrey, Emma (2019). Preparing student teachers to teach inclusively: a case study of a higher education PGCE course in Wales. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Popovic, Celia Frances (2007). Why do medical students fail? a study of 1st year medical students and the educational context. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Prodromou, Zacharias (2010). An analysis of entrepreneurship education (Birmingham Business School 2007-2009). University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Pugh, James Neil (2018). University tuition fee increases: the influence of increasing fees on students entering Higher Education; student and staff expectations; and the potential revolution in the culture of Higher Education. A case study within an English post 1992 University. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Quach, Hy Hoang Thien (2013). Changes in Vietnam and the UK’s higher education – a comparison. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.


Reid, Adrianne (2016). Implementing Special Educational Needs and Disability policy reform in further education settings: an exploratory case study of named person perceptions. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Ricky, . (2017). Servant leadership in higher education: a case of academic leadership in a faith-based university in Indonesia. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Ridley, David Benjamin (2019). The method of democracy: John Dewey’s critical social theory. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rogers, Kelly (2021). Understanding the journey to leadership: the experiences of principals in the further education sector. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Roumeliotis, Spyridon (2014). How instability in the labour market affects Greek students’ decision to study at university and to attend private tuition. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Rowan-Lancaster, Jennifer L. (2022). Challenging fear: teaching LGBTUA+ relationship and sex education (RSE) from a trainee teacher and teacher educator perspective. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.


Sangha, Sujinder Singh (2011). Asian black and minority ethnic principals in England’s further education colleges: an investigation into the dynamics of their leadership. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Siekierska, Christina (2015). Investigating the assessment strategies used to assess primary trainee teachers on teaching practice. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Smith, Paul Christopher (2017). Aspiration and NEETS: young people making their way in the world of FE. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Stevenson, Elizabeth Ann (2021). "Holding on while letting go" A Gadamerian hermeneutic study of postgraduate professional healthcare teaching students experiences as enquiry based learners. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Stewart, Melrose (2012). Exploration of cultural competence in an undergraduate physiotherapy programme. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Strumidlo, Laura Ann (2021). Becoming resilient; how do student nurses develop resilience for nursing? A study using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Sultana, Anjam (2014). An IPA study exploring how educational settings influence the experiences, identity and academic attainment of Pakistani students as they progress to Higher Education. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.


Thomas, Lorraine Sarah (2012). A Masters level teaching profession: a study of the rationale for the Masters level Postgraduate Certificate in Education, a Masters level teaching profession and the Masters in Teaching and Learning and the perceptions of key stakeholders in the English West Midlands. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Ward, Jonathan David Terrell ORCID: 0000-0003-4466-8443 (2023). A mixed methods study to evaluate student attitudes towards an innovative, longitudinal clinical communication strand within a new MPharm programme. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Wilcox, Kim (2022). Experiences of real-world learning in higher education: lessons for ‘employability’ and the pursuit of ‘teaching excellence’ in sport curricula. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Wright, Victoria (2016). An autoethnographic account of giving lesson observation feedback. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.


Yakpir, Gordon Mabengban (2020). Sex education: a qualitative study of the experiences of window of hope tutors in Ghanaian colleges of education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Yue, Zhen (2016). Exploring Chinese university EFL learners’ l2 willingness to communicate in action: understanding the interplay of self-concept, WTC and sociocultural context through the lens of complexity theory. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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