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Abdi, Ibrahim Abdi (2010). Education for all (EFA): reaching Nomadic communities in Wajir, Kenya - challenges and opportunities. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Abela Craus, Tania (2017). An investigation of beginning physical education teachers' experiences of mentoring: the case of Malta. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.

Achtypi, Alexia (2021). Perspectives of key stakeholders about practices relating to using iPads for autistic pupils’ social communication and emotional regulation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ackland, Holly (2018). An exploration of young offenders' life trajectories through narrative. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Al Shanfari, Lamiya (2019). Supporting students’ confidence judgement through visualising alignment in open learner models. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Al-Busafi, Majid (2011). Investigating issues related to developing coach education in Oman. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Al-Obaidli, Kholode (2010). Women ESL teachers' perception about their roles and professional development needs in Qatar’s education for a new era. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Aldaihani, Manal (2011). A comparative study of inclusive education in Kuwait and England. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Aljasir, Noaf (2016). Individual differences among Saudi learners of English as a foreign language: an exploratory correlational study of learning styles, affective factors and English proficiency and performance. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Allen, Caroline (2009). Managing creative synergy in a Learning Organisation with People with Profound and Complex Learning difficulties and/or Disabilities: A continuous quest for integrated development and holistic maturity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Allen, Sarah (2015). Specialist leaders of education and leadership development: an evaluative case study. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Alshamy, Alsaeed Saad Alsaeed (2012). Funding mechanisms and quality assurance systems in Higher Education in Egypt in comparative perspective. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Amankwatia, John (2007). The nature and role of church schools in the mission of the church. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Amin, Choman (2020). An examination of continuing professional development experiences for physical education teachers in Kurdistan Region-Iraq. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Amphlett, Mary (2013). Sanctuary: the evaluation of a secondary school intervention. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Anderson, Andrew Edward (2011). Leadership or management: an examination of the expectations on a Head Teacher in a serious weaknesses school. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Asiri, Maram (2023). An investigation of teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards communicative language teaching in a Saudi university. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Axelithioti, Panagiota (2019). Critical thinking in chemistry education: a study for practical application in secondary education based on questions, explanations, and arguments. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Bartram, Rebecca ORCID: 0000-0003-4102-7608 (2024). An exploration of how self-regulation develops, is supported, and understood in the Reception classroom. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bennett, Howard Anthony (2011). Near to the Green: career decisions in professional golf. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Bennett, Rosalie (2008). Maintaining the quality of clinical education in physiotherapy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bentham, Joanne Marie (2015). Developing written literacy in business education: using a randomised controlled trial to measure the impact of a writing intervention. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bhogal, Karam (2023). School practitioners’ perceptions of the impact of Intensive Interaction on the emotional wellbeing of pupils with severe intellectual disabilities and autism. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Billington, Christopher (2011). Psychosocial influences on the use and regulation of mobile phones in high schools. Perspectives from pupils, teachers and parents, an exploratory case study approach. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Birch, Jennifer Ann (2015). Using a realistic evaluation approach to explore how alternative education programs support children who are at risk of school exclusion to remain in mainstream education. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Blair, Erik Alexander (2011). How do those completing initial teacher training in the post-compulsory education and training sector consider ‘theory’ in relation to their practice? University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Blake, Julie Lorraine ORCID: 0000-0002-0379-1720 (2023). An exploration of the lived experiences of Black Caribbean girls in secondary schools in England in the twenty-first century. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Boag-Munroe, Gill (2007). A commerce of the old and new: how classroom teacher mentors work in multiple activities. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bouchard, Jeremie (2016). Interrogating the presence and importance of the Nihonjinron discourse in Japanese Junior High School EFL classrooms. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bracey, Paul Edward (2008). Perceptions of an Irish dimension and its significance for the English history curriculum. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bradbury, Lynne Mena (2004). A study of women who are headteachers and mothers. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Bray, David ORCID: 0000-0002-5149-005X (2024). An investigation into the relationship between individual freedom and central government control within post-2010 free school proposals. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Breadmore, Helen Louise (2008). Inflectional morphology in the literacy of deaf children. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Breakwell, Richard Lee (2016). Factors affecting the progression of first-year student nurses. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Brown, Alison Fiona (2014). An investigation into the pedagogy in a maintained nursery with provision for children with severe and complex additional needs using sociocultural approaches to explore the mediation of cognitive development and inclusion. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Bruton, Alison Elizabeth (2013). Work-life balance and the workforce reforms. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Bryja, Bogdan (2012). A study of the importance and impact of autonomy on the motivation and subjective well being of British and Ecuadorian university students. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bukhari, Aneela Mahmood (2023). Investigation into factors that impact on teacher attrition rates in Pakistani schools. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Buntić, Clare Gordon (2017). Should patriotism be taught in state schools? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Callicott, Katherine Margaret (2011). An investigation of factors involved when educational psychologists supervise other professionals. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Cass, Martha Elizabeth (2011). Adaptive stress and the development of learning capabilities. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Chambers, Nigel Noel (2009). Changing times : the role of the Curriculum middle managers within Colleges of Further Education. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Chilton, Elizabeth Helen (2012). The discursive construction of a family literacy, language and numeracy programme: an exploration of practitioners' narratives-in-interaction. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cholewinski, Michael Gerard (2011). Authentic activity, perceived values and student engagement in an EFL composition course. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Clapham, Michael Charles Cornell (2008). Learning to teach in the operating room. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Clarke, Beth Marie (2012). Enhancing capacity for organisational learning; a perpetual system for primary school practitioners. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Cleeton, Lorraine (2000). Individual differences in learning strategies and external representations. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Clemerson, Sarah Elizabeth (2011). How can the discourses of autistics be articulated and legitimated to create spatial design criteria for indoor and outdoor space. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Clinch, Amy (2011). A community psychology approach to preventing violent extremism. Gaining the views of young people to inform primary prevention in secondary schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Cochrane, Hannah (2016). Exploring perceptions and experiences of the education, health and care process. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Colclough, David John (2009). The construction of knowledge amongst expert golf coaches from Europe, working at elite level. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Colclough, Nicholas Denys (2007). Trainee teachers and ionising radiation: understandings, attitudes and risk assessments. A descriptive study in one institution. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cooley, Sam Joseph (2015). Developing groupwork through outdoor adventure education: a systematic evaluation of learning and transfer in higher education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cumber, Daniel (2022). "If you see something that's not right, we need to challenge it… if we don't, well, who will?” A qualitative exploration of social justice and educational psychology practice in England. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Curran, Sara (2016). 'Why aren't we doing more with music?' An exploration of two integrative mainstream - special school music projects. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Curtis, Susheela (2010). An investigation into the role of language in the teaching and learning of history. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.


Daniel, Valerie (2019). Perceptions of a leadership crisis in the Early Years Sector (EYS). University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Davies, Lisa Michelle (2009). Parenting programmes and self-efficacy: An investigation into the effectiveness of a programme in terms of change for parents and their children. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Davies, Natasha (2023). Investigating the impact of an adult interactive style intervention on the spontaneous communication of three students with autism and severe learning difficulties. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Deckner, Sebastian Ephraim (2015). Issues of pupil motivation for language learning in year 7. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dela Cruz-Yeh, Aiden (2011). Facilitating teacher professional development in online learning environments: a study of Taiwanese English teachers in private language supplementary schools. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Deuce, Gail D (2015). CHARGE syndrome is a medical diagnosis. Can it also be an educational diagnosis? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dexter, Steven (2015). An 'outstanding' SEBD special school: exploring the strategies which promote positive pupil attainment, attendance and behaviour. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Dodgson, Andrew Bryan (2014). Rehabilitation workers’ perspectives of orientation and mobility training with older visually impaired people. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Doerr, Johanna (2020). Pupils' voice on primary to secondary school transition: insights from small schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Dove, Emma Elizabeth (2023). Exploring the inclusion of children with special educational needs (SEND) to mainstream preschool settings: a good practice case study. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Drayton, Angela (2022). The quality of non-maintained special school provision: an exploration of the relationship between inspection, quality and non-maintained special schools. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Durant, David Peter (1989). A report on the commercial and educational applications of expert systems. University of Birmingham. Other

Durden, Guy (2016). An investigation into beginner teachers' knowledge and learning study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

da Costa Cabral, Ildegrada (2015). Multilingual talk, classroom textbooks and language values: a linguistic ethnographic study in Timor-Leste. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Ebot Ashu, Frederick (2014). Effectiveness of school leadership and management development in Cameroon. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Endicott, Susan (2013). How can I improve behaviour in my school, in particular, for children with autism spectrum condition on the playground? University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Entwistle, Caroline (2021). Creating new from old: exploring the lived experiences of leaders implementing change within sponsored academies in England. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Evans, David Arthur (2011). Does the construction of identity subject positions by male pupils in secondary school hinder their performance in modern foreign languages (MFL) by comparison with girls? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Evans, Kirsty Marie (2016). Primary school teachers' experiences of well-being. How can well-being be supported by schools and educational psychologists? University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.


Farsani, Danyal (2015). Making multi-modal mathematical meaning in multilingual classrooms. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Flornes, Kari (2007). An action research approach to initial teacher education in Norway. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ford, Elizabeth Kathryn Rose (2018). 'To perform, or not to perform: that is the questions' A survey of how secondary school headteachers perceive their enactment status in leadership. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Francome, Thomas James (2015). Experiences of teaching and learning mathematics in setted and mixed settings. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Fugill, Martin (2015). Simulation and student transition in restorative dentistry. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.


Gallucci, Sonia (2011). Language learning, identities and emotions during the year abroad: case studies of British Erasmus students in Italy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Gatley, Jane ORCID: 0000-0001-7225-1835 (2021). The case for teaching philosophy in schools. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Gillum, James (2010). Using emotional literacy to facilitate organisational change in a primary school : a case study. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Grandison, Karen Joy (2011). School Refusal: from short stay school to mainstream. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Gray, Leanne (2019). Preschool counting: what development in understanding of counting looks like for a child during the nursery year. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Greenway, Celia (2011). The ‘Quality’ of Nursery provision: an exploration of the relationship between inspection and the development of education and care. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Griffiths, Eve (2014). ‘The best of both worlds’ or ‘a compromise policy’?: co-location as a form of educational placement for pupils with special educational needs. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Grogan, Gerry (2012). Using computer-based cognitive tools to enable critical thinking. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.


Harrison, Catherine Elisabeth (2023). It’s part of my job, but it’s not my job”: exploring the role of senior mental health leads (SMHLS) and their perceptions of mental health within mainstream secondary schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Haughton, Christoper John (2012). From ships to leaderships - the leadership of maritime education and training (MET) institutions in the United Kingdom. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Hayford, Samuel Kweku (2008). Continuous assessment and lower attaining pupils in primary and junior secondary schools in Ghana. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hemming, Gemma Louise (2017). Understanding the experiences of students and teachers of students diagnosed with ADHD: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the ADHD label in schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Henderson, Andrea (2013). An exploration of the impact of consultation on educational psychology service users, namely teachers, parents and pupils in a large rural local authority. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Henry, James (2022). Writing at the crossroads: a linguistic analysis of academic business report writing at a modern UK university. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hewitt-Moran, Teresa (2010). Exploring the impact of interprofessional taught modules and placement experience on the development of professional identify and understanding of roles in first year mental health students. University of Birmingham. Other

Hibbert, Amy Sorcha (2010). Strength and conditioning in Men’s Premiership hockey: a case study of understanding, influences and support. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Hildick-Smith, Georgina Elizabeth (2019). An essay on cultural criticism and sites of cultural production. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Holgate, Sally (2013). Perceptions of students with an autism spectrum condition of the value of a cbt intervention to enhance student experience. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Holmes, Gemma Leanne (2017). Emotional literacy: an investigation into changes in outcomes and mechanisms following a small group targeted intervention. A case study with primary aged children. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Horton, Matthew Stewart (2023). A quasi-experiment study investigating the impact of Aimhigher summer school and mentoring programmes on disadvantaged pupils’ HE knowledge, attitudes, expectations, academic confidence, motivations, and HE entry rates. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Howitt, Claire Louise (2019). The influence and management of emotion on primary school headteachers. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Huang, Jing (2016). Heteroglossia, ideology and identity in a Birmingham Chinese complementary school: a linguistic ethnography. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hughes, Tom (2013). Understanding the impact of an iPad on the reading experience of struggling adolescent readers. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.


Irvine, Brian ORCID: 0000-0002-9515-8032 (2023). A Framework for Specialist (Autism) Mentoring in UK Higher Education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Jackson, Dawn V ORCID: 0000-0002-3198-5987 (2020). Expectations and experiences: the contribution of supervision to the professional development of postgraduate General Practice trainees. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Jebbett, Lorraine Marcia (2011). What parents want from direct access to Educational Psychologists in a children’s centre. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Jervis, Kevin John (2011). Dispelling the myths: An investigation into the claims that Prime Minister James Callaghan’s Ruskin College speech was an epoch marking development in secondary education in general and for pre-vocational education in particular. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Jones, Aidan (2018). Adaptive robotic tutors for scaffolding self-regulated learning. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Juhari, Mohamed Shamsuri (2011). Perceptions of Singaporean Malay-Muslim youths participating in community outreach programmes: capacity building for critical thinking? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Julius, Gregory (2018). Framing continuous professional development through the lenses of leadership for learning: perspectives from three Caribbean islands. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Keeling, Angela (2017). ‘Amazing Carefree-Awesomeness’ a realistic evaluation exploring the perceived effect of outdoor residential education on the psychological wellbeing of primary-aged pupils. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Kelly, Helen (2017). International schools as emotional arenas: facing the leadership challenges in a German context. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Khatoon, Binish (2015). The uptake of electronic/mobile technologies in dental education at the University of Birmingham. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kime, Alison Claire (2022). A study of proactive and systemic approaches to addressing death, bereavement and loss in schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Kirby, David Michael Julian (2015). From Piste to Podium: a qualitative exploration of the development of fencing coaching in Britain. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Kirkman, John Robert (2014). Trainee teachers’ understandings of news stories about science: beyond ideas about uncertainty. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Koundourou, Christiana (2011). An examination of the effects of the SEAL programme on children with SEBD in a mainstream Greek-Cypriot primary school to change their behaviour. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kouti, Artemis (2012). Bilingual events in CLIL geography and home economics sixth grade classrooms in two Cypriot primary schools. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Krause, Katarzyna (2018). What do educational psychologists recognise is their unique contribution within their profession when working with ethnic minority clients using language/s other than English: a socio-cultural Activity Theory analysis. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Krawczyk, Kirsten Marie (2017). A whole school single case study of Emotion Coaching (EC) training and the impact on school staff. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Kumari, Aarti (2011). Teacher and migrant pupil relationships: implications on the migrant pupil UK school experience. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Kwon, Soonjung (2015). Violence in South Korean schools and the relevance of peace education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Lameu, Paula Cristina (2017). Education ICT assemblage: encounters of discourses, emotions, affects, subjects, and their productive forces. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lawton, Susan Patricia (2013). An action research enquiry in one unitary local authority about the experiences of support available to parents and mainstream secondary schools for children with a diagnosis of autism. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Leadbetter, Jane (2002). A sociocultural and activity theoretical investigation of the changing patterns of professional practice in educational psychology services. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lees, Helen Elizabeth (2011). The gateless gate of home education discovery: what happens to the self of adults upon discovery of the possibility and possibilities of an educational alternative? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Leigh, Nigel William (2015). Skills competitions: a winning formula for enhancing the quality of vocational education? University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Leoni, Julie (2005). Gender, deviance and exclusion. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Linton, Roseilee Sharmaine (2019). Personal capacity: an exploration into the extent to which the personal capacity of school leaders influences their response to challenges that occur in the changing educational landscape. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Loader, Beth (2010). A research study investigating methods of obtaining the views and opinions of disabled children about spirituality. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Lu, Wei (2013). An ethnographic study of teaching Chinese as a heritage language and foreign language in three educational contexts in the United Kingdom. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lunham, Claire Louise (2009). An illuminative process evaluation of a year 7 ‘Primary Ethos’ initiative for vulnerable pupils. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.


Mackenzie, Rowan Mia (2021). Creating Space for Shakespeare with Marginalised Communities. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mackenzie-Batterbury, Rona (2012). The journey to academy principalship. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Marley, Beth (2023). Influences on Key Stage 2 Teachers of Comprehension. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Martin, Jane (2000). The changing practice of parent-school relations: a tradition contested. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Matthews, Adam ORCID: 0000-0003-4013-0232 (2021). Humans, higher education and technology - a corpus-assisted discourse and genealogical analysis of the idea of a university. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

McDonald, Cherelle Dione Almena (2014). Language and teaching in multilingual schools: a Foucauldian discourse analysis of primary school teachers' talk about their teaching practice in multilingual schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

McDowall, Graeme (2015). The motivational profiles of golfers at various stages of the talent development continuum: an ecological dynamics and self-determination theory perspective. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Meehan, Louise Melissa (2011). The mental health of young people with autism and Asperger syndrome in mainstream secondary schools: a multiple case study approach. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Merricks, Beverley Ann (2017). The use of a self-regulated learning conceptual framework to investigate students’ engagement with individualised feedback from summative clinical examinations at a UK medical school. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Merriman, Helen Louise (2009). Perspectives on mental health and the role of schools. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Meyer Romero, Alejandra Catarina (2022). Grade retention - subjectivating, disciplinary and affective forces: an ethnographic case study in Chilean primary schools. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Milner, Walter William (2011). Concept development in novice programmers learning Java. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mohd Kassim, Ahmad Fikri (2018). Athletes' perceptions of coaching effectiveness in team and individual sport. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mohd Shukri, Siti Rohkmah Binti (2017). Children adapt drawing actions to their own motor variability and to the motivational context for action. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Morris, Theresa Mary (2010). An investigation into the provision and impact of foundation degrees for teaching assistants. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Moser, Jason (2012). Module 1: A proposal for exploratory research into classroom situated task repetition, Module 2: An exploratory research study into classroom-based task repetition and Module 3: A classroom-based, mixed methods study into the influence of transcribing, reporting, and task repetition: how do they impact in-class student spoken task performances. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Moyo, Africa (2010). The perceptions of Heads, middle leaders and classroom teachers about the effects of distributed leadership on teaching and learning: A study in selected schools in the West Midlands of England. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Mukhtar, Rahila (2020). Inclusive employability approaches: female students' perspectives on diversity mentoring in higher education. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Mycroft, Anne Lesley (2016). An exploration of teachers’ voice problems and their possible solution. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mycroft, Jonathan Ian (2020). The short answer: a collection of short stories and an analysis of the use of short fiction in the teaching of creative writing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Najjar, Dora (2009). Effectiveness of management in private schools in Lebanon. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Najjuma, Rovincer (2011). Peace education in the context of post-conflict formal schooling: the effectiveness of the revitalising education participation and learning in conflict affected areas-peace education programme in Northern Uganda. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Naylor, Amy Rose (2016). Exploring the utility and phenomenological experience of group and individual clinical supervision. University of Birmingham. Clin.Psy.D.

Nelson, Jeanette (2014). Home education: exploring the views of parents, children and young people. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Nelson, Jeanette (2011). Local Authorities’ views of the Badman Review into Elective Home Education. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Newbery, Helen Victoria (2015). Video interaction guidance: exploration of the experiences of two parent-child dyads. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.


O'Sullivan, Julie Kirstine (2010). The impact of classroom practice on secondary school children with statements of special educational needs. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Ogawa, Harumi (2018). Investigating the effect of incorporating cultural elements in English Language teaching to enhance Japanese college students' L2 vision as intercultural speakers. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Omar, Bassam (2015). Developing continuing professional development (CPD) leadership in further education (FE). University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Owen, Zoe (2014). The relationship between pragmatic language competence and school exclusion: an interactionist perspective. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.


Parker, Robert Neil (2009). The use of time data in assessing the effectiveness of IT resources in a sixth form college. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Parry, Benjamin John (2022). Promoting health, well-being, and developmental outcomes in young people experiencing homelessness: an investigation into the impact of My Strengths Training For Life™. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Pavey, Susan Ann (2011). The provision of mobility and independence education to children with visual impairment in mainstream schools. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Pearson, Rebecca (2016). Boys’ behavioural and mental health difficulties: an exploration of pupil and teacher discourses. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Peek, Cindy Joy (2014). Leading children’s services: future building for children and young people. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Pelge, Hayrunisa (2020). The phenomenological attitude, 'autistic' persons' inner lives and spirituality. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Perry, Thomas (2016). The validity, interpretation and use of school value-added measures. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Pg Haji Muhammad, Dk Norhazlin (2010). A critical study of the educational system in Brunei Darussalam in the light of Al-Attas’ philosophy of education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Phelan, Simon Edward (2016). Organisational culture, knowledge and learning: A case study of workplace learning in a high performance centre. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Popovic, Celia Frances (2007). Why do medical students fail? a study of 1st year medical students and the educational context. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Portelli, Terence (2011). A reader-response approach to the initial training of Maltese literature teachers. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Povey, Hilary Ann (1995). Ways of knowing of student and beginning mathematics teachers and their relevance to becoming a teacher working for change. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Prall, Sarah Kristin (2020). An exploration of how to improve educational psychologists’ practice, related to critical incidents involving suicide-related behaviours by understanding the experiences of senior leadership in secondary schools in England. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Price, Alan Charles (2017). Action research in outdoor learning: promoting social and emotional learning in young people with social emotional and behavioural difficulties. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Pugh, James Neil (2018). University tuition fee increases: the influence of increasing fees on students entering Higher Education; student and staff expectations; and the potential revolution in the culture of Higher Education. A case study within an English post 1992 University. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Quarmby, Thomas Charles (2011). The influence of family structure in shaping young people's engagement in physical activity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Richards, Vanessa (2009). The links between risk and protective factors and subsequent levels of resilience in looked after children aged 9-11. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Richer, Suzanne Elise (2012). An evaluation of the Northamptonshire Baby Room Project© parents’ course – impact on parents. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Rocha-Schmid, Elaine (2015). Adolescents’ home literacy practices across social classes in Sao Paulo, Brazil and their teachers’ conceptualizations of these practices. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rontou, Maria (2010). Provision for students with dyslexia in EFL: an ethnographic case study. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Rouse, Daniel (2011). Why do girls get excluded from school? A small-scale qualitative investigation of the educational experiences of Key Stage 3 and 4 girls who are 'at risk of exclusion'. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Ryland, Frances Selena (2013). Food and healthy eating: progression in the curriculum. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Saaty, Rawan (2016). Teaching L2 metaphor through awareness-raising activities: experimental studies with Saudi EFL learners. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Sagoo, Gopinder Kaur (2009). A Sikh-inspired vision for learning: the discursive production of an ethos by members of the GNNET education trust. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Sagoo, Gopinder Kaur (2016). Making and shaping the first Nishkam Nursery: a linguistic ethnographic study of a British Sikh project for childhood. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Sakade, Noriko (2009). Peace education in practice? A case study of peace education in England. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Sanders, Sarah Elizabeth (2022). “It’s made me realise the power of pressing pause”: a qualitative exploration of educational psychologists’ and trainee educational psychologists’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of limiality and the impact of this on their professional identity and their plans for future practice. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Sangar, Maninder Kaur (2018). Mental health and Shame : A Foucauldian analysis of the discourses of South Asian girls and their teachers. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Sepehri, Mehrdad (2015). The effects of data driven learning on Iranian EFL learners' writing skills development. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Shaheen, Robina (2010). An investigation into the factors enhancing or inhibiting primary school children’s creativity in Pakistan. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Shakeshaft, Kristina Elizabeth (2023). Building learning power, existential thinking and religious education: an exploratory study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Shephard, Richard John (2014). Reflections of school staff on headteacher leadership and how it is practiced in their state, boys' selective school. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Sheppard, Louise (2010). How can inquiry groups promote learning within an educational psychology service? An evaluation of an initiative whereby educational psychologists work together to share and improve areas of practice. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Simon, Sasha-Louise (2019). A voice for the unheard achievers: an exploration of the educational narratives of achieving Black Caribbean adolescent males in secondary mainstream education. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Smith, Claire Susan (2011). Investigating the impact of parental constructs of school and school related elements on their children’s constructs of school and school related elements and their subsequent emotionally based school refusal behaviour. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Smith, David Peter (2011). An exploration, using a SENCo questionnaire and a senior management semi-structured interview schedule, of the continuing professional development (CPD) arrangements in place in primary schools in one local authority cluster. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Smith, Matthew T. (2017). An investigation into the epistemological trajectories of PGCE student teachers as predicated by their espoused pedagogical beliefs. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Smith-Lewis, Julie (2023). An exploration of children's understanding of mental health. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Soan, Colette Andrea (2012). The work of educational psychologists: a cultural-historical analysis using parents’ and educational psychologists’ views. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Spencer-Bennett, Kate Emily (2021). Libraries in women’s lives: a rhythmanalytical study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Stacey, Gabrielle (2017). "A professional decision you have to make": a sociocultural exploration of practice and impact within educational psychologists' use of dynamic assessment. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.

Stevenson, Elizabeth Ann (2021). "Holding on while letting go" A Gadamerian hermeneutic study of postgraduate professional healthcare teaching students experiences as enquiry based learners. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Stock, Nicholas ORCID: 0000-0002-0040-1889 (2021). Slaying the rough beast: an ironist ontology of education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Stoszkowski, John Robert (2011). An investigation of the mediators of talent development in golf. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Sutcliffe, Gideon (2011). A preliminary investigation into the coaching behaviours of English independent school team sport coaches. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Syed, Fatima Shaaria (2018). Financial education in schools: policy into practice. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Thomas, Lorraine Sarah (2012). A Masters level teaching profession: a study of the rationale for the Masters level Postgraduate Certificate in Education, a Masters level teaching profession and the Masters in Teaching and Learning and the perceptions of key stakeholders in the English West Midlands. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Thompson, Severine (2012). Using realistic evaluation as a tool to understand what enables and constrains parental engagement in a Midland Local Authority TAMHS project. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.

Thorne, Carol (2009). Language and behaviour: interactions with young children in a school for social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Tinkler, Christine (2012). Collaboration: Still viable in the changed landscape? A study into the state of collaboration between academies and maintained schools in England. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Tomei, Joseph George (2018). Using multimodal extended metaphor prompts to induce the production of figurative language in low-intermediate Japanese learners of English. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Turner, Ellie (2023). "I may start a new life" An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of young people with SEND from a special school in England on preparing for adulthood. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.


Unsworth-Hughes, Charlotte Elizabeth (2022). Perceptions and experiences of teacher surveillance: a case study of an independent school. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Uppal, Kartar Singh (2009). Mathematical play: games, problem solving, investigations and discussions. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.


Valen-Sendstad, Adne (2010). Theories of human rights in relation to understandings of human rights education: the relevance to diversity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Valler, Tracey (2021). The use of peer-led simulation as a pedagogical approach. An action research study. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.


Wall, Sarah Regina (2017). The attuned school: the effect, and effectiveness, of developing relationships between pupils with attachment difficulties and significant adults. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Walsh, Andrew John (2017). Using a Community of Practice approach to understand collaborative knowledge development amongst mental health nurse students and practitioners. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Watts, Paul Michael ORCID: 0000-0002-9031-0496 (2023). Character education through stories: an examination of primary school teachers’ perceptions of, and approaches to, story-based character education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Watts, Pauline (2012). Leadership learning through challenging situations: Primary School Headteachers. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Whitehouse, Matthew (2012). The effect of attentional focus on the performance and learning of a motor skill on adolescent soccer players. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Wiese, Eline Fatima (2011). Teaching sensitive issues: teacher training, education for democracy and HIV/AIDS in South Africa. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wilcox, Kim (2022). Experiences of real-world learning in higher education: lessons for ‘employability’ and the pursuit of ‘teaching excellence’ in sport curricula. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Wild, Carol Ann (2021). Loving art education: how does artist teacher practice have potential as third-site pedagogy in school? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Williams, Annabel Catherine (2019). Contested identities of physiotherapy lecturers: applying Personal Construct Theory in three higher education institutions. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Williams, Kevin Lloyd (2021). An investigation into the perceptions of dance students on learning experiences in one independent vocational performing arts school. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.

Willis, Jane (1981). Spoken discourse in the E.L.T. classroom : a system of analysis and a description. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Wilson, Edwin L. (1999). A study of the cognitive styles and learning preferences of Fire Service officers. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wood, David Roger (2016). The impact of students’ perceived relatedness and competence upon their motivated engagement with learning activities: a self-determination theory perspective. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wood, Philip Bailey (2011). Developing an active learning approach for the geography pilot GCSE – an action research investigation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wright, Jonathan Anthony (2009). Coffee and golf : a Monday night ritual. University of Birmingham. M.Res.


Yakpir, Gordon Mabengban (2020). Sex education: a qualitative study of the experiences of window of hope tutors in Ghanaian colleges of education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Yoon, Keejoon (2017). Professional development and its impact on teacher and pupil learning: a community of practice case study in South Korea. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Yun, Soyoung (2016). A linguistic ethnographic study of young American novice teachers in Korea: a policy into practice. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Zhou, Xiang (2017). Economics of education in rural China: two experimental studies. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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