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Aspley, Siobhan (2023). Transition: an inquiry into young people with social, emotional, and mental health difficulties views and experiences of transition to secondary school utilising participatory action research. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Blake, Julie Lorraine ORCID: 0000-0002-0379-1720 (2023). An exploration of the lived experiences of Black Caribbean girls in secondary schools in England in the twenty-first century. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Harrison, Catherine Elisabeth (2023). It’s part of my job, but it’s not my job”: exploring the role of senior mental health leads (SMHLS) and their perceptions of mental health within mainstream secondary schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Horton, Matthew Stewart (2023). A quasi-experiment study investigating the impact of Aimhigher summer school and mentoring programmes on disadvantaged pupils’ HE knowledge, attitudes, expectations, academic confidence, motivations, and HE entry rates. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Shakeshaft, Kristina Elizabeth (2023). Building learning power, existential thinking and religious education: an exploratory study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Byng, Catherine (2022). Pupil and staff views on successful reintegration to a permanent education setting from alternative medical education provision. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Dance, Dawn (2022). Stories girls tell: a narrative inquiry about girls in alternative provision. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Guttesen, Kristian ORCID: 0000-0002-4031-689X (2022). Character education through poetry. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Unsworth-Hughes, Charlotte Elizabeth (2022). Perceptions and experiences of teacher surveillance: a case study of an independent school. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Entwistle, Caroline (2021). Creating new from old: exploring the lived experiences of leaders implementing change within sponsored academies in England. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Williams, Kevin Lloyd (2021). An investigation into the perceptions of dance students on learning experiences in one independent vocational performing arts school. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Barnard, Mathew ORCID: 0000-0003-0596-5605 (2020). Educational Leadership in Non-white Majority Institutions: A Postcolonial Exploration of Global Multicultural Capital. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Clyde, Benjamin (2020). Young people's perceptions regarding motivations to play video games: implications for gamification in education. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Ravagli Cardona, Jorge Alexander (2020). Religious Education in liberal democracy: a reflection on Habermas' recent contributions and the implications for Colombia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Smith, Katherine Emma (2020). Investigating conceptual chemical misconceptions in atomic structure and bonding in year 12 chemistry students. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Axelithioti, Panagiota (2019). Critical thinking in chemistry education: a study for practical application in secondary education based on questions, explanations, and arguments. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Cortis, Karl (2019). Assessment in Maltese Physical Education: an insight on assessment practices in early secondary years. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.
Palfrey, Emma (2019). Preparing student teachers to teach inclusively: a case study of a higher education PGCE course in Wales. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Dobbie, Natalie (2018). Supporting student emotional and mental health needs in a secondary school: staff understanding and self-efficacy. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Mahil, Jesvir Kaur (2018). A case study exploring the societal gatekeeper role of an Ofsted inspector, using a systems thinking model of creativity, in the business studies curriculum in further education colleges in England. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ogawa, Harumi (2018). Investigating the effect of incorporating cultural elements in English Language teaching to enhance Japanese college students' L2 vision as intercultural speakers. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ollis, Peter Rennie (2018). An investigation into the effect of attending an elite independent boys’ school on working class children who were awarded free places. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Roome, Timothy (2018). Exam stress experienced by GCSE students in a mainstream secondary school: Perceptions of the effects on wellbeing and performance. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Adelakun, Sariat Ajibola (2017). An exploration and development of teaching resources to better include students with visual impairment in science and mathematics classes in South-Western Nigeria: an action research study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Bastaki, Maria (2017). Model United Nations in Greece: senior high school students’ perspectives on global citizenship. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Bradley, Ryan James (2017). “Why single me out”? Peer mentoring, autism and inclusion in mainstream schools. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Edmondson, Suzanne Marie (2017). An interpretive phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of young people with a moderate hearing loss attending mainstream secondary school. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Edwards, Adele Louise (2017). An activity theory analysis of the transition process into further education for young people with social emotional and mental health needs. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Gallimore, Charlotte (2017). An investigation of secondary school pupils’ perspectives on the work of teaching assistants. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Lameu, Paula Cristina (2017). Education ICT assemblage: encounters of discourses, emotions, affects, subjects, and their productive forces. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Morris, Jonathan Padraig (2017). What is the cultural web of an academy? An investigation into one academy’s organisational culture. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Smith, Paul Christopher (2017). Aspiration and NEETS: young people making their way in the world of FE. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Yoon, Keejoon (2017). Professional development and its impact on teacher and pupil learning: a community of practice case study in South Korea. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Bouchard, Jeremie (2016). Interrogating the presence and importance of the Nihonjinron discourse in Japanese Junior High School EFL classrooms. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Gibson, Mark Terence (2016). Leadership of academy schools in england: sponsors and the realisation of the ethos and vision. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Hurd, Angela Susan (2016). Creating culture from scratch: a multiple case study into creating culture in English free schools. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
James, Emma Louise (2016). Pupil voice in school non attendance: exploring the perceptions of pupils, whose attendance is below 85%. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Morris, Rebecca (2016). Free schools in England: choice, admissions and social segregation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Oakley, Lee John (2016). An investigation into the representations of sexuality in sex education manuals for British teenagers, 1950-2014. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Wright, Jonathan (2016). Dazzling dreams, dawning reality: the unholy alliance of sports performance and education for apprentice golfers in an academy structure. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Bentham, Joanne Marie (2015). Developing written literacy in business education: using a randomised controlled trial to measure the impact of a writing intervention. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Deckner, Sebastian Ephraim (2015). Issues of pupil motivation for language learning in year 7. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Manning, Russell (2015). An investigation into the emphasis on ‘british national idenity’, ‘patriotism’ and ‘fundamental british values’ through secondary school history with a particular focus on key stage three; the views of history PGDipEd secondary trainees. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
de Montjoie Rudolf, Julia (2015). Helping vulnerable young people make a successful transfer to secondary school: an evaluation of the effectiveness of a nurture group approach. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.
Baker, Matthew James (2014). An investigation to identify factors that promote and demote mental health in schools. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.
Griffiths, Eve (2014). ‘The best of both worlds’ or ‘a compromise policy’?: co-location as a form of educational placement for pupils with special educational needs. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Hordosy, Rita (2014). What do we know about what school leavers and graduates are doing?: a European perspective on data production and utilisation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Jackson, Michael Robert (2014). Physics keywords: using a quasi-experiment alongside pupil and teacher surveys to evaluate pedagogical change in GCSE physics. University of Birmingham. M.A.
McDowall, Sophie (2014). An investigation into which forms of early teacher learning are most effective with respect to retention, motivation, commitment and job satisfaction for new entrants to the school teaching profession. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Boot, Siobhan A.E. (2013). Promoting the social inclusion and academic progress of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children: a secondary school case study. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.
Chagger, Ranbir K (2013). An investigation into the reasons why deputy head teachers either decide/not decide to take the journey to headship. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Cross, Will (2013). Homophobic bullying in secondary schools: a cross age and gender analysis into young people’s views of name-calling. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Howard, Colin Edward (2013). The influence of new school buildings upon the motivation, morale and job satisfaction of their teaching professionals. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Jackson-Royal, Rachael Margaret (2013). “In other lessons I kind of just switch off”: the effects of teaching religious education through thinking skills. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Jones, David Hugh (2013). From language policies to classroom practice: case studies of mathematics teaching in three rural secondary schools in Wales. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Kossyvaki, Lila (2013). A study into the effect of adult interactive style on the spontaneous communication of young children with autism at school. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Lehane, Teresa Geraldine (2013). Experienced teaching assistants’ perceptions of their work in the inclusion of pupils with ‘special educational needs’ in English mainstream secondary schools. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Mansell, Christopher David (2013). Challenges facing the implementation of a parenting programme within a mainstream school setting. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Minards, Barbara Anne (2013). An exploration of high-achieving students' experiences of learning and being examined in A-Level mathematics. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Oakley, Lee John (2013). Strategies of legitimation in sex education texts. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Stevens, Toby (2013). A realistic evaluation of the behaviour policy in a secondary school. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.
Asker, Adel (2012). Future self-guides and language learning engagement of English-major secondary school students in Libya: Understanding the interplay between possible selves and the L2 learning situation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Daniels, David T. (2012). Entrepreneurial academies - myth or reality? The perceptions of senior academy leaders. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Defroand, James (2012). London 2012: Olympic ‘legacy’, Olympic education and the development of social capital in physical education and school sport: a case study. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Inglis, Kathryn Lesley Carmella (2012). A study of collective worship in non-denominational state secondary mixed schools in England. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
McAlister, Judith Emma (2012). A realistic evaluation of transition programmes in two secondary schools in a small multi-cultural city in the Midlands: how are the needs of vulnerable young people met during the transition from primary to secondary school? University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Weeden, Paul (2012). An investigation of changing patterns of entry for GCSE geography: choice, diversity and competition. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Akhtar, Zobiah (2011). An investigation into homophobic bullying in the education system and the prevalence of homophobic language in a secondary school environment. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Eliphas, Foster (2011). Exploring school leadership development in Tanzania: a survey study of twenty newly appointed heads of schools in contextually different state secondary schools in the Dar es Salaam region of Tanzania. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Grandison, Karen Joy (2011). School Refusal: from short stay school to mainstream. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.
Jervis, Kevin John (2011). Dispelling the myths: An investigation into the claims that Prime Minister James Callaghan’s Ruskin College speech was an epoch marking development in secondary education in general and for pre-vocational education in particular. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Meehan, Louise Melissa (2011). The mental health of young people with autism and Asperger syndrome in mainstream secondary schools: a multiple case study approach. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.
Nelson, Jeanette (2011). Local Authorities’ views of the Badman Review into Elective Home Education. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Rouse, Daniel (2011). Why do girls get excluded from school? A small-scale qualitative investigation of the educational experiences of Key Stage 3 and 4 girls who are 'at risk of exclusion'. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Sutcliffe, Gideon (2011). A preliminary investigation into the coaching behaviours of English independent school team sport coaches. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Tyson, Helen Claire (2011). An exploration of the transition planning experiences of young people with additional educational needs in a mainstream context, as they consider their post-16 plans. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Wood, Philip Bailey (2011). Developing an active learning approach for the geography pilot GCSE – an action research investigation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Bishen Singh, Gurcharan Singh (2010). The National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) programme for secondary school headteachers in Malaysia: an evaluative case study. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Ngarari, Jane Mururi (2010). HIV/AIDS education in Kenya: an evaluation of policy, provision and practice in secondary schools. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Davidson, Sarah Katherine (2009). An action research enquiry in one Unitary local authority about how to support young carers in schools using recommended guidelines for good practice. University of Birmingham. Ed.Psych.D.
Gosai, Nisheet (2009). Perspectives on the educational experiences of African/Caribbean boys. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Howe, Julia (2009). An investigation into the discourses of secondary aged girls’ emotions and emotional difficulties. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Kelley, Anna (2009). Which ‘In-Care’ and Educational Risk Factors are Present in the Lives of Looked After Young People Not Entered for GSCE Examinations or Alternative Qualifications. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Merriman, Helen Louise (2009). Perspectives on mental health and the role of schools. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Pintilei, Aruna (2009). An in-depth examination of extant literature pertinent to nurture groups and an exploratory study, using grounded theory methods, of young people’s views and experiences of a secondary school nurture group. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Wango, Geoffrey Mbugua (2006). Policy and practice in guidance and counselling in secondary schools in Kenya. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Kendall, Alexandra Clair (2005). Reading fictions: reading reader identities in Black Country further education communities. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ellins, Jean May (2004). Departmental differences in attitudes to special educational needs and their impact on practice in the secondary school. University of Birmingham. Ed.D.
Jeske, Astrid (2004). Raising awareness of sex-gender stereotyping : the implications of some feminist ideologies for curriculum and pedagogy in secondary education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Sellman, Edward Mark (2003). The processes and outcomes of implementing peer mediation services in schools: a cultural-historical activity theory approach. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Chapman, Simon Rhys (2002). Continuity and progression within and between Key Stages 2 and 3 in geography. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Mehra, Harish Kumar (1998). The permanent exclusion of Asian pupils in secondary school in the Birmingham central area. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Visser 1946-, John (1998). An examination of differentiation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Holmes, Janet M.E. (1984). The position of women in the senior management of secondary schools. University of Birmingham. Other