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Acheson, Coralie Rachel (2019). Visiting the industrial revolution: the communication of world heritage values to tourists in Ironbridge Gorge. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ahmadian Attari, Mohammad Sadegh ORCID: 0000-0002-1411-0353
Porous bodies: plague and conceptions of the human body in Late Medieval England.
University of Birmingham.
Allen, G. C (1928). The industrial development of Birmingham and the Black Country, 1860-1914. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Amerman, Annette (2018). Integration of US marine coprs aviation with the Royal Air Force in First World War: Legacy and impact. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Anis, M.A. (1950). Some aspects of British interest in Egypt in the late 18th century (1775-1798). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Appleton, Stephanie Jane (2017). Women and wills in early modern England: the community of Stratford-Upon-Avon, 1537-1649. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Armstrong, Samantha-Jo E. (2022). Through women’s writing: connecting to others with kindness, 1748-1815. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Atkinson, Peter John (2017). Regeneration and re-enchantment: British music and Wagnerism, 1880–1920. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Baird, Ian Forbes (1990). Poems concerning the Stanley family (Earls of Derby) 1485-1520. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Baker, Edith Ellen (1920). The relations of Great Britain and America (especially from 1861-1866). University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Barlow, John Howard (2022). Catholicism and anti-Catholicism in Cheshire during the Long Reformation, c.1560 – c.1720. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Barnes, Christopher (2022). Music and the experience of worship: continuity and change in Reformation Bristol and Gloucestershire, 1530-1642. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Barrett, Emma S. (2020). 'Survival Capitalism': culture, contingency and capital in the making of the 1980s financial revolution. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Batten, Sonia Letitia (2011). Memorial text narratives in Britain, c. 1890-1930. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Bayne-Jardine, Michelle Lisa (2009). Communion of the living and the dead: valuing purgatory in A revelation of purgatory to ane holy woman (1422). University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Bean, Alan Sigmund Jocelyn (2024). ‘Natural piety’ and sentiment: children, landscape and religion in the paintings of William Collins, R.A. (1787-1847). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Beckerman-Boys, Carly (2013). British foreign policy decision-making towards Palestine during the Mandate (1917-1948): a poliheuristic perspective. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Beddoes, Emalee (2014). The art of tea: late Victorian visual culture and the normalization of an international national icon. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Bell, Stuart Andrew (2016). Faith in conflict: a study of British experiences in the First World War with particular reference to the English Midlands. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Berg, Mie Othelie (2022). 'A moral weapon': the civic organ tradition in the Midlands, 1834-1901. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Berry, Janet (2021). People and place in Moseley, a middle-class Birmingham suburb, 1850-1900. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Berry, Jonathan Andrew (2016). Second World War anti-invasion defences in South and South-West Wales: a comparative case study area based approach. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Birrell, Jean Russell (1962). The honour of Tutbuy in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Boehmker, Katharina (2011). An investigation of the relationship between National Armies and the concept of national identity with particular reference to Army recruitment campaigns in Germany and Britain. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Boone, Gladys (1917). The Poor Law of 1601, with some consideration of modern developments of the Poor Law problem. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Bordinat, Philip (1952). A study of the Salisbury Court Theatre. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Briercliffe, Simon Neil (2022). “The blackest shadows are cast by the Irish quarter”: the making of Stafford Street, Wolverhampton, 1832-1882. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Brogden, Wendy Elizabeth (2018). Catholicism, community and identity in late Tudor and early Stuart Herefordshire. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Bromley, Emma (2018). 'Oligarchy', factionalism and urban politics in the borough of Warwick, 1562-1588. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Brown , Anthony Steven (2011). Defending the faith from France: an underlying motivation of the English Crown's political relationship with the Papacy, 1509-1522. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Bruton, Roger Neil (2015). The Shropshire Enlightenment: a regional study of intellectual activity in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Burg, Jason Ashmore (2017). ‘Remember where you are’!: the use of English cathedrals as sites of theatrical performance, 1928-2015. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Burgess, Marolyn Joy (2017). A study of the origins, history, essence and legacy of Toc H, a Christian, voluntary, social welfare services organisation in twentieth century Britain. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Burley, Roy David (2013). An age of negligence? British army chaplaincy, 1796 – 1844. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Caddick, Ruth Helen (2023). A new edition and study of the Older Scots romance 'Clariodus'. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Caddick, Ruth Helen (2015). Magic and identity in older Scots romance. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Callaghan, David Ian (2015). 'That's not who I was the last time I was here.' A diverse heritage and England's heritage: mutual partners or mutually exclusive. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Canela, Erica (2022). Quakers in Herefordshire and Worcestershire: from Civil Wars to the eve of toleration, c.1640 – 1688. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Carlton, Howard ORCID: 0000-0002-4054-6409
Cosmology, chronology and crises: trauma and the evolution of the universe in the nineteenth century.
University of Birmingham.
Chadkirk, James William Croan (2015). Patterns of membership and participation among British Quakers, 1823-2012. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Challinor, Jennie Rose (2016). Staging the court: the theatrical season of 1670-71. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Chinn, Carl (1986). The anatomy of a working-class neighbourhood: West Sparkbrook 1871-1914. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Christie, David ORCID: 0009-0008-1794-2359
'A Hand Up, Not a Hand-Out', New Labour and Street Homelessness 1997-2010.
University of Birmingham.
Churchley, Richard Allen (2010). Differing responses to an industrialising economy: occupations in rural communities in the Heart of England from the Restoration to the Railway Age (c. 1660 – c. 1840). Male occupational structure in the hinterland of the market town of Alcester, Warwickshire. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Clayton, John Derek (2016). The battle of the Sambre 4 November 1918. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Clegg, Michael (2021). ‘The poor man’s picture gallery': an enquiry into artists’ printmaking and print images in the cultural and political context of post-war Britain, 1945-60. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Clifford, Catherine Rebecca (2013). Performance spaces in English royal palaces, 1509 – 1642. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Connell, Kieran (2012). A micro-history of 'black Handsworth': towards a social history of race in Britain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Connolly, Giles (2023). “…and by God’s mercy annalists will surely not be wanting”: Thomas Becket, memory, and narrative in annalistic writing. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Considine, Marie (2012). The social, political and economic determinants of a modern portrait artist: Bernard Fleetwood-Walker (1893-1965). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Cooke, A. Roland (1920). The relations between Great Britain and Russia from 1848 to 1856. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Cope, Sophie (2019). Making time material: domestic dated objects in seventeenth-century England. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Corrigan, Imogen Jane Barbara Antonia (2020). The function and development of the Foliate Head in English medieval churches. University of Birmingham. M.Litt.
Couchman-Crook, Ellen Marie (2018). The exotic and the everyday, regional Victorian pantomime in Birmingham and the Black Country 1813-1914. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Counsell, Fiona Ann (2017). Domestic religion in seventeenth century English Gentry Households. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Cowdrill, Daniel Anthony (2010). The Conservative Party and Thatcherism, 1970-1979: A grass-roots perspective. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Crawley, Elizabeth Grace (2022). Popular religious violence in the English Reformation, 1533-1642. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Cule, J.E (1935). The financial history of Matthew Boulton, 1759-1800. University of Birmingham. Other
Curtis, Caroline (2023). Architects of fortune: autobiographical practices of the seventeenth-century Royal Society. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Darby, Peter Nicholas (2009). Bede's eschatological thought. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Davies, Simon R. (2010). The early Neolithic tor enclosures of Southwest Britain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Davies, Timothy John (2018). Anglo-Italian relations in the Red Sea and Zanzibar, 1880-1888. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Davis, Patsy (2003). Green ribbons: the Irish in Birmingham in the 1860s, a study of housing, work and policing. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Deeks, Roger (2017). Officers not gentlemen: officers commissioned from the ranks of the pre-First World War British regular army, 1903-1918. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Defroand, James (2012). London 2012: Olympic ‘legacy’, Olympic education and the development of social capital in physical education and school sport: a case study. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Donworth, Koma S (2023). English musical antiquarianism in the long eighteenth century: religio-political and sociological undercurrents. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Duncan, Andrew George (2017). The military education of junior officers in the Edwardian army. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Eades, Timothy (2021). Applying co-ordination discourse in practice: the London & North Eastern Railway and rail-bus integration, 1923-1939. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Edwards, Amy (2017). Financial consumerism: mass investment culture and Thatcherism, c.1958-1995. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Edwards, Matthew J (2008). The formation of shires in the West Midlands: the case of Staffordshire. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Elford, Kerry Jane (2010). The terms used for the priests and other clergy in the Anglo-Saxon period. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Fantom, Paul Adrian (2016). Community, patriotism and the working class in the First World War: the home front in Wednesbury, 1914-1918. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Fenton, Sarah-Jane Hannah (2016). Mental health service delivery for adolescents and young people: a comparative study between Australia and the UK. University of Birmingham and The University of Melbourne. Ph.D.
Ferrario, Marie T. (1917). The relation between court and literature in the seventeenth century (1579-1700). University of Birmingham. M.A.
Foster, Elaine F. (1990). Black women in black-led churches : a study of black women's contribution to the growth and development of black-led churches in Britain. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Fox-Godden, Aimée Elizabeth (2015). 'Putting Knowledge in Power': learning and innovation in the British Army of the First World War. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
France, Grace (2024). ‘A new world spelt out in new men’: faith and Moral Re-Armament, c. 1920-1970. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Francis, Jill (2011). ‘A ffitt place for any Gentleman’? gardens, gardeners and gardening in England and Wales, c. 1560- 1660. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Frankel, Mark Stanley (2023). T. Edmund Harvey (1875–1955): liberal Quaker, Quaker liberal and politician of conscience. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Frankis, Duncan (2021). The eighteenth-century Birmingham brass trade: origins, growth, and politics. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Freeman, Rebecca Mary (2014). Student voice: new forms of power and governance in higher education in England (2003-2013). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Freeman-Cuerden, Poppy (2022). Representations of English women's interactions with animals 1600-1750. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Frost, Michael Brian (1978). The development of provided schooling for working class children in Birmingham 1781-1851. University of Birmingham. M.Litt.
Gasperetti, Flavia (2012). Italian women migrants in post-war Britain: the case of textile workers (1949-61). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ghelani, Tilusha (2002). Performing 'blackness': the appropriation of commodified African-American culture by South Asian youth in Britain. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Gill, Phoebe Letitia (2024). The production, circulation, and reception of sexual knowledges in published advice literature in Britain and Ireland, 1918-1987. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Gill, Sylvia May (2010). Managing change in the English Reformation: the 1548 dissolution of the chantries and clergy of the Midland county surveys. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Goode, Charles Edward ORCID: 0000-0003-2654-2521
The relationship between the green belt, England’s housing crisis and the planning system.
University of Birmingham.
Gray, Peter William (2010). The strategic leadership and direction of the Royal Air Force Strategic air offensive against Germany from inception to 1945. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Greene, Michael John (2016). Beyond the hinterland: understanding late iron age transitional rural settlement and society in South Shropshire. University of Birmingham. M.Sc.
Grey, Owen J. (2025). ‘An Alliance of All the Victors’: Romania, the Little Entente, and the limits of alliance security in interwar Central and Eastern Europe. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Griffin, Meegan Elizabeth (2012). The Ministry of J.H.Jowett at Carrs Lane Congregational Church, Birmingham, 1896-1911. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Hagglund, Betty (2000). Tourists and travellers: women's non-fictional writing about Scotland 1770-1830. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Haines, Patrick Jonathan Samuel (2014). The medieval regulars and their book collections: St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, and The Abbey of St. Mary de Pratis, Leicester. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Hall, Michael (2008). Francis Brett Young’s Birmingham: North Bromwich – City of Iron. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Halsted, John Charles (2012). Settlement patterns from the Late Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age: the central Welsh border region in context. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Hamshere, J.D. (1980). Colonization and the evolution of rural settlement In Worcestershire, prior to 1349. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Harriott, Robin Christopher (2021). The Birmingham group: reading the second city in the 1930s. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Harris, Spencer (2015). Joking apart: an analysis of the impact of television satire has had upon the British political landscape 1962-1990. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Harvey, Trevor Gordon (2016). ‘An army of brigadiers’ British brigade commanders at the Battle of Arras 1917. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Hayward, Wayne Clinton (1951). The Globe Theatre 1599-1608. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Hegenbarth, Carly Louise (2016). Catholic emancipation and British print cultures, 1821-9. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Henshaw, Victoria (2011). Scotland and the British army, c.1700-c.1750. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Hewitt, Alexandra (2023). Shakespeare’s self-fashioning: social identity and the interiors of the ‘new genrty’ house in early modern England, 1590-1620. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Higgens, Simon Giles (2011). How was Richard Haldane able to reform the British Army? An historical assessment using a contemporary change management model. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Hine, Alison (2016). The provision and management of casualty replacements for British infantry units on the Western Front during the First World War. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Hoban, Sally (2014). The Birmingham Municipal School of Art and opportunities for women's paid work in the Art and Crafts Movement. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Hodge, Robert J. ORCID: 0000-0002-5409-1724
The experience of poverty in the Cleobury Mortimer Union parishes, Shropshire, 1770-1870.
University of Birmingham.
Hodgkinson, Peter Eric (2014). British infantry battalion commanders in the First World War. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Howarth, Simon Mark (2009). An investigation into the late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age round barrow monuments in the Wylye Valley, Wiltshire. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Hudson, Stephen Charles (2017). Industrialisation and an early modern town: Broseley in Shropshire 1600-1820. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Iles, Katharine (2012). Constructing the eighteenth-century woman: the adventurous history of Sabrina Sidney. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Jackson, Victoria Ann (2015). The material culture and social practice of dining in England, c.1550-c.1670. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Jenkins, Anne Elizabeth (1988). The early medieval context of the royal free chapels of South Staffordshire. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Jenkins, Timothy Neil (2014). The evolution of British airborne warfare: a technological perspective. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Johnson, Nigel Anthony Peter (2002). The roles of the Conservative Party and the National Government during the 'Phoney War', September 1939 to May 1940. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Jones, Andrew (2014). British humanitarian NGOs and the disaster relief industry, 1942-1985. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Jones, Arthur Eugene (1917). The relations between Great Britain and Russia: 1870-1899. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Jones, Victoria Grace (2014). Murky waters: the representation of negative and subversive actualities of the Royal Navy during the French wars 1793-1815. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Juřica, Alois Richard John (1976). The knights of Edward I : an investigation of the social significance of knightly rank in the period 1272-1307, based on a study of the knights of Somerset. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Khan, Saaduddin Mohd Ameenuddin (2020). Cross-cultural negotiations. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
King, Rosalie Sian (2020). The distribution and ownership of English chapbooks and other cheap print in south Wales and its borders 1660 to 1730: developmental influences on commerce, religion and education. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Knowles, Jeremy Joseph (2010). An investigation into the relationship between gay activism and the establishment of a gay community in Birmingham, 1967-97. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Kocheri Clement, Sam Antony (2021). The silent missionary: the role of the Bible in the cultural conquest of India, 1804 —1904. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Kranzer, Lisa Viktoria (2010). Dialogues of persuasion: the Reformation dialogues printed on the Continent during the reign of Henry VIII. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
La Borde, Karen Margaret (2012). ‘Hunting for hidden meaning’: an analysis of the history, interpretation and presentation of seventeenth-century plasterwork at St Michael’s Mount, Cornwall. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Lack, Katherine Joan (2012). Family dispersal in rural England: Herefordshire, 1700-1871. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Laitner, Alison (2021). Contrast and change: exploring the experience of disabled children in Birmingham, 1730 to 1862. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Lamonte, Jon (2011). Attitudes in Britain towards its Armed Forces and war 1960-2000. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Langdon, John (1983). Horses, oxen and technological innovation : the use of draught animals in English farming from 1066 to 1500. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Lewandowski, Charlotte (2011). Cultural expressions of episcopal power 1070- c.1150. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Limm, Andrew Robert (2015). 'Fairly out-Generalled and disgracefully beaten': the British Army in the Low Countries, 1793-1814. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Lindley, Ruth Margaret (2020). "The personal is political is spiritual": feminism and religion in modern Britain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Loggie, Valerie Ann (2011). Soho depicted: prints, drawings and watercolours of Matthew Boulton, his manufactory and estate, 1760-1809. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Longson, Patrick Adam (2014). The rise of the German menace: imperial anxiety and British popular culture, 1896-1903. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Lunn, Andrew John (2012). The neighbourhood church in an individualized world. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Lyons, Adam James (2011). The 1711 expedition to Quebec: politics and the limitations of global strategy in the reign of Queen Anne. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Maekawa, Ichiro (1998). The radicalism of Joseph Chamberlain: his ideas and actions in the context of Birmingham in the 1870s. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Magoula, Olga (2009). Usage and meaning of early medieval textiles. A structural analysis of vestimentary systems in Francia and Anglo-Saxon England. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Mahoney, Ross Wayne (2009). The Royal Air Force, Combined Operations Doctrine and the Raid on Dieppe, 19 August 1942. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Markwell, Amanda (2019). “By dint of mild militancy and unending push” self actualisation in the First World War experiences of Louisa Garrett Anderson and Flora Murray. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Marsh, David Lindsay (2023). The trading and consumption of Roman glass in Britain 50 BCE – 500 CE. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Martin, J.M. (1965). Warwickshire and the parliamentary enclosure movement. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Matthews, Clare (2022). Classical culture and the industrial town: antiquity, manufacturing and art in nineteenth-century Birmingham. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Mc Manamon, Anthony (2012). The House of Lords and the British political tradition. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
McCormick, Martin Patrick (2020). Arthur Henderson and the 1917 Stockholm conference: a reappraisal. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
McKeen, David Bruce (1964). 'A Memory of Honour': a study of the house of Cobham of Kent in the reign of Elizabeth I. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
McKenzie, Dulcie A. Dixon (2014). The future of the past: Forging a historical context for Black gospel music as a tradition amongst African Caribbean Pentecostals in post-war Britain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Mechkarini, Sara (2022). Neither from here nor from there: the alienation of the evolué(e) in Anglophone and Francophone African literature. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Melnyk, Veronica (2002). 'Half fashion and half passion': the life of publisher Henry Colburn. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Meredith, Tayler (2020). Changing Climate in Early Modern England, c. 1550-1680. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Merley, Roy Harold (1999). Gilbert Souest: an account of the seventeenth-century portrait painter. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Millard, Hannah Katherine (2022). The signficance of the wyrm in Early Medieval England. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Mitchell, Stuart Bruce Taylor (2015). An inter-disciplinary study of learning in the 32nd division on the Western Front, 1916-1918. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Mold, Alex Nicola (2004). Dynamic dualities: the ‘British system’ of heroin addiction treatment, 1965-1987. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Monahan, Fin (2018). The origins of the organisational culture of the Royal Air Force. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Moores, Christopher (2011). From civil liberties to human rights?: British civil liberties activism, 1934-1989. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Morris, Carwyn Hywel (2010). The concept of territory in the late Anglo-Saxon and early Medieval cult of Saints in England. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Morrison, Doreen (2012). Reaching for the Promised Land: the role of culture, issues of leadership and social stratification within British Caribbean Christianity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Munro, Eleanor Margaret ORCID: 0000-0003-3994-7763
Continuity and change in the Birmingham voluntary action field 1965 – 2010.
University of Birmingham.
Murdoch, Emma Louise Annabel (2017). Madness, psychiatry and anti-psychiatry in English and French women’s writing and film. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Musindi, Beatrice Nambuya Balibali (2015). Christianity in Newport. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Narayan, Rosalyn (2014). The balances of power: peasant women’s agency and status in mid-thirteenth to later fourteenth century Norton. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Nasar, Saima (2016). Subjects, citizens and refugees: the making and re-making of Britain’s East African Asians. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Neate, James (2013). The Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force in anti-submarine warfare policy, 1918-1945. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Nejedly, Mary (2019). Child labour in an industrial town: a study of child workers in Birmingham, 1750 to 1880. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Nellikka Puthusserry, Pushyarag (2012). The internationalization of British and Indian small and medium-sized enterprises: a comparative study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Nicolson, Gillian H (1970). The medieval wills of Bristol with special reference to those of the merchants. University of Birmingham. Other
Norton, Shelagh Margaret (2013). The Weald Moors and Wall Camp: an investigation of geomorphology, human history, and palaeoenviroment. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Nyamapfene, Kingston (2013). Images of godly magistracy in early Stuart England. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Odell, Peter R. (1954). A study of the development of urban spheres of influence in Leicestershire. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Orlik, Susan Mary (2018). The ‘beauty of holiness’ revisited: an analysis of investment in parish church interiors in Dorset, Somerset, and Wiltshire, 1560-1640. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ottewill, Roger Martin (2015). Faith and good works: congregationalism in Edwardian Hampshire 1901-1914. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Owen, Grace (2022). A comparative study of rural and urban manorial officialdom in the later medieval period. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Parker, Linda Mary (2013). Shell-shocked Prophets: the influence of former Anglican army chaplains on the Church of England and British society in the inter-war years. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Parkes, Bethany (2023). Skin deep: race, beauty, and skin colour in Britain, 1930-1980. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Partridge, Mary (2008). Images of the courtier in Elizabethan England. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Pattison, Andrew (2012). William Hazledine, Shropshire ironmaster and millwright: a reconstruction of his life, and his contribution to the development of engineering, 1780 - 1840. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Paul, Samantha Hinley (2021). Why do we have this? A study of museum approaches to retention and disposal of archaeological archives. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Paxton, Coralie (2022). A small town and its hinterland: Halesowen in the Early Modern Period. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Payling, Daisy Catherine Ellen (2016). ‘Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire’: activism in Sheffield in the 1970s and 1980s. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Perry, Andrew (2011). Anglican Christianity in Birmingham 1945 – 1975. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Phillips, James (2018). The enemy within: Division and betrayal in literature of the Second World War. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Pick, Justine Samantha ORCID: 0000-0002-2567-3987
Place, pollution and public health: municipal responses for sanitation in Birmingham 1840s-1920s.
University of Birmingham.
Pierpoint, David (2000). British policy in Iran and relations with the soviet union, 1945-46. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Poole, Peter David (2011). British foreign policy, the United States and Europe, 1945-1950. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Price, M.A. (1964). The status and function of minstrels in England between 1350 and 1400. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Probert, Duncan William (2002). Church and landscape : a study in social transition in south-western Britain, A.D. c.400 to c.1200. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Procter, Ruth Janet (2011). Infant mortality: a study of the impact of social intervention in Birmingham 1873 to 1938. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Pugh, James Neil (2013). The conceptual origins of the control of the air: British military and naval aviation, 1911 – 1918. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Race, Christopher (Rev.) (2012). A reconsideration of identity through death and bereavement and consequent pastoral implications for Christian ministry. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ramsey, Eleanor Jane (2012). The use of GIS and documentary sources to map, analyse and understand urban and industrial change in 19th century Dudley. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Rawson, Andrew James (2011). The Divisional Commander in the U.S. Army in World War II: A case study of the Normandy Campaign, 6 June 1944 to 24 July 1944. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Redfern, Rebecca Catherine (2006). A gendered analysis of health from the Iron Age to the end of the Romano-British period in Dorset, England (mid to late 8th century B.C. to the end of the 4th century A.D.). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Reekes, Andrew Edward (2014). Birmingham exceptionalism, Joseph Chamberlain and the 1906 general election. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Richards, Eric Francis Troughton (1939). The building trades in the Midlands in the seventeenth century. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Richards, W.A. (1972). The Birmingham gun manufactory of Farmer and Galton and the slave trade in the eighteenth century. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Richardson, David William (2014). Non-party organisations and campaigns on European integration in Britain, 1945-1986: political and public activism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ritch, Alistair Edward Sutherland (2010). 'Sick, aged and infirm': adults in the new Birmingham workhouse, 1852-1912. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Ritch, Alistair Edward Sutherland (2015). Medical care in the workhouses in Birmingham and Wolverhampton, 1834-1914. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Roberts, Brian K. (1965). Settlement, land use and population in the western portion of the Forest of Arden, Warwickshire, between 1086 and 1350. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Roberts-Gawen, Rebecca Christine (2016). An investigation into British neutrality during the American Civil War 1861-65. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Robertson, Alan T (2022). Freemasonry and Provincial Culture: Worcestershire 1733 - 1850. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Robinson, Emma Louise (2017). Liberty compromised? George Orwell, English Law and the Second World War. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Robinson Rhodes, Martha ORCID: 0000-0003-0932-8275
Bisexuality and multiple-gender-attraction in Britain, 1970 - 1990: a Queer oral history.
University of Birmingham.
Rogers, Jami (2011). Shakespeare and the thirties: representations of the past in contemporary performance. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Rusbridge, Thomas Benjamin Sykes (2020). The culture of materials and leather objects in eighteenth-century England. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Rush, Michael Calvert (2013). Cultural transition in East Anglia, c. 350 to c. 650, and the origins of the kingdom of the East Angles. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Russell, Stuart (2011). The relationship between agricultural development and industrial growth 1660-1880: a case study of the Black Country. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Russell-Jones, Amanda Barbara (2015). The voice of the outcast: Josephine Butler's Biblical interpretation and public theology. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Screti, Zoe Claire ORCID: 0000-0002-3306-2959
The relationship between religious reform and alchemy in England, c.1450-1650.
University of Birmingham.
Sequera, Hector (2010). House music for recusants in Elizabethan England: performance practice in the music collection of Edward Paston (1550-1630). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Serdaroglu, Uzeyir Serdar (2019). The evolution of commercial institutions and business networks in the Ottoman empire: British merchant families and individual merchants in the Levant trade in the 18th century. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Shakespeare, Richard George (2013). The British Council and British cultural propaganda during the interwar period. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Shaw, Michael Terence ORCID: 0000-0002-2814-1134
Approaches to the analysis of the topography, origins, growth and development of English medieval towns: case studies of selected towns and their wider applicability.
University of Birmingham.
Shepherd, Sianne Lauren (2011). Anglo-Saxon labours of the months: representing May - a case study. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Shepperd, Leslie William (2022). What were the sources of morale and combat motivation in the late Victorian army campaigning in Africa? University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Shimko, Hannah D. (2020). Re-imagining the English country house: the impact of film and television representation of the English country house on the design, production and presentation of the 'heritage visitor experience'. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Sjogren, Fredrik Guy Neville (2020). Entrepreneurship and technological change: the Birmingham and district cut-nail trade, c. 1811-1913. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Skelton, Sophie (2014). From peace to development: a reconstitution of British women’s international politics, c. 1945 - 1975. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Sladen, Anna (2011). The Sometime Husband of Three Katherines, Two Annes and One Jane: Play and Critical Essay. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Smith, Helen Victoria (2012). Elizabeth Taylor Cadbury (1858-1951): religion, maternalism and social reform in Birmingham, 1888-1914. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Smith, John Thomas (1953). Shrewsbury: topography and domestic architecture to the middle of the seventeenth century. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Southworth, Carol Mary (2012). Pluralism and stability in the close. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Staples, Peter (2024). A study of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Yorkshire during the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, based on the notebooks of Joseph Wood, a Quaker minister. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Stewart, William Frederick (2012). “Every inch a fighting man:” a new perspective on the military career of a controversial Canadian, Sir Richard Turner. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Styler, Ian David (2019). The story of an English saint's cult: an analysis of the influence of St Æthelthryth of Ely, c.670 - c.1540. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Sullivan, Janet Christine (2014). Paying the price for industrialisation: the experience of a Black Country town, Oldbury, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Sun, Jian (2015). The clergy of the diocese of Hereford in the later Middle Ages. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Tasker, Janet Elizabeth (2022). The presence of God in post-reformation English drama, 1559 - 1642. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Taylor, Donna (2019). Governance and locality in the age of reform: Birmingham 1769 - 1852. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Taylor, Donna Michelle (2014). To the Bull Ring! Politics, protest and policing in Birmingham during the early Chartist period. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Taylor, Michael Anthony (2017). The history of 119 Infantry Brigade in the Great War with special reference to the Command of Brigadier-General Frank Percy Crozier. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Theaker, Martin (2011). Power politics: Britain and atomic energy, 1945-62. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Thomas, Alun Miles (2010). British 8th Infantry Division on the Western Front, 1914-18. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Thomas, Denise (2011). Religious polemic, print culture and pastoral ministry: Thomas Hall B.D. (1610-1665) and the promotion of Presbyterian orthodoxy in the English Revolution. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Thomas, Susan (2021). George Edmonds and the development of Birmingham radicalism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Thwaites, W (1981). The marketing of agricultural produce in eighteenth century Oxfordshire. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Tomlinson, John William Bruce (2008). From parson to professional: the changing ministry of the Anglican clergy in Staffordshire, 1830-1960. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Toomey, James Patrick (1997). A medieval woodland manor: Hanley Castle, Worcestershire. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Tungate, Susan (2011). Matthew Boulton and the Soho Mint: copper to customer. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Vetter, Yasmin (2023). Building God’s ‘true church’: exile and the Church of England c. 1553–1566. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Waddington, Sheila Kathryn (2013). The origins of Anglo-Saxon Herefordshire: a study in land-unit antiquity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Wadsworth, Sally Patricia ORCID: 0000-0002-1043-9987
The parish churches, cathedral, and corporation of Salisbury: continuity and change c.1480-c.1650.
University of Birmingham.
Wale, Daniel (2019). The development and influence of reformatory institutions for juvenile criminals in nineteenth-century Birmingham. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Walker, David (2018). Supreme air command - the development of royal air force command practice in the second world war. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Walker, Stephen Maclaren (2022). Socio-political change in the English county of Cumbria: 400-700. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Walters, Andrew John Charles (2018). Inter-war, inter-service friction on the North-West frontier of India and its impact on the development and application of RAF doctrine. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Wan, Connie (2012). Samuel Lines and sons: rediscovering Birmingham’s artistic dynasty 1794 – 1898 through works on paper at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Watts, Carl Peter (2006). The Rhodesian crisis in British and international politics, 1964-1965. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Weaver, Robin Bryn (2013). The Neolithic of the Peak District: a lefebvrian social geography approach to spatial analysis. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Westermeier, Carola Maria (2013). Selling the crisis: British and German advertising industry during the 1970s. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
White, A. W. A. (1972). Economic growth in eighteenth century Warwickshire; a study of the rise of the Warwickshire coal industry with special reference to Sir Roger Newdigate (Bart.) of Arbury Estate owner and coalmaster. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Whitehouse, Laura Marie (2017). The eccentric dead: a reanalysis of early Anglo-Saxon cemetery data from East Anglia and Lindsey. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Wilkin, Neil C.A. (2014). Food vessel pottery from Early Bronze Age funerary contexts in Northern England: a typological and contextual study. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Willetts, Marjorie R. (2011). Living on the edge; the social and economic culture of the rock house communities in Kinver from 1700 to 1963. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Wilson, Mark Frederick (2014). Protestant polemic in the 1570s: Elizabethan responses to the Northern Rising, the Papal Bull and the Massacre of St Bartholomew’s Day. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Wiltshire, Imogen (2017). Therapeutic art concepts and practices in Britain and the United States (1937-1946). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Wise, M.J (1951). Essays on the growth of Birmingham and other contributions to the geographical study of the Birmingham district. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Withington, Thomas Jeavons (2018). Bomber command’s electronic warfare policy and suppression of enemy air defence posture during the Second World War. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Wright, Katie (2008). ‘The performance of piety’: exploring godly culture and identity in England c.1580-1640. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Yip, Hannah Sze-Munn ORCID: 0000-0001-5843-044X
'Speaking now to our eyes': visual elements of the printed sermon in early modern England.
University of Birmingham.
Yonge, Tomas Peter (2013). What drove maritime patrol aircraft procurement in the post-war era? University of Birmingham. M.Phil.