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Barnes, Eliza Mary Ann (1913). The reflection of contemporary religious thought in the essays of the 18th century. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Hale, Ethel M (1913). Essay on the Byzantine revival : 717-1071. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Hartland, Reginald William (1913). Influences Anglaises sur le roman historique Français: (V. Hugo, Roger de Beauvoir, Frédéric Soulié, dans leurs rapports avec W. Scott et ses prédécesseurs). University of Birmingham. M.A.

Pollitt, H.J. (1985). Theophylact of Ochrida : his commentary on St. John's Gospel : sources, methods and characteristics. University of Birmingham. Other


Alam, Fazlul (1995). Social relations and migration : a study of post-war migration with particular reference to migration from Bangladesh to Britain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Alexander, Ian Page (1939). Arthur Hugh Clough and his poetry. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Anderson, Sarah (1980). The concept and process of dramatic adaptation, derived from a study of modern adaptations of Shakespeare's plays. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Anis, M.A. (1950). Some aspects of British interest in Egypt in the late 18th century (1775-1798). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Apey, Alfredo (1995). Agricultural restructuring and coordinated policies for rural development in Chile. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ardayfio, Elizabeth Aku (1974). The development of canals in Warwickshire, and their influence on the social and economic geography of the county. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Awal, Mohammad Abdul (1998). Three divorces at one instance with special reference to the fatawa of Ibn Taymiyyah. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.


Baggs , Thomas A. (1912). The rise and progress of euphism in English literature. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Baird, Ian Forbes (1990). Poems concerning the Stanley family (Earls of Derby) 1485-1520. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Baker, Edith Ellen (1920). The relations of Great Britain and America (especially from 1861-1866). University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Beat, Janet Eveline (1968). The development of the orchestra and orchestration in Italian opera : c.1600-c.1750. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Beecher, D. A. (1972). Ben Jonson's Sejanus: historiography and the political tragedy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Belfield, Jane (1979). Tarlton's News Out of Purgatory (1590): a modern spelling edition with introduction and commentary. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Birrell, Jean Russell (1962). The honour of Tutbuy in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Boone, Gladys (1917). The Poor Law of 1601, with some consideration of modern developments of the Poor Law problem. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Bose, Sarika Priyadarshini (1999). Women as figures of disorder in the plays of Oscar Wilde. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Brown, Patricia (1998). The role and symbolism of the dragon in vernacular saints' legends, 1200-1500. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Brown, Percy C. (1912). Shakspere's debt to Latin poetry: studies in connexion with the classical tendencies of the sixteenth century. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Buchanan, Roberta (1981). A biography of Ulpian Fulwell and a critical edition of The Art of Flattery(1576). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Bulman, Stephen Paul Dušan (1990). Interpreting Sunjata: a comparative analysis and exegesis of the Malinke epic. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Burrows, Mabel Mary (1912). The position of woman in the seventeenth century and her influence on the literature. University of Birmingham. M.A.


Carson, Jessie G. (1920). Some aspects of Robert Browning's philosophy of love: with special regard to his theory of the relation between love and knowledge as revealed in Men and women (1885). University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Carter, R. M. (1976). The art and architecture of Nazi Germany: 1933-39. University of Birmingham. Other

Chapman, Colin Gilbert (1994). Teaching Christians about Islam : a study in methodology / by Colin Gilbert Chapman. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Chinn, Carl (1986). The anatomy of a working-class neighbourhood: West Sparkbrook 1871-1914. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Clarke, Hugh (1947). Charles Dickens' contribution to the social novel: 1836-1850. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Cockin, Norman (1980). Post-war productions of Hamlet at Stratford-upon-Avon 1948-1970. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Cooke, A. Roland (1920). The relations between Great Britain and Russia from 1848 to 1856. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Cope, Dora Gwendoline (1917). The women characters in the 'imaginary conversations' of Walter Savage Landor. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Corbin, Peter Francis (1966). A death and a marriage: an examination of the literature occasioned by the death of Henry Prince of Wales and the marriage of his sister Princess Elizabeth, 1612-13. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cowley, Robert L.S (1977). A review of William Hogarth's Marriage à la Mode with particular reference to character and setting. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Cowley, Robert L.S (1972). An examination and interpretation of narrative features in 'A Rake's Progress'. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Cuyler, Grenville (1985). Shakespeare and Jung. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Donovan, John (1972). Hudibras and its literary context. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Douglas, Malcolm Bryce (1913). The rise of metaphysical poetry in England. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Duncan-Jones, Austin E (1937). Ethical language: an examination of the use and meaning of ethical expressions. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Dunsby, Charles (1912). Plato's idea of God and the soul in their mutual relations. University of Birmingham. M.A.


Egan, Gabriel (1997). Two 'transitional' late plays at the Globe : an evaluation of the scholarship of Globe reconstruction and its bearing on the original staging of Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale and Cymbeline. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Elliott, W.J. (1974). An examination of von Soden's Ib1group of manuscripts (Acts & Catholic Epistles only). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Elliott, W.J. (1969). An examination of von Soden's Ib2group of manuscripts. University of Birmingham. M.Res.


Finney, Kathleen E (1913). Eichendorff's ideas on romanticism. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Farr, Bernard Charles (1982). Theodicy : a critique and a proposal. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ferrario, Marie T. (1917). The relation between court and literature in the seventeenth century (1579-1700). University of Birmingham. M.A.

Foakes, R. A. (1952). Imagery in Elizabethan and Jacobean drama: suggestions for a new approach. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Foakes, R. A. (1949). The Revenger's Tragedy and The Atheist's Tragedy: some notes on their style and on the authorship problem. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Foster, Elaine F. (1990). Black women in black-led churches : a study of black women's contribution to the growth and development of black-led churches in Britain. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Fox, Emma (1995). Conrad and masculinity. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Franklin, Sarah (1992). Contested conceptions : a cultural account of assisted reproduction. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Frost, Michael Brian (1978). The development of provided schooling for working class children in Birmingham 1781-1851. University of Birmingham. M.Litt.

Frost, Robert James (1983). The Shakespearean performances of Sir John Gielgud. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Fusillo, Robert J. (1966). The staging of battle scenes on the Shakespearean stage. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Gibson, Frances Millicent (1912). Dickens et Daudet. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Gibson, Joy Leslie (1994). Squeaking Cleopatras? Shakespeare's boy players. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Goode, James (1929). John Milton: the making of an epic poet. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Graham, Dorothy L. (1934). Henry Vaughan, Silurist: a study of his life and writings: his relations to his age and subsequent influence. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Graham, E. Dorothy (1986). Chosen by God: the female itinerants of early primitive Methodism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Graham, J.B. (1968). El Conde de Sex (The Earl of Essex) by Antonio Coello y Ochoa - translated and edited with an introduction. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Green, Lawrence C. (1999). The uses of pageantry: pageantry as production style in revivals of Shakespeare's second tetralogy on the English stage in the twentieth century. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Hale, Florence (1920). The influence of Latin drama on Elizabethan drama. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Hamilton, Horace Charles (1926). Castlereagh and the Holy Alliance. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Hamlyn, Susan Katherine (1975). She stoops to conquer: the making of a popular success. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Hamshere, J.D. (1980). Colonization and the evolution of rural settlement In Worcestershire, prior to 1349. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Harding , Joan Naunton (1949). A study of the development of the critical thought of Paul Elmer More. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Harris, Nicola Joy (1998). 'The means of seeing' : looking at reality in the novels of Thomas Hardy. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Harrison, Arthur Cyril (1920). Robert Southey and his poetry: a critical study. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Hatfield, Henry Arnold (1913). Etude sur les procedes litteraires de Bernardin de St Pierre. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Healey, Frank George (1954). The literary culture and opinions of Napoleon I. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Herrin, Judith Eleanor (1972). The social and economic structure of Central Greece in the late twelfth century. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hill, Christina Bernadette Thérèse (1975). A study of mesmerism and the literature of the 19th century, with particular reference to Harriet Martineau. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Hill, Christina Bernadette Thérèse (1977). A study of spiritualism in the life and work of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hill, Neville V.L. (1949). Some aspects of the style of John Webster : a study of The duchess of Malfi and The white devil. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hingley, George Clement (1912). Shakespeare's debt to classical antiquity. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Hinton, B.J.C (1980). Myth and legend in post-war English poetry. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hinton, B.J.C (1975). The poetry of Thom Gunn. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Hipkins, Charles Hammond (1916). Wordsworth and his influence upon English poetry. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Hoare, R.W.N. (1973). A comparison of the work of Bultmann and Binswanger. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hodder, Michael Anthony (1988). The development of some aspects of settlement and land use in Sutton Chase. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Horn, Julie Catherine (1993). Townscape transformations in dockland areas: case studies in the UK. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Humphreys, Christabel T. M (1912). Some account of the origin and nature of Hebraism and Hellenism. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Hunston 1953-, Susan (1989). Evaluation in experimental research articles. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Jackson, Russell Bennett (1971). "Cymbeline" in the nineteenth century. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Jackson, Russell Bennett (1975). Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890: a study of major London productions. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Jenkins, Anne Elizabeth (1988). The early medieval context of the royal free chapels of South Staffordshire. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Jones, Arthur Eugene (1917). The relations between Great Britain and Russia: 1870-1899. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Joshua, Essaka Cecilia (1995). The Pygmalion story in British literature until 1900, with special reference to the nineteenth century. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Juřica, Alois Richard John (1976). The knights of Edward I : an investigation of the social significance of knightly rank in the period 1272-1307, based on a study of the knights of Somerset. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Kay, Laurence H. (1912). Lessing's knowledge and criticism of English Literature. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Kermode, Lloyd Edward (1992). Trial by Jewry: the Jewish figure as subversive critic in the plays of the public theatre, 1580-1600. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Ketelbey, Doris Mabel (1917). A comparative study of federation in the United States since the declaration of independence, in Switzerland since the thirteenth century and in Germany since 1866, with reference to federation in the British Empire. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Kew, Graham David (1995). Shakespeare's Europe revisited: the unpublished Itinerary of Fynes Moryson (1566-1630). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kidnie, Margaret Jane (1996). A critical edition of Philip Stubbes's anatomie of abuses. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Lamb, Christopher A (1987). The call to retrieval: Kenneth Cragg's Christian vocation to Islam. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lambert, James (1976). An analysis of the structure and themes of Der Stricker's Pfaffe Amis. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Langdon, John (1983). Horses, oxen and technological innovation : the use of draught animals in English farming from 1066 to 1500. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Leslie, Leslie (1949). Studies in the language of the Lindisfarne gospels. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lewis , R. A. (1949). Edwin Chadwick and the public health movement 1832-1854. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Liddell, M.F. (1925). German sea poetry. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Lumley, Robert (1983). Social movements in Italy, 1968-78. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


MacRobert, Iain (1989). Black Pentecostalism: its origins, functions and theology: with special reference to a Midland borough. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Mackie, David (1974). The songs of Arthur Sullivan: a catalogue and commentary. University of Birmingham. Other

Macphee, Wendy Jean (1996). Arcana in Shakespeare's comedies with specific reference to 'The Comedy of Errors' and 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Markus, Zoltan (1993). "Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun": fool-characters and comic dramatic structures in Hamlet, Twelfth night and Troilus and Cressida. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Martin, J.M. (1965). Warwickshire and the parliamentary enclosure movement. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Masuo, Kishiko (1997). The two Japanese productions of Macbeth: Akira Kurosawa's Throne of Blood and Yukio Nevagawa's Ninaga Wa's Macbeth. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

McKeen, David Bruce (1964). 'A Memory of Honour': a study of the house of Cobham of Kent in the reign of Elizabeth I. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Montgomery, Martin (1977). Some aspects of discourse structure and cohesion in selected science lectures. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Mott, Maxine Elizabeth (1991). The choral works of Robert Schumann (1810-56). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Murdoch, William Gordon (1946). A study of early Montanism and its relation to the Christian church. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Nicolson, Gillian H (1970). The medieval wills of Bristol with special reference to those of the merchants. University of Birmingham. Other

Nogami, Katsuhiko (1989). A critical modern-spelling edition of John Ford's 'The Lady's Trial'. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ní Chréacháin, Fírinne (1998). Sembene in Senegal: radical art in neo-colonial society. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


O'Hear, Ann (1984). The economic history of Ilorin in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the rise and decline of a middleman society. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Platt, Peter (1957). English and French theories of tragedy and comedy: based on the appreciation of Shakespeare in France: with special reference to Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, The taming of the shrew, A midsummer nights dream, The falstaff plays, As you like it, Measure for measure. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Price, M.A. (1964). The status and function of minstrels in England between 1350 and 1400. University of Birmingham. M.A.


Ravelli, Louise Jane (1991). Language from a dynamic perspective: models in general and grammar in particular. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Richards, Eric Francis Troughton (1939). The building trades in the Midlands in the seventeenth century. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Rose, A. N. (1912). A historical study of the ethical atmosphere at the beginning of the Christian era; and it's relation to the ethical aspect of New Testament teaching. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Ross, Lizzie Louise (1912). The effect of the advance in scientific knowledge upon seventeenth century literature. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Roulstone, Anthony Richard (1969). Children and parents in the works of Charles Dickens. University of Birmingham. M.A.


Sanderson, John Russell (1975). The Elizabethan and Jacobean two-part play: a study of the composition and structure of dramatic sequels. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Sato, Yumi (1991). The Duchess of Malfi at Stratford. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Shield, Arthur Ronald Pennell (1939). Jonathan Swift, 1696 - 1717: early satires and politics. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Short, Michael Henry (1970). A stylistic analysis of John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Sinclair, Thomas Alexander (1993). The government of the Van region under the Kara Koyunlu. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Singleton, Brian Robert (1988). The interpretation of Shakespeare by Ariane Mnouchkine and the Theatre du Soleil. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Smallwood, R.L. (Robert Leo) (1963). Lord Burghley as patron of religious literature. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Smith, John Thomas (1953). Shrewsbury: topography and domestic architecture to the middle of the seventeenth century. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Soares dos Santos , Marlene (1980). Theatre for Tudor England: an investigation of the ideas of Englishness and foreignness in English drama c.1485 - c.1592, with particular reference to the interludes. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Southall, R. (1961). The nature and significance of rhythm in the poetry of Sir Thomas Wyatt: (with transcripts of two principal manuscripts). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Spalt , Heinz Georg Spalt (1940). Social factors in German-Swiss literature since 1850. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Steinmetz-Ardaseer, Yvonne (1994). The importance of the subplot as a convention in English Renaissance drama. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Stone, David M. (1987). Pericles on the English stage 1900-1984. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Swales, M.W. (1963). Heimito von Doderer and the return to Realism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Taylor, Malcolm John (1994). Publish and be blessed : a case study in early Pentecostal publishing history. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Thwaites, W (1981). The marketing of agricultural produce in eighteenth century Oxfordshire. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Toomey, James Patrick (1997). A medieval woodland manor: Hanley Castle, Worcestershire. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Torrance, W. G. (1930). The place of country life in the advance of civilisation. University of Birmingham. Other

Troupp, Lotte (1992). A moral idea of language in Shakespeare’s The Tempest. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Tsui, Amy Bik-May (1986). A linguistic description of utterances in conversation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Tweedy, Margaret T. (1981). A history of Barbuda under the Codringtons 1738-1833. University of Birmingham. M.Litt.


Walker, Judith Elaine (1996). 'Torment to a restlesse mind': an analysis of major themes in Poems and Fancies (1653) by Margaret Cavendish. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Walls, M. (1986). The Renaissance hermetic tradition in Shakespeare’s plays. University of Birmingham. M.Res.

Wawn, Andrew Nicholas (1969). The Plowman's Tale [critical edition]. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wells 1930-, Stanley W. (1961). Perymedes the Blacksmith and Pandosto by Robert Greene. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Westlake, Elizabeth (1993). Learn to live and learn to die: Heinrich Suso's Scire Mori in fifteenth century England. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Westlake, John H.J. (1970). A Shakespeare grammar (Part 1). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Westlake, John H.J. (1966). A study of Shakespeare criticism in the Jahrbuch 1865-1914. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Whitby, Christopher Lionel (1982). John Dee's actions with spirits: 22 December 1581 to 23 May 1583. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

White, A. W. A. (1972). Economic growth in eighteenth century Warwickshire; a study of the rise of the Warwickshire coal industry with special reference to Sir Roger Newdigate (Bart.) of Arbury Estate owner and coalmaster. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Whitworth, Charles Walters (1978). The literary career of Thomas Lodge, 1579-1596: studies of the plays, prose fiction and verse. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wilcher, Robert (1967). Natural details in the poetry of Andrew Marvell. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Wilcher, Robert (1972). The use of natural details in English poetry: 1645-1668. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wilkinson, James K. (1959). Cicero's governorship of Cilicia. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Williams, Margaret Ellen (1992). 'A play is not so ydle a thing': the dramatic output and theatre-craft of Nathan Field. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Willis, Jane (1981). Spoken discourse in the E.L.T. classroom : a system of analysis and a description. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Wilson, Arthur Ernest (1914). The fall of Paganism: a study of the disestablishment of paganism in the establishment of Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Wilson, Frank Percy (1912). A study of the prose works of Thomas Dekker. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Wise, M.J (1951). Essays on the growth of Birmingham and other contributions to the geographical study of the Birmingham district. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Wordsworth, Emily Constance (1912). Some'voluntary' taxes of the Roman Empire. University of Birmingham. M.A.


Yacowar, Maurice (1968). John Lyly and the uses of irony. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Yamada, Akihiro (1976). Bibliographical studies in the plays of George Chapman. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Yin, Winifred Wei-fang (1992). A nightmare for a century? 'Two Gents' at Stratford. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

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