Railway traffic flow optimisation with differing control systems

Zhao, Ning (2013). Railway traffic flow optimisation with differing control systems. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

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This thesis describes the development of a multi-train simulator in which different train control systems are simulated on a common section of high-speed line operating with four trains. The simulator is used to estimate and compare train knock-on delay performance with different signalling systems.

This thesis further demonstrates a train trajectory optimisation work. Four searching approach have been implemented to find, for a specific train, the most appropriate target speed in different areas in order to minimise energy usage and delays.

A West Coast Main Line case study is presented in order to assess the operational impact of using optimised train trajectory and different practical train control system configurations combined with three different operating priorities.

The result shows that, by using more advanced signalling systems or optimal train trajectories, interactions between trains can be reduced, thereby improving performance. This also has the effect of reducing the energy required to make a particular journey. Simple control systems when coupled with the optimisation process have been shown to have similar performance to the more advanced signalling systems. The use of a dynamic programming allows an objective function to be minimised with the best results and an acceptable computation time.

Type of Work: Thesis (Doctorates > Ph.D.)
Award Type: Doctorates > Ph.D.
College/Faculty: Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Engineering & Physical Sciences
School or Department: School of Engineering, Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering
Funders: None/not applicable
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
T Technology > TF Railroad engineering and operation
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
URI: http://etheses.bham.ac.uk/id/eprint/4725


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