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Turner, Ellie (2023). "I may start a new life" An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of young people with SEND from a special school in England on preparing for adulthood. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Cumber, Daniel (2022). "If you see something that's not right, we need to challenge it… if we don't, well, who will?” A qualitative exploration of social justice and educational psychology practice in England. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Mandair, Sashvinder Kaur (2021). A cultural-historical activity theory analysis of educational psychologists’ practice with young people aged 16-25 five years on from the special educational needs and disability code of practice 0-25 (2015). University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Doggett, Caroline Joy (2012). A narrative study of the resilience and coping of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people (UASC) arriving in a rural local authority (LA). University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Clissold, Katherine (2018). A qualitative exploration of pupil, parent and staff discourses of extended school non-attendance. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Barber, Emma Victoria (2023). A socio-cultural activity theory exploration into educational psychologists’ perceptions and experiences of anti-racist practice. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Kime, Alison Claire (2022). A study of proactive and systemic approaches to addressing death, bereavement and loss in schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Brooks, Robert (2015). An appreciative inquiry into the development of teacher well-being through organisational change: theory development and impications for practice. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Rogers, Olivia (2022). An appreciative inquiry: capturing peak experiences of educational psychology practice in one Local Authority under COVID-19 restrictions. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Gately, Rachel (2014). An evaluation of a paired reading intervention implemented by foster carers with looked after children. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Quinn, Sophie (2020). An evaluation of the power of kindness in primary aged children: a whole-class intervention. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Smith-Lewis, Julie (2023). An exploration of children's understanding of mental health. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Pugh, Hannah (2022). An exploration of educational psychologists’ views of the role of spirituality in the assessment of young people. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Phillips, Chloe Isobel (2020). An exploration of the views of six children and young people from traveller families: educational experiences, ambitions and what they want from education. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Dîrnu, Amalia Emanuela (2019). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the school experiences of young people who are not in education, employment or training in relation to mental health and wellbeing. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Edmondson, Suzanne Marie (2017). An interpretive phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of young people with a moderate hearing loss attending mainstream secondary school. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Gallagher, Caroline Beatrice (2010). An investigation into how educational psychologists’ conceptualise domestic violence. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Gallimore, Charlotte (2017). An investigation of secondary school pupils’ perspectives on the work of teaching assistants. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Pearson, Rebecca (2016). Boys’ behavioural and mental health difficulties: an exploration of pupil and teacher discourses. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Regan, Helen (2015). Evaluation of a multi-modal, evidence-based intervention for sixth form students with test anxiety. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Cosma, Pandelitsa (2020). Exploring the 'possible selves' of girls attending a pupil referral unit as an insight into their hopes and fears for the future. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Williamson, Emily Nicole (2022). It’s not home. But it is as close to home as school can get” exploring the lived experiences of ‘school belonging’ with autistic adolescents attending a social communication hub: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Sangar, Maninder Kaur (2018). Mental health and Shame : A Foucauldian analysis of the discourses of South Asian girls and their teachers. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Hewett, Ruth Elizabeth (2013). Muslim girl’s aspirations: an exploration of teacher and pupil discourses. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Byng, Catherine (2022). Pupil and staff views on successful reintegration to a permanent education setting from alternative medical education provision. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Doerr, Johanna (2020). Pupils' voice on primary to secondary school transition: insights from small schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Lewis, Thomas Frederick (2017). Special Educational Need Coordinator (SENCO) wellbeing: a mixed methods exploration of workplace demands and effective coping actions. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Dance, Dawn (2022). Stories girls tell: a narrative inquiry about girls in alternative provision. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Bailey, Simon (2011). Taking up the challenge: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of teachers’ perceptions regarding the presence of asylum seeker and refugee pupils (ASR) within mainstream primary schools in the Midlands, and the implications this may hold for educational psychologists practice. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Knight, Roseanna (2019). The SCERTS model: an exploration of educational psychology practice. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Hingley, Faye Alexandra (2020). The educational experiences of children and young people who have attended a pupil referral unit in England: a narrative inquiry. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Hughes, Tom (2013). Understanding the impact of an iPad on the reading experience of struggling adolescent readers. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Harvey, Julie Anne (2012). What’s so Special about Special? Improving inclusion for children with Autism in mainstream schools. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.
Clyde, Benjamin (2020). Young people's perceptions regarding motivations to play video games: implications for gamification in education. University of Birmingham. Ap.Ed.&ChildPsy.D.