Items where Subject is "P Language and Literature > PQ Romance literatures"

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Number of items at this level: 54.


Dugguh, Lilian Dooshima ORCID: 0000-0003-0978-8570 (2023). Littérature et désenchantement politique après les indépendances: voix francophones postcoloniales. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Kasongo, Mukile (2023). Feminist translation Po-Sovetski: a mixed-methods study of the translation of francophone African women’s fiction into Russian in the late Soviet period. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Salhi, Sourour (2023). Towards an appraisal of the African past: a postcolonial comparative study of Franco-Algerian and Anglo-Nigerian literatures from subalternity to ‘hybrid affirmation’. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Somma, Anna Lisa (2023). Donna con donna (woman with woman): representations of female-female desire in early modern Italian literature. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Tomaselli, Francesca (2023). Power and agency in portrayals of gendered relationships in Regina Di Luanto's Un Martirio (1894) and Memini's L'ultima Primavera (1894). University of Birmingham. M.A.


Caetano Álvarez, Elena ORCID: 0000-0002-7369-7289 (2021). The empire past and present: discursive treatment of the Translatio Imperii in Alfonso X's Estoria de Espanna as a legitimisation of the Fecho del Imperio. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Di Maio, Fabrizio (2021). The dialectical relationship of power and freedom in Luther Blissett’s and Wu Ming’s historical novels. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Whatley, Niven C. (2021). Voices from the periphery: representations of marginalised women immigrants in postmillennial Spain. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Delmas, Melina (2020). (S)mothered in translation? (Re)translating the female Bildungsroman in the twentieth century in English and French. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Parkes, Mia Christine (2020). Mujeres de Ventas: women's prison writing in Franco's prisons. University of Birmingham. M.A.


Lawrence, Andrea Joan (2019). Navigating Iberian landscapes in the travel writing of Josep Pla and Agusti Calvet. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Thompson, Michael Edmund (2019). Sight to the blind in the age of anxiety? A study of narrative form in the novels of Paul Gadenne. University of Birmingham. M.A.


Jenkins, Rommany (2017). The origin and role of sospiro in the poetry of Guido Cavalcanti. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Matravers, Simon Robert (2017). Commentary on Valerius Maximus’ Book IX.1-10. A discourse on vitia: an apotreptic approach. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Aloè, Carla (2016). The New World mythology in Italian epic poetry: 1492-1650. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Tani, Maurizio (2016). La funzione del dialetto nella creazione di identità nazionali. il caso della Lombardia e della Padania nella stampa leghista (1984-2009). University of Birmingham. M.A.


Allan, Judith Rachel (2015). Simonetta Cattaneo Vespucci: beauty, politics, literature and art in early Renaissance Florence. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Benjamin, Elizabeth Frances (2015). The authenticity of ambiguity: Dada and existentialism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Jiang, Jingchao (2015). 'La Méditerranée' in Albert Camus's early writings. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Merrick, Katherine Anne (2015). Compromising relationships: a study of the family structures in Balzac’s La Comédie Humaine and their on-screen adaptations. University of Birmingham. M.A.

Pike, Holly Jane (2015). No / bodies: carcerality, corporeality, and subjectivity in the life narratives by franco’s female prisoners. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Tsatsani, Georgia (2015). Intertexts and dialogues in the poetry of Titos Patrikios: from Greek antiquity to modern Greek literature. University of Birmingham. M.Res.


Carrasco-Marchessi, Maritza (2014). Masculinidades y Nación: una lectura alegórica del compañero en la narrativa de Antonio Skármeta. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Chalupinski , Beniamin Kazimierz (2014). L’italiano neostandard: un’analisi linguistica attraverso la stampa sportiva. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Hatton, Anneliese Felicity (2014). The construction of portugalidade in Portuguese literature and its deconstruction in Mário de Carvalho's Fantasia para dois Coronéis e uma Piscina. University of Birmingham. M.A.


Amin, Samina (2013). Gendered representations of the Spanish Civil War: the Self, the Journey and the Other in Silvia Mistral’s Éxodo. Diario de una refugiada española. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Paya Ruiz, Xabier Fidel (2013). Towards a taxonomy for Basque oral poetry Bertsolaritza. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Peters, Claire Isla MacLeod (2013). Le Paris de la mémoire: traces of the Holocaust and the Algerian War in the city of light. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Aloe, Carla (2012). Il 'Mondo Nuovo’ di Tommaso Stigliani: un ponte letterario e culturale tra America ed Europa. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Iles, Katharine (2012). Constructing the eighteenth-century woman: the adventurous history of Sabrina Sidney. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Marshall, Rosalie Dempsy (2012). On being West Indian in post-war metropolitan France: perspectives from French West Indian literature. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Picardo, Edward Nicholas (2012). The war and siege: language policy and practice in Gibraltar, 1940-1985. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Rincones Díaz, Rosix Emilia (2012). From Tristan to Don Juan: Romance and courtly love in the fiction of three Spanish American authors. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Bozkurt, Suzan (2011). The dichotomy of love and death in the fictional work of Teolinda Gersão. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Bru-Domínguez, Eva (2011). Beyond containment: corporeality in Mercè Rodoreda's literature. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Camilletti, Fabio (2011). Memory, the past and the use of quotations in Giacomo Leopardi’s Zibaldone. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ingham, Anthea Margaret (2011). Algernon Charles Swinburne: the causes and effects of his Sapphic possession. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Polydorou, Elena Maria (2011). The reception of Federico Garcia Lorca and his rural trilogy in the UK and Spain after 1975. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Standen, Alex May (2011). Re-thinking the victim: representations of gender violence in the narratives of Dacia Maraini. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Allan, Judith Rachel (2010). ‘Alma diva leggiadra Simonetta’: culture and politics in literary representations of Simonetta Cattaneo Vespucci. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Cooper, David (2010). From Autoroute to AutoBioBD: The minority voice in Bande Dessinée. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.

Garcia-Vidal, David (2010). Teatro galego e construción nacional: os Cadernos da Escola Dramática Galega (1978-1994). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Meachem, Susanne (2010). Women's actions, women’s words: female political and cultural responses to the Argentine state. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Ramos Caballero, Aurelio (2010). The Spanish Civil war in contemporary Spanish fiction: Soldados de Salamina, La Mula and Los Girasoles Ciegos. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.


Boothroyd, Edward (2009). The Parisian Stage during the Occupation, 1940-1944: A Theatre of Resistance? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Luckman, Rachel Anne (2009). Desiring myth: history, mythos and art in the work of Flaubert and Proust. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.

Sato, Kanshi Hiroko (2009). Masochism and Decadent literature: Jean Lorrain and Joséphin Péladan. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Fidalgo Mateus, Isabel Maria (2007). A viagem de Miguel Torga. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Thomas, Elizabeth Myfanwy Aurfron Beddoe (2000). The rôle of women in selected comedies of Molière. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.


Graham, J.B. (1968). El Conde de Sex (The Earl of Essex) by Antonio Coello y Ochoa - translated and edited with an introduction. University of Birmingham. M.A.


Platt, Peter (1957). English and French theories of tragedy and comedy: based on the appreciation of Shakespeare in France: with special reference to Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, The taming of the shrew, A midsummer nights dream, The falstaff plays, As you like it, Measure for measure. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Healey, Frank George (1954). The literary culture and opinions of Napoleon I. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.


Hatfield, Henry Arnold (1913). Etude sur les procedes litteraires de Bernardin de St Pierre. University of Birmingham. M.A.


Gibson, Frances Millicent (1912). Dickens et Daudet. University of Birmingham. M.A.

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