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Hale, Ethel M (1913). Essay on the Byzantine revival : 717-1071. University of Birmingham. M.A.
Pollitt, H.J. (1985). Theophylact of Ochrida : his commentary on St. John's Gospel : sources, methods and characteristics. University of Birmingham. Other
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Banes, Rachael Helen (2023). Scratch that: A comparative approach to graffiti in the late Antique Eastern Mediterranean c. 300-700 C.E. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Bayram, Rebecca (2020). Water and wire; A survey of watermarks found in manuscripts from the Ottoman empire and the paper trail between Europe and the empire between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. University of Birmingham. M.Res.
Bealby, Maria Aspasia (Marsia) (2015). Aegean-Egyptian relations (c 1900-1400 BC). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Brubaker, Jeffrey David (2016). Religion and diplomacy: the role of the Disputatio in Byzantine-Latin relations after 1204. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Chapman, Sarah Lynn (2017). The embalming ritual of late period through Ptolemaic Egypt. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Christodoulou, Eleni (2015). The politics of peace education in Cyprus. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Clark, Laura Marie (2024). Burials of the Byzantine Near East (Fourth-Seventh Centuries). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Clark, Michael Allen (2016). The Catena of Nicetas of Heraclea and its Johannine text. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Darley, Rebecca R. (2014). Indo-Byzantine exchange, 4th to 7th centuries: a global history. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Driver, Ruth Elizabeth (2014). Temple conversion and cultural, ritual and topographic memory in Alexandria, Cyrene and Carthage. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Duffy, Xavier Sean (2016). Monuments, memory and place: commemorations of the Persian wars. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Evans, Rhoda Jayne Nemur (2012). Towards a discovery of 'missing' voices: social forces and the police response to Malta's 6th May 1891 disorder. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
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Heath, Annabel Jane Elizabeth (2010). Ancient Greek Tragedy: a study on the nature of Dystopianism. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Heffernan, Gabrielle Mary (2017). Remembering royalty in ancient Egypt: shared memories of royal ancestors by private individuals in the eighteenth dynasty. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Hemsoll, David E. (2015). Studies in architectural and artistic imitation during the time of Raphael and Michelangelo. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Hussain, Neelam Shaheen (2022). Manuscripts & their readers: The Sirr al-Asrār & the career of a pseudo-aristotelian treatise. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Miynat, Ali (2017). Cultural and socio-economic relations between the Turkmen states and the Byzantine empire and West with a corpus of the Turkmen coins in the Barber Institute Coin Collection. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Mureddu, Nicola (2016). A barrier to be broken - change and continuity in the transition between Bronze and Iron Age Aegean. From the observation of burial contexts and grave goods. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Myers, Amanda Dawn (2016). Self-reflexivity and metafiction in Achilles Tatius' Leukippe and Kleitophon. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Novasio, Stephanie (2022). Searching for identities: a meeting of text and material culture in the Byzantine Life Course CE 1204-1453. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Pennington-Wilson, Oonagh Helen (2023). The tricky dynamics of laughter: audiences and comic performance from Homer to Stewart Lee. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Rickhuss, Claire Louisa (2014). Identifying the Theran wall painters. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Salisbury, Ben (2022). The Tribunate and public opinion in the Roman public sphere, c. 70-49 BC. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Savaget Nascimento, Pedro (2018). The Roman concept of \(culpa\): A contextualist perspective from drama to jurisprudence. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Savvides, Petros (2017). The role of Athens and the invisible factors that formulated the outcome of the Cyprus crisis in 1974. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Saxby, Michael Stephen (2018). Remilitarising the Byzantine Imperial image: a study of numismatic evidence and other visual media 1042-1453. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Sharp, Roger Stephen (2011). The outside image: a comparative study of external architectural display on Middle Byzantine structures on the Black Sea littoral. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Somma, Anna Lisa (2023). Donna con donna (woman with woman): representations of female-female desire in early modern Italian literature. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Tank, Helen Katharine (2020). Living with the rules: the rule of law and gender in Herodotus' histories. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Tanswell, Grace (2011). A documentation and critical reflection of my original script, “With New Eyes”, from original concept to its submitted form. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
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Varsallona, Jessica (2021). Palaiologan Constantinople (1261-1453): architecture, ideology, and patronage. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Wainwright, Lauren A. (2020). Portraits of power: the representations of imperial women in the Byzantine Empire. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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