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Al-Tarawneh, Alaaeddin (2012). Topics on financial crises in emerging countries case of Jordan. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Alobthani, Mohammed (2021). Branding the global image: filmmaking and complicating national identity in the UAE. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Aris, Stephen (2010). Central Asian regional security : Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ashbee, Elaine (2016). Educational inclusion for children with autism in Palestine. What opportunities can be found to develop inclusive educational practice and provision for children with autism in Palestine; with special reference to the developing practice in two educational settings? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Aziz, Rosdi Bin Haji Abdul (2016). The effectiveness of public service complaint management processes in contexts of autocratic governance: the case of Brunei Darussalam. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Cervasio, Chiara (2022). Reassurance through special envoys: the empathic de-escalation of security dilemma and status dilemma dynamics in China-India relations, 1986-2000. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Chalermpuntusak, Wararak (2012). East Asian (security) intellectual networks: their emergence, significance and contribution to regional security (the ASEAN-ISIS and its Japanese counterparts as a case study). University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Chen, Zhiting (2018). Governing through the market: SASAC and the resurgence of central state-owned enterprises in China. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Connell, James Astley (2017). Displacing the ‘authentic account': historical trauma, political subjectification and the overdetermination of Tibetan youth subjectivities and agencies. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Gao, Ming (2012). Pro-forma consistency: the construction of the relationship between China’s social organizations and the state in the 21st century. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Junanto, Deny (2018). The use of performance information in the Indonesian public sector: the role of rational/technocratic and political/cultural frameworks. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Koh, Germaine (2023). Secularity in the Singapore habitus: an investigation of the genealogy of secularity in Singapore from 1819 to 1990. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Lee, Chang-Gon (2015). Understanding the politics of welfare reform in Korea: a study of the National Health Insurance and National Pension Reforms, 1998-2003. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Liang, Ziting (2011). Incremental democratization with Chinese characteristics. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Lim, Regina (2014). Re-appraising secular-Islamic politics in Malaysia: locating the case for common citizenship. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Liu, Huaxing (2015). Why is local government less trusted than central government in China? University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Lottholz, Philipp (2018). Post-liberal statebuilding in Central Asia: A decolonial perspective on community security practices and imaginaries of social order in Kyrgyzstan. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
McLoughlin, Claire Louise (2017). When does service provision support or undermine state legitimacy? Higher education and processes of state (de-) legitimation in Sri Lanka. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Mohammed, Anwaar (2015). The decline of the military's political influence in Turkey. University of Birmingham. M.Phil.
Moorghen, Rooba Yanembal (2017). Institutionalization of impact evaluation: opportunities and challenges in the Mauritian Civil Service. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Norman, David John (2011). Interrogating the dynamics of cosmopolitan democracy in theory and practice: the case of Cambodia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Nyman, Jonna (2014). Energy and security: discourse and practice in the United States and China. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Okele, Gabriel Udo (2021). Constituents and parliamentarians: expectations of political accountability in contemporary Nigeria. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Putriana, Vima Tista (2016). Performance measurement of local government in Indonesia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Rachmawati, Tutik (2016). Public entrepreneurialism and democratic values: how might local public leaders pursue successful economic development? Case-studies from Indonesian local government. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Rai, Amrit Kumar (2016). Service delivery and accountability - the case of rural drinking water in Nepal. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Rezaie Yazdi, Mohammad (2016). Khomeinism, the Islamic Revolution and anti-Americanism. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Rifaldi, Bella (2024). Intergovernmental relations and the dynamics of local revenue mobilisation in a decentralised Indonesia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Roudo, Mohammad (2018). The influence of minimum service standards (MSS) to performance of local government to deliver services in Indonesia decentralised system. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Ruhyanto, Arie ORCID: 0000-0001-5749-4521
Building state legitimacy through territorial reform: Pemekaran in Papua Indonesia.
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Wahyudi, Muhammad ORCID: 0000-0002-1843-6422
The role of street-level bureaucrats in citizen participation: analysing the impact of the public comment mechanism on Indonesia’s supreme audit institution.
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Wang, Jianping (2009). The formation and transformation of local institutions within a community-based natural resources management framework in the context of transition: comparative case studies in Northern Thailand and Yunnan, China. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
Wang, Zhi Hui (2008). The impact of marketisation on higher education in post-Mao China, with case studies of universities in Yunnan Province. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Widodo, Teguh (2017). Performance-based budgeting: evidence from Indonesia. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.
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Zainal Abidin, Nuruljannah (2017). Designing sustainable city centre regeneration in Malaysia: the case of Kuala Lumpur. University of Birmingham. Ph.D.