Portfolio of compositions: explorations of genre within a classical idiom

Cogle, Joanna Marie (2014). Portfolio of compositions: explorations of genre within a classical idiom. University of Birmingham. M.Mus

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[img] Miniopera_mix_Cogle14MMus.wav
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[img] Out_of_the_overflow_Electronics_with_violin_Cogle14MMus.wav
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[img] Out_of_the_overflow_Electronics_without_violin_Cogle14MMus.wav
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[img] Song_of_Old_Age_Cogle14MMus.wav
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[img] Song_of_the_Daughters_Cogle14MMus.wav
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[img] Song_of_the_Neigbours_Cogle14MMus.wav
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[img] The_Lingerer_Electronics_Cogle14MMus.wav
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[img] When_all_around_is_fading_final_version_midi_Cogle14MMus.wav
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[img] When_all_around_is_fading_ums_march_2013_recording_Cogle14MMus.wav
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I originally intended for this portfolio to consist of pieces mixed between electroacoustic tape parts and live acoustic parts. The actual portfolio I have produced reflects these elements, but I have also found it helpful to write single media pieces to develop my technique in each medium. I also wanted to explore the incorporation of different influences within a classical idiom. This portfolio is underpinned by the belief that “the concert hall is open to the street”1, and is particularly influenced by popular, culturally influenced, minimalist and grime musics. This portfolio comprises of acoustic pieces- …when all around is fading…- a piece for symphony orchestra; Song of the Neighbours, Song of the Daughters, and the Song of Old Age- songs written for Lorca’s House of Bernarda Alba; and two mixed media pieces, The Lingerer Mini-opera- a piece for a speaking male, mezzo-soprano female, and electronics; and Out Of The Overflow- a piece for violin, piano and electronics. The accompanying commentary describes the inspiration and compositional process for each piece, and the accompanying CD contains a recording of the first version of when all around is fading and a midi version of the latest version, live recordings of the Bernarda Alba songs, and the electronic parts of The Lingerer and Out of the Overflow (with a second version of Overflow containing a midi rendering of the violin and piano line).

Type of Work: Thesis (Masters by Research > M.Mus)
Award Type: Masters by Research > M.Mus
College/Faculty: Colleges (2008 onwards) > College of Arts & Law
School or Department: School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music, Department of Music
Funders: None/not applicable
Subjects: M Music and Books on Music > M Music
URI: http://etheses.bham.ac.uk/id/eprint/5188


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